Christian Love
"Why is it that all Christians seem to think if you're not Christian, you're Satan's spawn?" EinderDarkwolf
I have to confess when I saw this question, my heart went out to EinderDarkwolf . I also thought I don’t want to touch it because of the controversy that it will cause. I am a Christian, and I am human. But since the day that EinderDarkwolf posted it, the question has popped into my head and heart several times.
First, to EinderDarkwolf, I apologize to you for being a coward about answering your question, and I also feel terrible that you have been made to feel this way or have witnessed others feeling like Christians have peg-holed them. My answer to your question is more of a message to Christians who make you feel this way, so I hope you see the logic in the words I write.
Help Me, Jesus Christ
Christians, I am not going to claim to be a Bible scholar. Just because I do not have book, chapter, and verse number memorized does not mean I do not have the Word in my heart. Here is what I know: Christ commanded us to “Go ye unto the world and preach the Gospel.” He said to follow the 10 Commandments, but He added, “Love one another as you would love yourself,” and “Judge not lest ye be judged.” He did not go around pointing His finger in judgment or dwelling on the sins of those around Him. It was not the time to judge. He told us that when He returns, He will come as the Judge, so step back and take yourself out of that place of judge and jury and do as He commanded. He forgave and He forgot and He loved no matter what the person had done. He loves those who believe, and He loves those who do not believe. Who are we to cut down a person who our Lord loves? He has plans for each of us, and who are we to stand in His way?
Christians, remember when the soldiers came to arrest Christ in the garden and Peter used his sword to cut off the soldier’s ear? Christ cried out to Peter, the rock of the church, “Get behind me, Satan!” Then Christ miraculously reattached the soldier’s ear. Peter had interfered with the plan of God. Christ had to go through the torture of the Cross in order to show an unbelieving people that He defeated sin and death. Do not be a Peter in the garden. Allowing your judgment to bypass God’s plan is wrong.
Christians Should Remember We Are Special Witnesses for Christ
I heard a preacher say, “I have to come to Christ first to assure my place in Heaven then I need to take as many with me as I possibly can.” Who wants to follow a faith with followers placing themselves as the Finger of God pointing out others’ sins rather than embracing them and saying, “Welcome. You are a child of God, and I am glad to see you.”
I cannot express the joy and blessings I have in my life because I have chosen Jesus Christ as my Savior. My wish is that everyone has the same joy and blessings through knowing Him. My message to non-believers who are approached by Christians is to look for these things: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control,” Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version). Also, understand that you will not see all these traits in each Christian, and you will not see a perfect person when you see a Christian. You are simply seeing a person who believes in Christ and tries to follow Him by showing love and compassion to others. Christians slip up. I know I do. I have bad thoughts and habits, and I have done things in my past I am not proud of, but I have hope in Christ. If I point one finger at another, I have four others pointing back at me. I have a personal relationship with Christ, and I talk to Him and feel His presence – what a comfort it is knowing He is always there helping me. I have the knowledge of His unconditional love and acceptance of me. I have His forgiveness and know He forgets. I know He wants me to forgive and forget, too. Whew, that is a hard one, but I do try. He wants me to see the person and not the bad or the bitterness or the sin. Again, not easy for any of us to overlook the transgressions of others whether we are believers or not, but Christians should be the example.
To EinderDarkwolf
EinderDarkwolf, thank you for asking the question. My answer may or may not be satisfactory to you, but know that this Christian believes you are a child of God just as I am, and not “Satan’s spawn.” May peace and blessings be in your life.
To Christians
Christians, I am sure some of you disagree with me. That is fine. We each have a purpose. I am following what I believe the Spirit is leading me to do. There is so much depth to the Word of God that none of us will fully grasp it while we are on this earth. He will enlighten us to what He wants us to know and do. Pray for Him to work through you, and do not override His goals with yours. Go into the world and share the Good News of Christ.
"Go Light Your World" by Kathy Troccoli
© 2012 Susan Holland