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Death of Christians in the Middle East

Updated on April 21, 2018

Death of Christians in the Middle East

Christianity Under Threat

Christians in the Middle East and the state of Israel are similarly under attack, recently from the Caliphate and from western governments and organisations. While Hamas, the terrorist organisation that joined with Iran and vowed the total annihilation of Israel launch another violent protest against the Jewish state. Interestingly western governments, the United Nations, Europe, and Britain being among the most vocal in condemning Israel for Palestinian death. The tragedy is even starker as Christians living in lands formerly under the control of the Caliphate have been betrayed by many in these same Western governments and international organisations. It would seem that many governments pay lip service or totally ignored the tragic fate of Christians in some Middle Eastern states.

Churches - Media Houses

Among the many unconcealed duplicity that brings disappointment and heartbreak to Christians and Jews, is the so-called Christian churches in the west. Bishops of international renown who were often too indifferent to condemn the persecution of Christians in Iraq, Syria and part of Turkey have no shame and even dare to show their faces in public as representatives of the body of Christ to the world. Complicit likewise is the western media that formerly are seen as beacons of truth has acted as if they considered these Christians to be agents of expansionism who deserved to be purged from the Middle East and the Islamic world. These media houses and representative correspondents have always reported incidents between Israel and Palestinians has always reported from the Palestinian side of the dispute and often unashamedly vocally condemned Israel for the violence, while it is clear that Israel is struggling for survival under relentless Arabs attacks. This also while giving Hamas the freedom to attack a state that historically was banished and for many centuries kept from their lands by Arabic expansionism, Islamic unslaught under Saladin and the Ottoman (Turks) Empire.

Governments - International Organisations

The nation of Israel have to be fighting for daily survival and regular protection of itself against terrorist organisations and western governments that always lay blame at their feet. Complicit likewise is the so-called ‘human rights’ organisations abandoned Israel and Christians but, focuses on Palestinians death. Western capitals were not willing to give sanctuary to Jews even when Hitler was murdering millions in gas chambers. The same way these western governments was not willing to give sanctuary to Christians when ISIS murdered approximately 1,130 of them and destroyed or damaged over a hundred of their churches. The west is under indictment for the crimes of neglect against Jews and Christians.

Rescue Mission

Western governments must now and with speed launch a ship to rescue the elderly, women and children fleeing persecution or death. Respecting their human rights, to live where they want to live, have family and uphold human dignity and the respect for their choice to religion, thus allowing them to make their own life choices. The world should come together and speak out together as one against the atrocities inflicted against these Christians. Governments internationally should set aside adequate funds to help Christians rebuild their lives in the lands of the Middle East where they choose to live and where their people were and still are being martyred by Islamic fundamentalists. A similar cry must go out for western states and organisations to stop the flagrant unabated prejudice against the state of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, where dictatorships is common place.

One Human Family

There is but one human race, one human family with diverse ethnic grouping, that means we belong together, and should care for each other. So that slavery and death for Christians anywhere, is slavery for all everywhere. One man, one family, one Christian group, that is under persecution, or being killed, are in prison and without freedom puts all of us in captivity worldwide. Let the international bell toll in every nation, kingdom, and streets, for the upkeep and preservation of human dignity. We all should, wherever that we live in the world, East, West, North and Southern most tip of the globe, identify with peoples sufferings. Christians in many countries lives in dangerous situations, and even in Egypt that normally was favourable to Christians are now having their churches bombed. It is the same in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, they live in daily danger too. Western governments must face up to and address the plight of Christians, and do more than pay lip service. So whatever brand we choose to wear, we are global, we are international, with differing nationality - but we are one people, from the same parents - Adam and Eve, so one human family under God!

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