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December 21, 2012 - Another Prediction by a False Prophet!

Updated on January 25, 2013
The End of the World?   Only God knows the exact date and time.
The End of the World? Only God knows the exact date and time.
Another false prediction of world calamity.  Nothing even happened.
Another false prediction of world calamity. Nothing even happened.
Hmmm...I think these guys know the Truth of God's Word.
Hmmm...I think these guys know the Truth of God's Word.
We are on God's timetable, nobody else's!
We are on God's timetable, nobody else's!
John describing the Lord Jesus in His Glory as revealed by God.
John describing the Lord Jesus in His Glory as revealed by God.
Depiction of the first 7 Judgments - the Seal Judgments
Depiction of the first 7 Judgments - the Seal Judgments
The Apostle John falters and is overwhelmed by what he is shown while recording the events in Revelation.
The Apostle John falters and is overwhelmed by what he is shown while recording the events in Revelation.
Jesus came to earth the first time to be a servant and sacrifice.  When He comes again, He will be King of Kings and Lord of Lord, the world's Judge and the Commander of Heaven's forces against Satan.
Jesus came to earth the first time to be a servant and sacrifice. When He comes again, He will be King of Kings and Lord of Lord, the world's Judge and the Commander of Heaven's forces against Satan.

End of the World or Complete Nonsense? We Know the Answer!

I am sure all of you have heard about the world coming to an end in December, 2012. And of course, since you are reading this...another lunatic predicting something he doesn't have a clue about! Many stories are being heard of people preparing for this upcoming disaster by storing food/water, batteries, fuel, guns, ammunition, etc. so when the world ends on that date, or any predicted future date, they will be able to survive. Certainly, this isn't new. Throughout history, people have been predicting the end of the world and, what do you know, we are still here. The last doomsday scare I recall was on December 1999. When the year 2000 came, all the computers were supposed to malfunction, etc., throwing the world into total chaos, thus ending the modern world. And now, STRIKE 3....2012 has come and gone and we are still here! People are so gullible and will believe anything reported on TV or some self-proclaimed visionary...but why won't people believe the TRUTH?

The world goes on, computers in 2000 didn't malfunction at all, and the nut who stirred all this 2012 garbage has disappeared from the public eye..for good I hope! All of this foreboding news and these predictions were a just a load of garbage. No facts supported this nutjob's claim! Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody knows when the world will end and be destroyed...well, I should say no human knows.

Only God, the Father knows the exact day and time that He will bring judgment on this earth and destroy it completely! Not even our Lord Jesus Christ, nor the angels know the date. The Bible clearly states this and anyone that claims to know is arrogant and is saying He knows something that God doesn't!

The Book of Revelation in the Bible clearly explains what God is going to do when His patience and grace run out. The earth will be destroyed, that much we do know, and the unimaginable horrors that will occur then are almost impossible to grasp. So much pain, suffering, and chaos will occur as God battles against Satan for a period of seven long years. At the end of that time, Satan and his followers (army) will face the Lord Jesus and Heaven's army in one final battle...the Battle of Armegeddon. The Bible already says who the winner is. Revelation is the book of prophecy, or future events as they will happen.

Satan lost a long time ago, when Jesus died for our sins on the Cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. When He rose from the dead, death was defeated and Satan lost everything. Even Satan is aware of His ultimate destiny, but is still trying to get people away from God and drag them to eternal doom with him. Unfortunately, he is going to have a lot of misled people following him to their eternal deaths. Only those that have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ will be saved and spend eternity in Heaven.

You may be saying, "If these events stated in Revelations are true, how come we know them before they happened? The answer is easy. The Apostle John, one of the original twelve disciples was given a great gift by God. All the other apostles have been killed or are dead. John is the only one left. God, in His Wisdom, showed John what is going to happen when God finally decides to take care of this wicked world. John, being just human like us, had great difficulty recording the events. He had no concept of our modern world, the machines, the sheer number of people, the technology, etc. Besides this, even communicating with God and seeing all the divine acts and events that were to occur just overwhelmed him. Just imagine yourself seeing a modern battle taking place with tanks, planes, warship, automatic weapons, bombs, etc. and just seeing normal everyday things, like cars, computers, electricity, and that. Not having a clue what all these things are, he was commanded to write them down.

John, of course, obeyed God completely. What he recorded in the Book of Revelation is how he described what to him, was indescribable. Destruction on a global scale. Deaths by the millions, rampant disease, unbelievable horrors from the Pit of Satan, and the demons, etc. Then, seeing our Lord Jesus, coming back with the angels and the believers who died before to face Satan in the final battle...then seeing a new earth and Jesus' Kingdom set up on earth and a glimpse of Heaven! Wow, that would overwhelm anyone, even us knowing what the modern world has.

I am going to write about the REAL, end of the world in several hubs. I will be covering most of the Book of Revelation. John did an amazing job writing down the events that will occur in our future and I am going to try help others understand it too. God wants us to know or else He would never have shown the Apocolypse, uncensored if I may use that word, to the Apostle John.

This notion and ridiculous idea that on December 21, 2012 our world would end was just a lie. God is the only one with the knowledge of the exact date, but, I truly believe that events happening in our world today are signs that our planet is about to enter its death throes! The signs mentioned in the Bible are happening and we are living in the final days. When the church (believers) are Raptured, the countdown to destruction will begin.

I pray you will be ready because the world will be judged, found guilty, and destroyed by Almighty God. He has been patient long enough and is preparing to act. He is running out of patience with us and will set things right! He truly is the King of Kings!


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