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Daily Mass Reflections - 8/10

Updated on August 11, 2021

“To do more for the world than the world does for you – that is success.” ~ Henry Ford

Today’s 1st Reading (2 Corinthians 9:6-10), paired perfectly with the Gospel (John 12:24-26), teaches us the importance of a selfless, generous heart and our need to sow bountifully so that we may reap bountifully. Saint Paul stresses that God so loves a “cheerful giver” and how he is quick to equip cheerful givers with all the divine graces needed in order to do every good work.

Oftentimes I will encounter a first time RCIA Sponsor or PSR Teacher who is fearful that he or she is not worthy or up to the task. Yet time and time again, it is those same people who wind up being the best sponsors and the best teachers, soliciting rave reviews for the work they do. It’s simply God’s grace at work. Or as St. Paul point out in his closing comments “The one who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food (God) will supply and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”

Jesus reiterates this point in the Gospel when he reminds us that “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also must my servant be.” He goes on to conclude that “The Father will honor whoever serves me.” This was after he taught by way of the grain of wheat analogy; one must die to one’s self in order to bear good fruit, the fruit that is eternal.

Even Saint Lawrence, whose Feast Day we celebrate today, underscores today’s message by virtue of the selfless and courageous life of service he lived. After Pope Sixtus II was martyred, the handwriting was on the wall for this faithful young Deacon, who was truly like a son to Sixtus. Before his death, Lawrence was ordered to bring the riches of the Church to the emperor. In response, Lawrence proceeded to distribute all of the Church’s assets and holdings to the sick, poor, and indigent. He then gathered them in the town square before the emperor and said “These are the treasures of the church!”

When it comes to a life of service to God, we must not hold back, instead striving to be generous, unrelenting, cheerful and Jesus-like in our generosity. After all, as the old adage goes, you can’t out-give God.

Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr, pray for us.


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