Does the act of Giving Create Wealth?
Giving, Taking, and Balance
One rule of nature says the act of giving must take place before any receiving can be expected. Imagine a farmer who expects to receive a harvest without planting any seed. Imagine a businessman who expects to earn a million dollars without first investing his money.
Being first to give of yourself has its benefits too. If a farmer is the first to plant his seeds upon fertile soil, the crops conserve his resources.
Giving and Receiving is not a Certainty
We must all realize that the act of giving will not always result in the anticipated reward. Some unforeseen event may interfere. A farmer plants his seed with the hope that the weather will help create a good harvest, but he understands he has no assurance this will happen.
Many individuals believe giving is an act that expects no reward, but the laws of nature and God give no indication of this. Instead they advise the observer to sow, reap, plant, harvest and anticipate a cause-and-effect relationship.
Are we Born to be Givers?
Each of us was born into the laws of nature and is invited to take part in this great adventure. We can sit under a tree and allow others to take care of us or we can begin our involvement with nature and the human struggle. We are all obviously born to be a part of this great struggle. Our involvement with the forces of life are directly related to our quality of life. We were all born to be givers to our fellow mankind.
This involvement will conserve the Earth's resources. This conversation is the pathway to humankind's wealth. It is the pathway to individual wealth.
Give to receive. The greater your giving, the greater will be the wealth that returns to you. You were born to be rich .
To give away your rights is foolishness and invites disaster. I don't know of any sane person who would toil at his job all week and then flush his paycheck down the toilet.
Be Selective With Your Giving
Rather than pray for a lucky number with your gift to the state lottery, you should work diligently for your rewards. Give to an enterprise that has meaning for you and will produce a harvest in the near future. Expect that harvest to be plentiful, since you very likely planted your best seeds, gave the crop loving care and nurtured it through many a blight and storm.
It is your right to reap the harvest.
The Bible says the harvest is yours to reap. Nature too has given every indication that engaging in meaningful activity will result in a golden harvest.
Mankind is expected to sow seeds wherever he chooses upon this Earth and to benefit from his efforts. Every society since the beginning of time has recognized this important balance and has created a tradition that allows every man to reap his own harvest. The greatest sin of all is not to plant any seeds.
You now understand that, for the most part, giving is not a random activity but is one of mankind's greatest endeavors. He has utilized this great law of nature to reap many benefits for himself. When you plant a seed, you are changing the world and are entitled to the rewards for that effort.
Instead of asking, "What's in it for me?" you'll ask, "What can I do for humankind?" Your fellow man has the wealth and is willing to share it with you when you can show him how to live a better life.
This article taken from Born to be Rich