Eric’s Sunday Sermon; Unholy Ghosts and the Trinities
Saigon Before the Rush
Three Times One
The concept of ghosts is interesting. I think of the ghost thing a bit. My young son speaks of ghosts. The most interesting maybe is our own ghosts from the past. For sure the notion of the Holy Ghost is really cool.
They set up this thing called the Trinity. It is a three in one deal. So you have God and you have Jesus and you have the Holy Ghost all rolled into one. Come on, get serious, how could that possibly work? And the answer is my most favorite in all of philosophy and theology. The answer is most clearly that it is a mystery that has not been answered since the dawn of man. Now find something more amazing.
Oops most people would not care a bit about that.
But we can have a blast loving all trinities. We can make a trinity about anything or any action or any fact or any….
First just call Eric a ghost. Not in my death but in my coming back from it. They have what they call paddles. Funny name. So your heart stops and you can start it back again with these electric paddles they put on your chest. Yours truly here is trained in them and gets retrained every year.
It is righteous, you get a AED/CPR certificate. AED stands for “Automated External Defibrillator”, and CPR stands for “cardio-pulmonary resuscitation”. And the trinity is compression and tunicates to staunch severe bleeding from a severe cut to arteries and veins. My situation comes from living where an ambulance maybe cannot reach you.
Now having to do it in the real is not fun. But it goes like this. Stop the bleeding, start the heart and start the lungs. Most of us never think of that trinity. Strange that I have never used the full trinity. Two once. One more than once.
My eldest brother is a certified Wilderness EMT instructor which the full life saving techniques used when there is no medical help in sight or access. (Emergency Medical Training) Or we can go trinity. An emergency, a medical life threatening condition and being trained how to handle it.
Let Us Agree That This Is Pretty
Well Sometimes More Than 3
I Did Good Once
Here is one to appreciate in order to be successful. Boot up, show up and look up. Or be properly dressed, be on time and keep positive.
This is interesting for a fall from a ladder or such. Scream hard, get your feet under you and tuck and roll. Perhaps that is one of the funniest but would prevent so many elders from disability. Scream; someone hears your distress and it gets the air out of your lungs so the impact does not damage your lungs. Feet; better you break legs than a back or hip. Tuck and roll lessens the power of impact and disperses body weight. That is a trinity.
There is one most people do not like anymore. But I try to practice it. Try to teach your children the notion I suggest. Love, honor and obey. This old preacher would never fall in love with an idiot. (I do not mean not to love an idiot) But to be in a matrimonial love requires, for me some intellectual level. So if my wife is sure and commands something I honor and obey that. A trinity in faith in each other.
Wash yourself, brush your teeth and groom. Perhaps this old gent has never been that good at that trinity. Shucks I would rather sleep in dirt than my bed. My poor family.
Mind, body and soul. Take good care of all of those three.
Here is one most do not think about. Love another as you would love yourself. Love, another and yourself. My young son and I try to attach verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns to that along with commands, suggestions and practicality. It is at least a triple but maybe a quintuple. And maybe a quintessential. Makes your head spin.
Writing something for dissemination is for sure at least a three punch. A muse (is that a holy ghost) A subject and the courage to put it out there. I do just fine with the first two but that finishing the trinity is brutal.
Gather, wash and rinse. Yes dishwashing is a three deal.
Buckle up, start up and look up. Yes driving is some sort of threesome and I add “pray up” and shut up. (I hate distracted driving)
I do not like sort and wash and fold.
Cut, rake and water is good by me.
Create, create and create I repeat at least three times daily.
Hugs are at least a trinity deal.
Hmm, I gave up three meals a day but for most that is a smart idea.
This guy practices the three in one concept of love. Love God, Love in general and love myself. Just basic survival mode for me.
What Was I Thinking?
The Pageantry is Amazing
Look Inside and Not Over Here
This is a really cool notion. If you do all of the above in love your foundation is built with a good base, with strong walls and a fine roof. You get to stand firm, be protected and you are covered in love. I believe there are Bible concepts regarding such along with some Shinto teaching.
If you get up in the morning and pray, read and meditate chance are real good you will and a good day. I would declare that if you do that trinity before bed your sleep will be beneficial.
It would please this old preacher if you like this, got something from it and you think about it. What a wonderful trinity that would be.
Most people do not know that paring of wine requires at least a trinity for a “proper” meal. I go with a hefty sherry for desert. I like a light white for appetizers and a deep red for the main course. But I love my meats, salads and soups. Yes those are silly trinities but they are.
So what up with that? It would appear that most folks with any knowledge just assume that “trinity” is owned by Christians. OK I can live with that. I have a Mind, Body and Spirit. So I do a “think” thing and then I do a “step up and get her done Dierker” and then I get way into it with all I got or I sit out that inning. //Admission – I have sat out a bunch of innings//
How do I love all my peoples and I think there are billions. The answer there is like that “Holy” mystery. And the backward question is even stranger. How in craziness do I get most of their love? Wow! Love is my everlasting mystery. How does it work in a triple play?
Could be that love conquers hate, apathy and sloth? I have studied this since 1976 and cannot answer this mystery. Oh for sure my good friends I can pose this question worthy of any philosopher. But I cannot answer it with good solid truth.
Oh I do not mean I cannot answer it for me. I mean I cannot answer it for you. It seems so clear to me that the trinity of love, love and more love is the answer to these trinity question.
But maybe you see it different. Isn’t that just plain grand? Our love of life gives us different answers.
I am so blessed I get to write here and people will give me their writings. It is possible that is the trinity; Give, express and receive. Don’t know.