Dear God It's Micky Again
The Broom Wagon
MD: God?
God: Yes MD?
MD: Can we talk some more?
God: You bet.
MD: I have another question.
God: Just one?
MD: I guess we'll see.
God: Ask away.
MD: You already know what I'm going to ask and say.
God: Sure. I want you to know what you're asking and saying as well.
MD: So it helps me to physically ask and say what's on my mind?
God: Yep.
MD: Okay. I was climbing this really huge mountain. The grade of the ascent was horrendous. It was really cold. The head-wind was terrible. There were 62 mile an hour wind gusts into my face. I got to the top and there was snow, but more ice than snow. At the top the weather conditions were worse. The grade eased but the conditions made the difficult task slow and tortuous. After a lifetime I started descending. I was cold and miserable but I was able to put some pavement behind me. I started believing I was going to make it. I was cruising and making great time. I seemed to be getting "on top of things".
I heard a voice or voices behind me. I even thought it could have been You. I turned around. I went back to see if I could help someone. I saw no one. I made matters worse. People, maybe not many, were expecting me up ahead. I felt I let them down. I felt that I disappointed the ones behind, as well. Why did I fail? Why do I feel that I failed? What could I have done and what can I do? What is the riddle?
I'm old. I'm slow. I'm fragile. I can't do what I once did or what I was capable of. I doubt.
God: The riddle is this: You feel loyalty. You can't help it. By the standings of the "general classification" stats you're behind. Other riders seem way ahead. These are the standings as they are reported.
As usual you are concerned about the safety of all the participants. Don't be. It's all an illusion.
MD: God- I am my brother's keeper.
God: You have been. You are. You will be. You're an ex Marine, Semper Fi- always faithful. You want to be faithful, always. You want everyone to be better. You want everyone to get "there" at the same time. You worry that someone is having a mechanical or an accident. You can't be too concerned right now. They'll catch up. Perhaps they'll shave a corner or put out a greater effort.
As you cross the finish-line they'll be there. then look back for them.
Right now you have to keep going forward, into the same direction.
Right now you must monitor your resources. Conserve.
Pay no attention to the standings that are reported.
You're ahead, but, you can't help anyone by turning around at this point. Stay focused.
You will all get together if you maintain the best effort, but in the same direction into which you are riding.
MD: So the voices I hear, they'll be alright?
God: Yes, they will. I have a SAG wagon and a broom wagon sweeping the rear.
MD: Thank you Lord.
God: No problem!