Ephesians 5:1 - Follow God's Example
“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children” Ephesians 5:1 NIV
Short in terms of verbiage, but long on meaning.
dearly loved children: “children” requires that a parent exist. In this case, God the Father. A perfect and flawless parent as compared to I. It would follow that His love for me would be perfect as well. And being that I can attest the love I feel for my own children is beyond description, His would have to be defined as infinite and therefore beyond comprehension. The conclusion, we have an all-powerful and knowledgeable Father in heaven who loves us more than we can fully understand.
Follow God’s example: In my mind, this points to the literal example He set for us when He took on flesh. The primary purpose for that, to go to the cross on our behalf and pay a price we could not. In this way, He gave us an example to follow. That example, a fellow human in the fleshly sense, showing us how to love each other. No greater love exists than laying one’s life down for a friend. Even for a non-friend, as He died for all, including those who despised and despise Him.
My goal then, to be more Christ like. A tall order to fill, I will need some help. So, reliance will be on Him so I can become more like Him.