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Eric’s Sunday Sermon; Being Gay These Days

Updated on September 1, 2019
Ericdierker profile image

Holding degrees in philosophy and Law. Formal studies or certificates or degrees in business, theology, insurance and security. Ex-preacher.

Just a Picture

My son Brooks is such a great artist.
My son Brooks is such a great artist. | Source

What is Going On?

Now I am so clueless about Gay these here days. Is gay a turn of loving? I reckon since man has been alive people have been gay. I probably am one of the gayest guys that you would ever meet. But seems nowadays “gay” has to do with “sexual orientation”. I get all get all gay hugging my wife. Can’t gay just mean happy with who and what you are?

I am happy and in that I love my Christ I know how much he loved Peter and Paul and …. For sure I got no answers here. Gay was the good news.

And then they have this word queer. Well on my definition I is more queer than anyone I know. I think I read that queer is different. I just always thought of me as queer. My young son and I labeled a caterpillar queer yesterday. So different than others. Yet it was just a happy caterpillar with no choice but to be red. We kind of hid him/her in our tomato patch. Sunrise today and he was still there.

That caterpillar was a wrong color that would attract a bird to get it. Some random predator who needed to eat. I reckon I was thinking of being vegetarian the other day and I just crossed my legs and sat down next to my garden of plants. Danged but eating these plant guys seems wrong. Maybe that is a gay and queer thought. Do not think poorly of me I beg. But know I am gay and queer. I could go on and figure I would starve without eating a living thing. But I see little difference between a plant and an animal. That is crazy I know. What? A difference in humans? I do not get it.

My ex-wife Betty has a dog of 18 years. My young son, of a different mother, loves Betty and the dog. Makes no sense at all. So we just wonder what we love. I for sure love my elder brothers. Maybe we do not get to pick who or what we love. I am working on that. But until I conclude this matter in my mind I just get to love anyone who loves.

I need to make judgments I know. But the jury instructions have not clarified differing love yet. The judge has no ruled on any kind of love being wrong.

Brotherhood of "man". Hmm, What an Idea

Crazy Water Buffalo

They seemed to laugh at me.
They seemed to laugh at me. | Source

Whats Going On

Now I was listening to a song called “There Will Be Days Like This”. And it is not about bummer days. It is about great days that mom told us about. We will reference. I have not come to grips with “yellow” people. I lived years in Asia. They are not brown or yellow there. They are very white. Of course like me those who have worked the land are brown. But my wife insists she is yellow. Southern Vietnam and it seems to be a badge of honor to be “yellow”. You think that logic goes nowhere, wrong.

//// I break up here for a moment. Angelita and I got into a deal. You know what I mean. She was trimming bushes across the street. She is only an

82 year old Pilipino American who came to the USA via her boy/husband being a sailor for USA. We got all hot and heavy about our children telling us to take it easy. People/kids are crazy////

Gay and age seem to get similar treatment. Hmm. I just take from them. I drink up their joy of life like a cup of wine. I probably should give more than I take, but they give so much I am busy soaking it up. Funny but youth is the same. I just love younger folk. They bring so little strife or angry, they are just onto butterflies and that kind of thing. Again I take far more than I give.

I coached quite a bit in my youth. Some of those girls are lesbian. Is lesbian even a category of human. I think it is like race. Race is not really a science concept. So Africans are fast and Caucasians more smash mouth. And I think Alaskans more endurance. I think Tibetans are finer at mountains and Parisians better at culture. Of course there is no fine line. For instance I do terrible at all things above. Yet I can do all which is very queer.

Chickens are strange and cows are nuts. Cabbage is quite interesting to grow and onions on the gay side. Wait a moment, did I just say it that way? Time to check my inclinations. Have fun and laugh at me. I am so gay I do not care one tiny bit. I wonder today what straight folks are doing. What does “straight” mean anyway.

I Just Cannot Forget Love

A Good Hike

8 Miles of tough, 4,000 feet vertical
8 Miles of tough, 4,000 feet vertical | Source

Just a little about Love

I already know that you want me to get to the point. How about I do not have one. Hihihi. You know I do. What would happen if Muslims loved Jews? Well by golly jingles and sakes alive, they do. What would happen if Buddhists loved Christians? Oh my what would happen if blacks liked whites? This is too much fun because 99% percent of us do that. Our above reference to gay and queer and lesbian and what ever is to prove the point. We really do love each other. The .01 group of hate just makes the news. The news in my homes is all about the love baby.

Now I walked Mexico City DF with a bag of pot in one pocket and one of coke in another and a bottle of whiskey in the back pocket. Movies cannot depict my depravity. If there was an ugly man playing fast and loose with the ladies I would fight him up or down. Just imagine that. The fun was in the risk and fight.

The point being that persuasion never has made one difference to me. I do declare and reckon I got no call to judge. That honky over there has got nothing on me. I don’t think I ever did fight a man because of his skin. I am working on thinking on that.

I fought with big sister out of 3 a few times. She would make a hard rock seem soft. Still tough as nails near 70. Love that lady. Her husband gone away to death is still a best friend.

Perhaps old Eric has lost his marbles. I do not know anyone not worth loving. I just have this little “tumor” in my heart. It won’t let me know who not to love. Now that is crazy. I reckon I like crazy. I wonder if queer and gay mean crazy? Well with me they probably are in good company. I definitely have some weird streaks in me.

So we end up with labels. I think that is fine, we only talk in labels in the end. It would suit me just fine if you labeled me. I think everyone would label me differently but probably all would agree that I am not “normal”.

You are also quite strange. Wahoo!! Let us all go crazy together.

Maybe the only real thing we can actually share is love. We cannot not share that. I will see you on the other side of hate. Because I just can’t do it.

Love until your heart breaks because love will put it back together.


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