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Capricorn's Key Ideas: "I Use" and "I Serve" (Dec 21st - Jan 20th)

Updated on January 26, 2014

Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 20)

Capricorn's lessons on using and serving make a cold, slow winter blissfully worthwhile.
Capricorn's lessons on using and serving make a cold, slow winter blissfully worthwhile. | Source

Timely Lessons from Our Sun

Though Capricorn is generally recognized between Dec. 21st and Jan. 20th, the sun is now actually found in Sagittarius for most of this time.
Though Capricorn is generally recognized between Dec. 21st and Jan. 20th, the sun is now actually found in Sagittarius for most of this time. | Source

The Lessons of Capricorn

The sign of Capricorn is recognized beginning around the Winter Solstice through the middle of January. We are led into days of growing light with two key ideas in mind, "I use" and "I serve". Capricorn's key ideas and its three decan influences teach us how to use without abuse, and how to be of use without being abused. If moderation is key, there's no better time than to slow down and practice then in these cold, slow days of our resting period, winter.

What is Your Goal?

If you don't define what you're working for, your use of anything could be an exhausting, wasted effort.  Protect yourself and your time from being used up by defining your goals.
If you don't define what you're working for, your use of anything could be an exhausting, wasted effort. Protect yourself and your time from being used up by defining your goals. | Source

Know How to Use

The first key idea, "I use", opens many doors for examination. Who we use, what, when, where, why and how are all defined by the very action of using, and really not until then. As we build character in ourselves, we learn to trust ourselves to know that what we decide to use, and when, and how, is the best decision we know we can make, let that be that, and move forward. There is grace to be found here.

"Use" is defined as:

  1. to employ for some purpose; put into service; make use of;
  2. to expend or consume in use; and,
  3. to take unfair advantage of.

In order to use without abuse, the first definition holds the most potential. If we have a purpose, or goal, then the energy we expend in using something is put to efficient use. This is not necessarily the case in the second definition, as we can expend or consume frivolously and choose not to direct our actions towards anything worthwhile. It may be the case in the third definition, as we can take shortcuts in obtaining our goals and abuse what we're using, wear it out and not care of it. This is nearing the definition of abuse itself. So in order to distinguish between proper use and borderline abuse, with the aim of spending our energy wisely in stable endeavors, we must consider our use against another factor - servitude.

Actions for the Greater Good

Relate your actions to your ideals and big ideas, aligning your efforts with purpose you believe in.
Relate your actions to your ideals and big ideas, aligning your efforts with purpose you believe in. | Source

Know What You Serve

Capricorn's second key idea, "I serve", keeps our pattern of use in check. It does this intrinsically by bringing both an outward awareness and overall guidance to our goals. When we define what we serve, we see more clearly the box in which we and our future goal resides. It gives us boundaries, which in lieu of considering all the infinite options for use in action, can help narrow our choices to within reasonable, functional limits for our consideration.

Gramatically speaking, when used without an object, the word "serve" literally means to "act as a servant." By definition, without an object as our goal, our actions are spent in the service of achieving someone else's goals! But when used with an object, the word "serve" means "to be work for", and "to be useful". Suddenly we find ourselves empowered by the same verb that enslaved us spend our energy towards the achievement of our own goals. The key between being useful and being abused lies in defining that object - concretely, simply, and clearly. (For more on setting and attaining your goals, visit:

Winter is the Resting Season

Pace  yourself to learn from the events of nature, and rest well as the world rests around you.
Pace yourself to learn from the events of nature, and rest well as the world rests around you. | Source

Learning Patience from a Calm, Frozen Winter

Capricorn's key ideas of "use" and "serve" teach us to make choices based on the goals we choose. Having these lessons map out our decision making process saves us time, wards off worry, instills patience, and builds our sense of confidence. In this new year, and in celebration of our now ever-growing daylight, let us examine and reevaluate our goals: what they are, who they're for, and how they connect to our bigger ideas. When we become confident in our decisions, we free ourselves to begin building a life worthwhile.

Thank you kindly for walking this stretch with me along the sun beaten path,

Mama Small Oak


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