Childern are blind and ignorant thank god.
I sat in the hospital waiting room the appiontment was for my little 3 year old boy not myself
he isnt sick by any level but is autistic which is neither here nor there it was in the waiting room that i made a strange and beautiful discovery me an old man learning from a child.
It began when a family of nigerians came in to the waiting room with there sick child they sat and as with all health services waited like the rest of us for what felt like a life time when all of a sudden the children got bored and decided to play.All childern will find something to play with in this case it happened to be a table and some toys in the waiting room as well as my own little person there was the nigerian little girl a polish boy and an asian boy it was like the UN and away they played happy out not a care in the world and that is when it hit me all these kids all different colours and different languages yet it made no difference to them they didnt care all they saw was other childern.
Now strange as it may be the idea shocked me these different races all getting without any problems i mean i am not racist not even close but it takes me a lot of courage to meet new people let alone different races and yet here it was the solution to all the worlds problems no race divide no language divide no religion divide just get on with it.but it is not that simple is it?
these childern were both blind and ignorant blind to each others colour and ignorant to each others religion or culture they just got on...
Maybe if we were blind and ignorant the world would be a better place who knows but one thing is for sure childern all over the world have a lot to learn from us but believe me we have even more to learn from them step in their shoes for one day and see.