Demand letter to God for the welfare of human kind
The God
Cosmic World
Subject:-The people who is your creation is suffering from diseases, jealousy, self Centeredness, selfishness, feeling happy to hurt the heart's, not feeling good on seeing each other and to feel sorrow, loneliness, negligence at the time of old age till death. These stages are very painful. My demands are from all human beings. Please attend to my demands.
Demand No. (1)
When a person is in pain and feel helpless then it is said it is the fruit of its Karmas. Even that person is kind and noble. Then why this remark is given. How shall we know when there's no proof. Please give fruit of its Karmas at the same birth so that one can realize its weaknesses and improve its birth.
Demand No. (2)
You have created this world. There are so many people who are criminal tendencies and feel satisfaction in torturing and hurting other people. Many people feel jealous of others' progress and want to harm them. There should be some improvements in your creation. Improve or recreat the mind of your creation. So that they wouldn't involve in antisocial activities and do good for all.
Demand No. (3)
The people cannot share their joys and sorrows with each other. Because they afraid of their feelings of harming each other. Please make this type of creation that can feel and share their joys and sorrows with harmonious behavior on seeing each other's progress they feel good.
Demand No. (4)
Old age and old age problems should be deleted in your schedule. Make a person self sufficient that can enjoy its life. Especially last stage before death. You can call your creation not giving tensions, diseases and other unbearable pains and sorrows. If you have created this world you would be feel satisfaction on seeing your prosperous creation. Then why all these unbearable pains and sorrows.
Demand No. (5)
Flesh eaters, cruel and big animals in your creation eat the little sweet and beautiful creatures. It is said that it is for balancing the Nature and natural environment. If you have created this creation then why this destruction by big and cruel animals. One is other's food it is not the fare way.
To save your beautiful creation you should apply another method so that they can also enjoy their life and freedom. There should not be the jungle Raj. This torture and destruction should not apply on human beings and other living creatures. This should be stopped.
O God let we enjoy your beautiful creation with your beautiful Nature and noble path. Give peace, harmony and clear hearted persons throughout life till death.
Angels World
- (Demand letter to God (for the welfare of human kind) in English - YouTube
God is the creater of world so we can say to him because we have right to give suggestions or complaints him.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata