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Endure the Tribulation

Updated on January 23, 2019

Endure the Tribulation


Bible References

For all those people who believe that Jesus will come back at any time, the Bible gives a time period to which Jesus will come back. This time period is After the Tribulation.

Many Christians have been taught that Christians will not have to endure the tribulation,

Matthew 24:29-31 states that the Son of Man will appear in the heavens “immediately after the tribulation” and He will send out His angels to gather His elect.

Mark 13:24-27 states that “after the tribulation”, “they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds” and “then He will send His angels and gather together His elect”.

Luke 21:25-28 states that there will be great distress in the world, nations and in the heavens and “then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud”.

The Christians are commanded to endure to the end. The end meaning till the end of the world as it is known or until Jesus’ return. According to the scriptures of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Christians will have to live or try to live through the Tribulation.

In Matthew 13:30, Jesus said that the weeds would be gathered “first” and burned and Matthew 13:41, Jesus said that the evildoers would be “gathered out of His kingdom” and thrown into the furnace.

In Matthew 10:22 Jesus said, “He who endures to the end will be saved”. Verse 23 states when they are persecuted, “flee”.

Matthew 24:6-31 Jesus tells about the end of the age and His Coming. He states all this, including wars, famines, false prophets, false Christs, earthquakes, death and persecution. He said that there will be great hatred for Christians and betray one another. He further stated that Christians would have to endure persecution and tribulation.

Mark 13: 7-13 Jesus told the followers that there would be earthquakes, wars, false Christs and famines that had to take place first before the return of the Son of Man. He told them that they would be beaten, bring the Christians to trial for Christ’s sake and be hated.

In Mark 13:28-37 Jesus told His disciples to learn from the signs, that when these events take place, the end approaches. That generation that sees these signs will be this generation that will see all these events take place. Then Jesus told the disciples to “watch”.

Over and over in the Bible, it states to flee from the cities to the mountains and the country because there would be great vengeance, man against man and hostility toward each other.

In Luke 21:36 it plainly states that Christian should pray all the time to have the strength to escape all these things that will take place and endure till Jesus comes back.

Acts 2:17-21 It states that people will dream dreams, see visions, will have events in the heavens, signs on the earth beneath, blood, fire, smoke, the sun will be darkened and the moon will be turned into blood “before the day of the Lord comes”.

1st Corinthians 15:51-55 It states that “the Last Trumpet will sound and the dead will rise and we shall be changed” where “mortal nature must put on immortality”.

2nd Timothy 3:1-5 States that in the last days, people would become wicked, thinking about themselves, become inhuman and haters of good. This further states that these people are to be avoided.

1st John 5:19 States that the whole world in the power of the evil one and certain angels have the authority to harm the sea and the earth. Rev.7:2-3 Locust like creatures are given power to torture mankind without the seal of God. Rev. 9:3-5 Rev. 13:5-18 The beasts are given authority and power to make war against the Saints of the Earth. The other beast mandates inhabitants of the Earth to worship the beast and demands that all be marked and not allowed to buy or sell without this mark.

The Saints are to endure the tribulation period, during trials and persecutions and keep the commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus. Rev. 14:12

God will send a strong delusion to make people believe what is false. 2nd Thes. 2:9-12

What You Think.

Have you been taught that Jesus might return any time, other than after the Tribulation?

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What to Do ?

The Bible says to be strong in the Lord and be able to put on the armor of God. In this way, a Christian may be able to stand against the governments, the evil doings of people, principalities of the world, powers and rulers in the evil day. Truth and righteousness, along with gospel, peace, salvation and the word of God will help fend off the evil presence. (Ephesians 6-20) (1st Thessalonians 5:2-10) (2nd Thessalonians 2:3-12)

The critical warning in the Bible is to escape and endure the things that are coming.


According to the Bible, a Christian is to pray, study, fast, seek wisdom and learn. The Bible also gives some key verses telling of the End Times survival for Christians. The Bible states very directly not to take the mark of the beast, not to bow down to the beast and not to worship the beast. Many people will be killed, thrown in prisons, come down with sicknesses and beheaded. The Bible gives the percentage of ¼ and 1/3 of the population of the inhabitants of Earth dying. When this is added up, it becomes ½ of the population. (100-25=75-1/3=50%)

What would it take to be prepared to endure the Tribulation? First and foremost, the mindset of the person has to be right. The will to keep going, being positive and the gumption to survive and be intelligent would have to the starting points. The government politicians, the national media and the religious speakers inform the public of situations, events and future expectations. How much are just lies, half-truths and fabrications to keep the public docile? Only about 11 percent of the population can reason and think outside the box to extract what is the real truth. The rest of the population has to be told what to think and do.

The Bible plainly states that all these things have to happen before you see the coming of the Lord and that the Christians must endure to the end. During 9/11, the people inside the towers were told that the towers were safe and secure, that there was no reason to be frightened and to stay put because all was not dangerous. Not very much has been covered about the tower number 7, which was not hit, but also collapsed, but the people inside all three buildings, if listened to their officials would most likely to be dead, crippled or maimed. During Biblical times, the government and religious leaders were always imposing cruel and harsh punishments to the characters written about, including killing the babies, slavery, crucifixion, jail and stoning. Just because the media, the leaders and the politicians pronounce an event, news flash, shooting or an alert, start looking at the reasoning, the political agenda and the brainwashing that are involved and the results might be found as false statements. People must wake up, defend their grounds and open their eyes to what is actually happening.

Stock Up on Food and Water


What Is Expected to happen ?

