Confidence to Defeat Temptation
This scripture leads off with making us understand that Jesus fasted for 40 days and was absolutely famished, yet he was still able to resist temptation. If he could resist eating, after fasting for 40 days, you too can resist temptation! Let’s look at how he did it.
Using Scripture
Jesus resisted the devil’s advances with scripture. He had absolute spiritual authority to command the devil to leave, BUT he chose to fight with scripture. For every attack of the enemy, Jesus had a relevant scripture to shoot him down. NOTICE: The enemy also knew scripture, and distorted it, to tempt Jesus. This means that, knowing scripture is not enough, but we must also understand scripture in order to use it effectively.
Jesus had a specific and relevant scripture for each attack. He did not resort to quoting the same scripture repeatedly in hopes that the devil would flee in fear of the word of God. The enemy is not so much afraid of the word of God, as he is of a christian who knows, understands, and lives by the word of God.
Before facing this trial, Jesus had fasted for forty days. Therefore, his flesh was weak and his spirit was strong. This goes hand in hand with knowing and understanding the scriptures. If you know the scriptures, but your spirit is not strong enough to trust in the scripture, doubt will cloud your faith and compromise your victory. Fasting will help you to weaken and humble the flesh, and allow your spirit to have the victory!
Stand Your Ground
When fighting temptation, if the first attack doesn't bring you down, more will come. Do not let this discourage you, stand your ground! Notice that the enemy tempted Jesus in three different ways, and each time Jesus stood his ground and fought without fear. As James 4:7 says, "...but resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
© 2020 Kevin Sandoval