Condensing Infinity
Mike's Common Sense
Man's view of God really hasn't changed much in the last 4,000 years. Even today, most people's conception of God resembles Michelangelo's famous depiction on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City. There is God, often depicted as a gray-haired, bearded old man, and there is Man, created by God, but separate and distinct from God.
This sense of being separated from God has been used and compounded by the religions of the world. They have set themselves up as intermediaries between Man and God. This position has given the religions immense power because Man feels he needs a religion to connect him to God. Without this connection, Man has been taught that he will be doomed to an afterlife of eternal damnation.
It is time that mankind be told the truth. The consciousness of mankind has progressed enough that many can finally cut the umbilical cord between the Self and organized religion. Mankind is now an adult and can stand on its own two feet.
The only separation between Man and God is the wall each of us has built to hide ourself from God. The need to hide from God is the result of guilt and shame that has been hammered into us by the religions.
Let's talk about God.
In truth, there is nothing that can be said about God; to do so is to limit the limitless. However, since we are working through a human brain, we cannot comprehend the limitless, so I will try to condense infinity for comprehension purposes. God is, you are. Does that help? No? Then let me condense infinity some more for you. God is love; we exist because God loves us.
Since there is truly no separation between God and Man, does that mean that each of us is God? Because each of us has developed an ego in order to function in this world, that is not totally correct. It would be more correct to say, God is each of us!
Why is there evil and hatred in the world? Each soul has been given free will, and not all have learned the lessons of love. It takes thousands of lifetimes to learn through trial and error all the lessons needed to be learned before revelation has been earned. All of these lessons are about, and based on love.
That is why love has been stressed by every Saint and Savior that has ever come to help Man evolve. All you need is love!
There really is nothing else to say.
May the blessings be.