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People's Ethics and Beliefs about Food

Updated on June 14, 2015

The Future of your Food

As the society, consumption and production of food changes, so do our intake of controversial foods abound. When our forefathers grew what they ate, they knew beyond a doubt where their meal had been and was ok to eat. Now with the corporate farms, the high and mighty dollar and the will to make the very last penny as profit, any practice might be thought of as an easy money making scheme.

Back years ago, the market consisted of local produce, local meats and locally grown crops, but now, the consumable foods might come from countries apart, having very different thoughts of food preparation, handling, growing and consumption. What you may consume might just be totally different than what you thought, even deadly.

When the economy gets tight, the corporations will try to make more money and their money making mind might overrule their business ethics and morals.

What would you eat during a famine or monetary collapse? What did the Jews eat during the captivity during the Germany rule? They ate anything that they could to endure and to survive. The future of what you eat will determine if you will survive, have diseases, be healthy or die early. You have to make some serious decisions now.

Changing Times

Back in the 60's, the culture started changing to allow the invention and commercialism of grain as cereals, ground grains and grain products. This helped ease the burden of the ever increasing population and the feeding of nations. Now, the population of the World has grown to over 7 billion people and the increasing supply of needed food is putting a strain on the environment, society and the land.

New technologies, different patterns and advanced farming techniques are increasing the bounty of the harvest, but just one small mistake in the modified gene or altered plant could create havoc in the future crops. The earthquakes, the flooding, droughts, hurricanes and volcanoes all contribute to the continued bountiful harvests that the planet has become accustomed to put their faith.

The government, the corporate mindset and the lack of conscience of those in control put their thoughts into profit and how much increased profit they can achieve over last year's numbers. This comes back to the saying in the Bible that has to do with the love of money. It seems that when you put the love of money first, people and people's safety are not first anymore. How many fillers, how much tainted or cancerous meat will they put into the food that people consume? How much paper and chicken manure will they feed cows to fatten them before going off to slaughter? The morals and ethics of the people that run corporate industries are the same people that should have been taught morals, ethics and right from wrong while in childhood, but now, it is not attainable. It is now money and profit.

What actually do People believe about food ?

With all the religions, sects and different denominations of the Christian faith, people believe so differently that it is difficult to know that all these are even related to the beliefs of the Bible. So just what do Christians believe? The first of these beliefs will be concentrated in the Christian’s convictions concerning to food and for what they eat and drink.

Whether or not whether the Bible states laws concerning consumption of food and drink, Christians interpret the translations and literal conversions to mean what the person prefers to have it mean.

In the Old Testament, there were strict laws forbidding the consumption of certain meat and flesh, the preparation and that of food that was offered to idols. The New Testament basically says that any type of food and flesh may be consumed, but not offend the believers and non-believers. The Jews have strict laws concerning the consumption of swine and swine products. Some of the Christians are prohibited from drinking hot drinks, caffeine products, road kill and blood products.

Just how do Christians believe and why do they believe what they believe? Are the laws of consumption of food that are stated in the Old Testament still in effect for the Christians that are living today?


Church Building
Church Building | Source

Genetically Modified Foods

Now that the scientists have changed the DNA and RNA in food to combine different flesh to create a totally new organism and genetic makeup, are there any complications to the basic understanding to the religious beliefs of the Bible? If there has been a genetic cross between an animal and human genetic material, would it still be considered animal origination?

Scientist have now crossed and mutated the DNA and RNA of consumable crops, animals, bacteria and viruses. According to the Christian ethics and Biblical teachings, are there any references to consuming genetically modified flesh or food?

In Genesis, in the Bible, was the reason for the flood, genetic modification or DNA alteration? Did God destroy the Earth with water because people of that time altered the genetic makeup of animals, people and organisms? Will eating genetically altered DNA change the DNA of the future generations of people and animals or cause some unknown diseases to transpire and cause worldwide pandemics?