War and rumors of war


No peace

Widespread death

Scarcity and shortages of food and commodities


Heavenly/cosmic disturbances



Corrupt Government

Corrupt Churches and Religious Groups

DNA and RNA Mutations

Problems with the sun and moon


Strange noises





Burning of the trees and grass

Vegetation threatened

Objects crashing into the sea

Sea creatures dying

Ships destroyed

Drinkable water shortages






Economic turmoil

Evil and corruption

Bacterial outbreaks

Social unrest



Death…. Death and still More Death

Virus outbreaks





Breakdown of society and governments

Sulfur, fire and molten lava


Ice and ice blocks

Animal and wild beast attacks

Bible Predictions

Do you believe that the Bible tells of End Time Events and Tribulation?

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And Still More Expected to Happen

Breakdown of transportation services

Breakdown of shipping and trading routes


Hate and hatred


Sun and moon darkened


Powers of heaven shaken

Great fear and dismay

Sufferings and trials

Great distress


Roaring of the sea and waves

There will be dreams, visions and prophesy

Blood in the sky, oceans and fresh water



Mass killings

Demonic spirits


Pain and sores


Polar Shift

Changes in Weather












Problems buying and selling

Mark of the Beast




Government takeovers


Hardened hearts






Widespread theft



Jail confinement

Interment Camps

Dishonest Courts

Dishonest Judges, Unjust and unfair judicial system


Corrupt Government

Corrupt Churches and Religious Groups

DNA and RNA Mutations

Demonic Creatures and Powers

Spiritual Warfare

Mass Brainwashing and Madness

Paganism and Witchcraft

Curses, Confusion and Frustration

Boils, Ulcers and Scurvy

Continually Robbed and Oppressed

Enduring Poll

Do you believe that you could live through a 50 to 95 percent death rate in America?

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Stocking Up

History accounts for the civilizations growing and stockpiling of food. This is not only prudent, but serves to have the nation, people and genetics to continue. The nations who did not practice this stockpiling before hard times or times of drought, quickly found themselves in debt and enslaved to those nations who had accumulated food. The same went for water. Those cities who did not have their own water source within the city, could not survive during invasion or when their walls were surrounded.

Not much of the US History records the droughts, the plagues and the failures in the US, but many tornados, volcanoes, typhoons, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, extreme weather patterns have occurred during the past history. There was even a “Year without a Summer” that happened in the US, in which it snowed all summer and crops could not be grown. One of the biggest concerns on the world scene is the threat of E.M.P., which could be natural from the sun or one that is manmade. One E.M.P. bomb exploded above Kansas could fry electronics, electrical components, the electrical grid and devices coast to coast. In just a short time, life without electricity could easily generate death in the millions, massive looting, killings and commercial devastation.

The stocking up of vital food and water is essential for the survival of people, the community and for the Nation. Recognizing there is a problem, planning and acting to find solutions would increase the survival rate. First and foremost, do not believe everyone and the media. The Founding Fathers saw evil, corruption and greed and created a document of faith that would protect the citizens. The Bible contains the statements of good and evil and how each generation has lived through heartache, hurt and the return to God. Today is not different! Greed, corruption, deception, dishonesty, evil and deceitfulness are still in full force today. Lies and more lies are being told and the use of media, the lies actually become written truth.

Stocked Up

Do you have any stocks and back-stocks of food and water to last more than 3 days?

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Primitive Tools



The Bug-Out-Bag is a sure bet to help if there is any emergency that you cannot continue where you dwell. The BOB is a collection of articles and items that you must have to continue to live and survive for 72 hours. You must be the one to choose the items and each section of the country, the BOB will be different with special contents.

This bag should contain water, water treatment supplies, medical supplies, hygiene supplies, high energy food, matches, candles, survival blankets, flashlight, a knife, toilet paper, fire starting material, extra clothes and other items needed to survive. Many other items may seem beneficial and indispensable, so research and education are required to find the best suited items for you and the environment.

Other items that are recommended are: Magnifying glass, compass, pencil, paper, saw, antibiotics, diarrhea medicine, salt tablets, fish hooks, line, needle/thread, sleeping bag, survival books, axe, machete, guns, ammo, bow/arrows, slingshot, poncho, batteries, radio, CB radio, weather radio, drill, screws, towel, soap, washcloth, scissors, hammer, nails, screwdriver, tent, tarp, cups, plates, can opener, cards, Swiss army knife, Leatherman tool, whistle, garbage bags, Wal-Mart bags, rope, string, telephone numbers, checks/cash/barter items, camper stove, fuel, MRE’s, snake-bite kit, prescription drugs, spare keys, important papers/documents

Preparation Supplies

The Future and Enduring

The Bible has stated that all these things have to come to pass before the Lord comes again.

Jesus comes after the Tribulation and Christians are commanded to “ENDURE TO THE END”.

It is up to each Christian to find the truth, realize that evil, and lies are everywhere and when it is stated, “Peace and Security”, Christian ears and eyes should be at attention, ready to move, act and get going. Over and over, it is stated that during these perilous and terrifying times, a person might not survive if they are not prepared to move forward and have to turn around and go back for supplies.

Be ready at all times, have more than one plan, learn different skills, be knowledgeable, be educated and study. Be on the alert for lies and untruths. Ask for guidance, wisdom and direction from God. The time that truth become lies and lies become truth is here and evil forces are trying to undermine the United States. There are some Christians, Oath Keepers and Patriots that are not blinded or overtaken by the lies and are taking steps to fight the evil. Knowing the agenda and the plans of evil ones have advantages than not knowing anything. Do not be that frog sitting in the pot of water, slowly growing hotter, only to know you are cooked when it is too late.


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