Eric’s Sunday Sermon; “How to Feel Well”
Is Well OK?
My buddy told me the other day that he did not feel well. He asked me how to feel well. Now that sounds a bit strange. I simply stated that I don’t know how to feel well. I have had so much disease that how to feel well hasn’t crossed my mind in 20 years. I simply do not feel well.
I feel GREAT! I just assume that dying, while I might embrace it, might be doing well. I am living and so every day is great. But his question got me to thinking about this whole fantastic idea of “How to Feel Well?”
By golly I never gave it a thought. To me, “well” is a dark deep hole in the ground to get water. Now do not get me wrong in all happiness here. My wife pissed me off well and good this morning. Well just a bit later we did our group family hug and everything was fine and dandy and well with our little family. I like the word “wellist”. Well fine, it is not a word but should me. That would be a person. “Wellest” would and should be an adjective.
But back to a point here. I do not do well. What to heck? If you can do well why not do great.
I refused to get a stent type deal. I told them to just put the chemotherapy in my arm. Well those drugs were nasty ass. So I signed up for a stent. Tubes going right into your Aorta or near. My arm did not do well on the first go around. But I did great. “We” reversed the advancement of a grapefruit sized tumor. Whahoo! Can you imagine in July they say maybe 4 months to go and by early September they are bringing in interns to marvel as those drugs are hell on earth but getting that job done? “Great” is living.
Now I have never not been loved. Perhaps having no love would suck raw chicken eggs and you could not even do well. In the past 20 years or so I have not met a person not loved. That formula is easy. I love them. I learned somewhere, I think during a murder trial, that everyone needs love. But more importantly that in order to do great I had to love. Go ahead and try to love a brutal murderer.
Buddies Call Me "The Good The Bad and The Ugly"
This Gal is Great
My Brother Told Me To Get a Job
It would be a humble opinion of mine that the weller you make another the weller you become. But if you do that enough you become great. Or is that just doing great? That escapes this pea brain. Grand is cool also. I like doing grand. Does that mean I am grand? I suppose not but I can feel all grand. My favorite place is the Grand Canyon. And boy hiking down 18 miles in 110 degree heat ain’t so grand at all yet it is great adventure as long as you plan well. These descriptive words can boggle a mind.
Check this one out; she is my great grandmother. Or even more cool; she is my great granddaughter. Why don’t we say she is my super well child of my child’s child? Us peoples are strange or greatly mistaken.
I have this deal with my God. Which for me is a Trinity. Fantastic. If stuff hits the fan I know there is a plan. Maybe a great big plan. When things are going great I know there is a plan. I am just one of those folks who are not just organisms but have a soul. That stinks and is great and well all in one.
So today I have issues. A big paver block fell off of truck in front of me in my little car and busted up my whole wheel. Bent it all up and took out the tire obviously. Today I get a new one. But here is the deal. Three blocks fell off. Two bouncing all around. I did some fancy maneuvering and only one hit my back window. Well you figure that is a bad day. But hold on to your horses. Easy as pizza pie one could have gone through my front windshield and I would be dead. Now that is funny and made for one great (and not well) week.
My wife was mad at me. She would rather I stay home and rot slowly. And that is great she loves me so much. My youngest gets really good grades in school. But he talks too much with his buddies and gets in trouble from time to time. Isn’t that great he is not a total wimp. I am no spring chicken and I took a nasty fall yesterday morning. I got up out of my sleeping bag too quick and got tangled up. As I laid there on the ground for a bit. I once again noticed just how great the Milky Way is.
You Are The Master
I Know
Love Greatly
There is this concept of tough love. I think it is overrated but I get the point of being brutally honest and insisting on not leaving until there is a resolution. My big brother pulled that on me. Into the wee hours of the morning we went at it. It was great that he cared and loved enough to do that. I am still not well from what he was honest about but it was good.
I really want my elder children to feel guilty about not contacting me enough and pouring out the love. They think my attempts are great fun. I was guilty of beating someone greatly that kind of got me in jail. I had a great car wreck down Mexico way that got me airlifted to a fancy hospital in San Diego. I was doped up and the ride in the really cool helicopter was great. I heard some old guy refer to WWll as the Great War. Well now I don’t know if I get that right.
Writing These Sermons
This has been a great honor for near on five years. I called them by different names until about four and a half years ago. It was my pleasure to find a group of folks that liked my preaching after I stopped preaching in church. Nowadays our congregation is well over two hundred people. I really like my Bible and Jesus. This week next I am going to go all Biblical on people. We are going to have a great time and I expect some great – maybe negative comments.
But get this, I got nothing or maybe I do. Facebook. Now I do understand that many get all angry there. We do love there and get it back. Maybe that is cool. Maybe if you pour out love it gets poured back. Now how can that be well? That is just plain great. We need to stand for something or we will fall for anything.
Let us wrap this crazy sermon up. I promise you and would lay down my life to you. But you have to stand for love. Stand up and be counted among the loving and I will never do well again, I will do great with you.