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Easter Day Thoughts

Updated on April 13, 2012

Easter Eggs

My kids celebrate the fun side of the holiday and honor their father's memory with the pagan way of dying eggs to celebrate his life and life in general.
My kids celebrate the fun side of the holiday and honor their father's memory with the pagan way of dying eggs to celebrate his life and life in general. | Source

A Response Letter to a Confused Christian

Dear (Person who sent me greetings with a false idol message included- LOL),

Jesus did not create me. God did.
Jesus did not create the world.

This is illogical. How could Jesus create the world that he was born into?

God created Jesus.

"I am the Lord your God. Thou Shalt not have any other gods before me."
--Ten Commandments.

Substituting Jesus for God is a slippery slope. He was the greatest Avatar and spiritual Master known to mankind. He held the office of the Christ, the highest possible spiritual position on the planet. But he was not God. He called God his Father in Heaven. He called me his sister, you are his brother. This means that God is YOUR father too. We are not the bastard children of God, the forsaken redheaded stepchildren of the Lord, where Jesus was the "only son" that meant anything. Jesus was a man born to a woman. He is special, he is wonderful, he is my brother and yours. But God he is not.

Only God is God, Lord of all, Creator and Sustainer of all things and all possibilities.

Jesus taught us three basic things:

1. "Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, body and soul."
2. "Love your neighbor as yourself."
3. "Remember the Commandments, to keep them holy."

Please be diligent and ever aware of this, in order to follow God's plan for you, as told to you by your brother Jesus. =)

Happy Easter.


Reverend Doctor Alanna Fox Starks, D.D.

Some Further Thoughts...

I love Jesus as if he is truly my brother, a family member, if not more. Also, I love all the prophets as special people who really and truly followed God's direction. They heard the true inner voice of God in their hearts clearly and acted on this instruction, to the benefit of mankind. Their bravery can always serve as reminders and examples for us to act upon those inner desires and impulses from God to help others, to be of service to humanity, to love unconditionally.

Jesus put his life on the line to get the message out. In fact, all of the prophets risked their lives to help all the peoples of the world. They all loved God and all people. They taught us to love ourselves and each other. They showed a better way of life and of living. They taught a way that we could be closer to God.

From Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Jesus, to the Prophet Mohammed, (Praise and Blessings Be Upon Them All!), we were shown a way to live as examples of Love and Peace.

In the world, there are around 16 stories of masters being murdered then brought back to life three days later. The resurrection story is a common theme in many many cultures before Jesus was even born and this is a well documented fact. Are they all true? Is even one true? Does it matter? There is no evidence that this has occurred at all. If it didn't happen, does it lessen the message of Jesus? NO! Of course not. Many people think that the best thing Jesus ever did was to die. Forgive me for stepping on anyone's toes here, but I am going to die too. You are too. God calls all of us home eventually, this is not even of our doing. Please, stop focusing on the blood and gore and violence of the supposed murder of Jesus. The movie that Mel Gibson made about this subject had the highest number of incidents of blood, gore and violence as well as the highest amount of money made, and especially by Christian peoples dollars. Please observe that Jesus was a man of peace, of love. Stop thinking about how he may have died. This does not help him, this does not help you.

Please instead, dwell upon the beautiful example of his living love, his ever glowing Christ Consciousness that permeated his every move.

On this Easter Sunday, let's remember to resurrect our passion for loving God, let us allow the spirit and energy of the Christ Consciousness to work through us as we respect other people by thinking of their needs before our own today. And May we pray with a pure heart as we give thanks to God for each moment we are granted on this glorious planet school of learning and growing.

Blessings to all, BismAllah!

I love you all,

Mermaid Girl


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