Eric’s Sunday Sermon; “I Got Nothing Here, Soldiers, Vietnam”
The Battle
Seems that somedays I got not nothing but I figure I just thought about Vietnam soldiers. Sorry but I think of both Vietnam Soldiers and pray. My father was a soldier in Vietnam. My friends are still there being soldiers in Vietnam. Makes little difference what side my friend Soldiers in Vietnam they gave their life for. I know Vietnam Soldiers from Hanoi to Da Nang to Saigon. Tough folks, tougher than me by a mile.
Some folk think we lost that war as America. Well they would be completely wrong. We infected that area. Literally socially infected it. Our virus took time to make a killing. The death and carnage sure was horrible through the plague of war. But the plague was not extinguished. It grew and grew. Sometimes the plague takes time to let old men die. The plague was not communism. The dang plague was freedom.
The first antidote was a national independence. But it did not cure. The second antidote was time. And as most people do not understand is that the third was repelling an invasion by the Chinese. Huge armies in the North. Vietnam won. A country the size of California repelled and established a freedom from the horrible notion of being overtaken by the huge China. As they did the full United States.
Now that is courage never seen in the world. So many lost and healing never occurring until 30 years later. I reckon the old men died but for some crazy reason the younger held no rancor. In all the world time this has never been seen. Maybe the USA with Britain? I in my expertise would maybe include Mexico and the USA. Close. Maybe the USA with Native Americans. Perhaps East and West Berlin. Probably not Democrats and Republicans. But was Lincoln a “democramate”?
I simply know that through all shit folks can love and make moves to heal wounds. Just perhaps my wife and I fight. Certainly not physically. That would be really yucky. I can’t even think there as it would give me ugly puking. Physical battle within a home would make it not a home, yes? Don’t know I have never been in such an ugly place.
A friend told me not to be so “pussy whipped”. I asked him how long his 3 marriages lasted. And if he was friends with his ex-wives. Of course the answer was not good. The only battle won is one of love. I think is my quote.
Just Seemed Appropriate
Never Seen A Moon I Did Not Like

Turns Of Life
Don’t really want to know about war. But I have been there a couple of times. Check it out. I would shoot like nobody could. I have never seen a foxhole I did not like. I shot like hell. I got them all. I took them all. You should have seen me in Africa. Another place I cannot mention but just say Asia.
Ha ha ha you think I mean guns. Nope. I was contracted with a group. An agency with initials. They just paid me. I am not sure about the source as I got paid cash. Something about what I did was for politics. Yes you probably have guessed I shot photographs. No it was cool, I got a got a gun and a helmet. And I got cool clothes. Oh sure I took photos of the enemy but more of our dying men. Most real bad quality. As you can imagine flash was not allowed. Way back before cellular.
I was living in France – again – no more information. But got shipped around. Crazy stuff. I got accepted to the Naval Flight Academy because of an endorsement from a man named Barry Goldwater. I think just because I hiked with him in the GC. But thank goodness the “war” got cancelled so did my enrollment. But that got me in the link. Oops.
You do not have wanted to have visited the “Congo” in that time. But be clear under Jimmy Carter we were not there. Just an old man’s ramblings. Maybe it was Libya. Just a one year tour. Thank our Lord. Funny the things that make you appreciate life more after seeing death. I never saw the “killing” fields but understand it was just horrible and that there are photos of such horrific killings. The folks who went in there must have must have been crazier than a rabid possum. Thank goodness not me.
I wonder what needs to be done to get aid to earthquake victims. I think back then it was photos. Maybe a someone needed to take them. I don’t do much current photos these days. Not even my son. I just had a rebirth not to publish or share anymore.
My little buddy takes them and sends them off to his brother and sisters and his mom. Cool.
Sister And Brother

My Elder Son Can Do This?
Tough Love
So how does love fit into this? I get to forget.
There is a deal with us weirdos who recall exact. We do spaces. Some like houses. I like canyons. But you put certain memories in certain places/spaces where you can recall them by mentally walking back through there. Talk about strange and wacko? I would not impose this on anyone. Our mind gets clogged and a bit skewed.
I do not do words. I do feelings. Words and technical bore me and just do not sink in. I think I have a dumpster for them. I write out lists and necessary citation from the Bible to the Constitution to cases to Buddha. I just do not store them upstairs. I can store some words. Visual perceptions. Fun. Interactions but I need to write down other stuff like what to shop for.
A disability I suppose of a sort. How many sermons or closing arguments in trial I cannot even count. Over 300 in both matters. I never once read notes. Like I said a disability of sorts. Isn’t that strange. I have never used a microphone. Don’t and never have needed one even in front a 300 person congregation. My voice carries.
So my point gets back to love. I have always loved what I do. That love resonates. It does not require microphones or script. You simply express love. Love amplifies your voice and references that which is important. Without citation.
The plain and simple truth is that we are born of love. I was born of a situation where my birth mother was not loved. Just a fact. Alone. My mom and dad of adoption took her into their love. Born defective – 2 months in the hospital after birth was my lot. Never looked back. Covered in love and giving it. I found the only thing that is valuable. And that is love. So big deal I have cancer. It is covered. Life is coveted.
Can you imagine loving having cancer? Well just kick back and get it. That damned disease makes you appreciate everyday more. I do not take one moment for granted. I am thankful. I am grateful for minutes. I only regret that I do not have more love to give. And that transfers to others.
Now do not get me wrong. I loved to fight. Lose I did a lot of. You get to a point where winning and losing are loved just the same. I got nothing there. Take a look at my life and I have probably lost more than gained.
But in the end I have gained love so I have come out a winner.
That's a Wrap
Love can betray but loving never does.