Dr. Steward HK's Master Nubiposh 2050
Cast Them Out!
Queen Nubiposh has the talent and spiritual gift of casting out demons.
Current Score = 400 points.
Queen Nubiposh has a Sky Blue Sword. Resolamb Masters enter the realm. Resolamb Masters. Master. Christians, Jews, and Muslims. I am going to try to live to be at least 130 years old.
Always keep the Sardonyx Jewel. Never ever let it be destroyed. Yes, a Sardonyx can be dark green.
Is your name in the Book of Life? The Master must decide her next move. Queen Nubiposh gets a call. The person tells her that her name has been upgraded. Her new name is Master Nubiposh.
Talents and Gifts
There are certain individuals who have a talent for casting out demons. Aliens are demons. You see, there are these weird snakelike looking people walking on this planet. They are a kind of reptile human thing. They are demons. They have supernatural abilities. They can float. Some of them don't have feet. Some do.
The Resolamb Cards are being delivered. Hopefully you do not have a computer chip implanted in your forehead or your right hand. Hopefully you are not becoming Transhuman. If you are becoming Transhuman, it is showing that you want to be controlled by Anammelech. You should be against nanotechnology merging within your cells.
Germ Demons
Nanotechnology is akin to germ demons.
2017 - 2020 = Second Step.
There is a 3 year time limit. Frothism has been a major success so far. The question has been answered. Aggrogine's king is King Clad.
Libya and Ethiopia will bow down and worship the Papacy.
Master Nubiposh wants to subdue and capture Anammelech. She doesn't want to kill him. Anammelech is a terrorist. Master Nubiposh has a personal grudge with Anammelech. He has killed too many Humans. If all goes according to destiny, she will capture him without killing him.
The 144,000 grow in Honesty and unbelievable strength.
Dozens Want to Know
What is Dr. Steward HK's official website? Which one is it? Dozens of people want to know. It is qwadvekt.wix.com/pain
You must save up money. You must decide your next move in this game of Space Chess. I am the creator of Dewjarls Castle 2040. Will anyone ever be able to defeat Dewjarls Castle 2040? It's imperative that the game is defeated before the year 2040 arrives. If not, things could go haywire really quickly.
Master Nubiposh has lived in her new home for over a year.
Dr. Steward HK Lar Lover
Master Nubiposh is using Humans as a psychological sacrifice. She really has to enter their brains and their minds. Once inside, she can connect certain neurons and dendrites so that Humans will side with her cause.
Infinity Tower 2050
Humans know that Master Nubiposh has a mission to rescue Humans from terrorists. Humans allow her to continue financing her Infinity Tower. It's imperative that she builds the Infinity Tower. If she does, then Humans will benefit. The taller the Tower grows, the more terrorists will be arrested.
It is your turn to Master Reso Froth. How will you stop the terrorists?
Master Nubiposh doesn't want to end up like Jefe Rioletto X. C Orphanboa III killed Jefe Rioletto X way back in 2017. The Key of Rill was crushed. Good thing about it is that Jefe wrote the word TIME in his blood.
Special Move
Even in death Jefe left us a valuable clue.
Master Nubiposh has finally perfected a Special Move she's been working on for years. Now she knows how to do the Parabeauty Slam without killing her opponent.
Master Nubiposh and her husband King Clad have been fighting over money again. They have a ton, so what's the problem? She threatened to kick him out of the Castle for 2 months if he doesn't shut up.
There is an evil woman. Her name isn't showing up to us yet. Somehow she is keeping her identity hidden. However, we know she's there. She is a witch. She states that she has finally mass produced the philosopher's stone. She uses the stone to create Transhuman Clones of certain Christians.
Master Nubiposh feels guilt for not being able to help Jefe. She reads that there is a special place in Wharton, TX. There is an old barn. On the side of the old purple barn are three slanted dead trees. There's an old wheelbarrow. An individual who correctly walks under those trees will travel through a portal.
Cozzaline Empire
The year is 2019.
Cozzaline has abundant Grasslands. Watch out for the crazy snake pits.
Debajine has abundant Jungles. Watch out for the crazy boa pits.
King Clad realizes that his Sword is very powerful. He decides to name it. It is now called The Prepclad. Ah, what a weapon! Diamond and Chrysolyte are both in it. He receives a letter from the ZionAncientz. Katy ZionAncientz at that.
Master's Degree in PREP FROTH
Awarded to
Given this day of this successful year
Regtamad Castle
King Clad is now Master Clad! He must proceed on to become a Doctor.
Sophdual is Dr. Gurmanaffe.
1 Peter 1:1-25.
We, as Christians, read and hear the Word of God. The Word of God is the King James Version of the Holy Bible. We listen to and obey the Word of God. What happens next? As a result, our faith in God grows. So, we then keep on developing our faith. What is the end of our faith? Salvation! This is when God and Jesus Christ take us up into Heaven!
The year is 2020.
The Assyrian is making weird fantasies happen. Twisted fantasies. He had silicone headlights put in recently. The Assyrian has been doing strange rituals in nature. He wants to own the entire world. He wants the conscience and worship of every single Human on earth. He wants Human hearts. He wants to destroy all of those who refuse to bow the knee to Baal. The Assyrian is sending demonic energy to CERN. Ghosts can be heard speaking through the CERN portals. The ghosts are demons. The Assyrian has increased his Agility and his Awareness.
The year is 2021.
Doctor Nubiposh wakes up. She has just been paid 50,000 gold shekels. Welp! Looks like she's taken care of for the next 20 years or more!
Queen Lorana tells Dr. Nubiposh that she wants a portal. She wants a time portal that will take her from Cozzaline to Katy. Dr. Nubiposh is almost finished building it.