Temple | Source

Blood and Flesh

In Deuteronomy 12:22, it states that people may eat both clean and unclean flesh and in verse23, the blood cannot be eaten. In Deuteronomy 14:3-21 the Holy people are only allowed to eat certain animals, birds and fish. Each different type of species has a different type of DNA and RNA. According to Hebrews, the Christians are saved by “grace” and therefore “sins” are already forgiven for what the Christian may do. The belief goes hand in hand that Christians may eat or drink anything available, but not offend the other people, whether Christian or not. While other denominations have variations on these beliefs, the Old Testament and the New Testament contrast with the teachings of food, drink, vegetables, meat and flesh. One must ask why, if consumption of food at one time in history would be bad for the health of the body, would the health statistics of the nutritional value and the hazards of certain foods change from generation to generation?

All through the Old Testament, blood was sacred and was to be drained from an animal before consumption of the flesh. With the new world craving for each pound of meat making the most profit, blood is also profit. Blood is not wasted or thrown away anymore, but used in food and food by-products for animal and human consumption. The thirst for each cent to be made in the business mode, each part of the animal and animal by-products has to find a way to the consumer by way of the money exchange. What was once sacred has become the motivator for making more and more profit. Millions of dollars are pumped into research to find new ways of producing products from the once, non-usable, by products in the animal production.

Even the dead, diseased and unusable animal carcasses that have not been drained of the life-giving blood are also processed into usable products, including human and animal food. The rendering plant takes the carcasses, chews up the flesh and bones, blends, separates the oils from the flesh, bones and organs, then dries the rest.

Ok to eat a Dog ?

Dog for dinner ?
Dog for dinner ? | Source

Babies, Embryos and Fetuses

Some sects, races and tribes indulge in the culinary act of eating human flesh, babies and parts of the human body, otherwise called cannibalism. In the events of disasters, plane crashes, boat sinkings and food shortages result in survival techniques that involve eating anything available to stay alive, including other people.

People in China eat human embryos and babies as delicacies and for the thought of prolonging their lives. The people of the world crave veal, which are unborn calves up to about 6 months old, eggs and baby animals to supplement their diet.

Old Testament Teachings

So, what do people believe about their food intake? Are the teachings of the Old Testament still part of the law that the people should be following or can people eat anything without regard to the Old Testament? According to Leviticus 11:3, in the Old Testament, “whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat” shows that only certain animals are ok to eat. In Leviticus 11:9, “everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat” also shows that certain types of flesh from the waters are ok to eat. Those animals that are not on the list to eat includes the eagle, the vulture, osprey, the kite, the falcon, ostrich, the sea gull, rabbit, camel, rock badger, swine, weasel, gecko, crocodile, lizard, chameleon and the mouse.

It has been said that most of the teaching of food intake laws of the Old Testament had to do with heath concerns and preservation of life. Are our bodies in better condition today to ward off the same health concerns that put alarms in place during the Old Testament times? If God put these food laws in place during the Old Testament times, would God change from generation from generation to what would be good and evil?

Is it good health to eat Shellfish ?

So, What is a Health Conscience Person to Believe ?

In the Old Testament, there are strict rules and laws to govern what a Christian or Godly person is to eat, while the New Testament seems to give free will to eat or consume anything.

If you are a Christian, it may be ok in your heart to eat anything, offend someone that is watching you eat, harm your physical body or endanger your future generations. It seems that the Old Testament, in the Bible, gave guidelines to help people stay healthy and control diseases, while still keeping people's minds pure.

If you are a Christian or if you are not, what do you think of eating certain food, the health concerns and the future generations of people that might have after effects of the eating habits of today's people? What do you think of what the Old Testament and New Testament has to say about eating certain foods?

Goat Meat

Skinning and Preparing a Goat
Skinning and Preparing a Goat | Source

Meat offered to Idols

Do you think a Christian should eat meat offered to idols?

See results

Human Flesh

Do you think that it would be ok to eat human flesh ?

See results

Genetic Modification of Flesh

Do you think that it is ok for a Christian to Eat Genetically Modified Flesh?

See results

Crossbreed human-animal flesh

Rendering Plant

GMO and foods

Animal by Products


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