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The Sexy Gods, Eros and Cupid, Can Boss Us Around and Deliver Pain. With Conscious Self Mastery, Can We Gain Real Joy?

Updated on May 30, 2020
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Christofer spent 10 years in family counseling. Later he obtained a Psy. D.. His focuses: Health, History, Astrology, Politics and Fables

From Our Basic Beginnings, the Ancients Saw Lusty Animalism in us!

Greek Eros, Roman Cupid

Perhaps in the transformation from Eros to Cupid, there is a hidden secret to our human challenge.

It is easy to think of erotic love in Valentines Day terms. Pretty cards, sweet sex, holding hands and cuddling.

All of the warm Fuzzy aspects of erotic love tend to keep us in a kind of Juvenile Fixation over its Awesome Potential.

Perhaps it is the "will of the gods" that we are so terminally foolish about the most Deeply Destructive and Powerful of Human Activities!

The Greeks' Eros, The Romans' Cupid

Eros was a lusty Greek god, and then by the time he made it around the Adriatic Sea, he evolved into chubby little cute Cupid.

Caution is not a word that goes with Eros and Cupid. It makes "Sweet Victims" of us all.

It doesn't bear pondering because it is so darned powerful. But you know, it really does bear pondering. We need to respect what this process is all about, because it affects eating, sleeping, thinking, thriving, behavior, finances, morality and whether we can stay sober.

Sexual Power Transforms Us

Put a few years on a pubescent boy, and the internal juices turn into psychological agendas. The Jews believe in marriage for lots of reasons, but a chief practical one is that a man is not worth much to society or his family if he is single for too long., We don't need to argue that one, but there is an age old issue at work. Eros and Cupid use sexual drive to transform the life of an individual. It's so powerful it starts when we are young, and continues through our vitality.

Hard Case - Mac, the Mechanic

Mac let Bourbon make him constantly irritable and just a bit edgy all the time. Going straight meant being a mechanic. He was a "Hard Case" by any standard. Eros walked into the bar on a sleepy Saturday afternoon. Her eyes flashed, and he saw something in her that made him grin. Nothing like that had ever happened to Mac before. She was his answer. She was single going to school and had principles; and a young daughter. He immediately stopped getting into fights. She converted his booze from Bourbon to beer. He started baby sitting, no less. He paid off his bills and really cleaned up his place. Bought a new couch. Tossed the dirty soiled one with too many smells on it.

Then she demanded he replace his Ford F-150 so they could properly carry the kid. He saluted. They made a great couple sitting in the back pews on Sunday mornings. He put on a tie for the first time in his life. His best quote to his sweetheart on their wedding day was: "The idea of "mechaniking" for the rest of my life aint so bad. As long as we are together."

Player #2 - James the Salesman

James had everything going for him. Great job, stable career, excellent wife and three kids. Sales were hot. The recession was actually good for his stable product. But he was a "player". His 17 year old act was still going strong at 39. It was the one thing that was noticeably negative about him. Like one part of his psyche was always in flirtation mode.

Suzy was full of her womanhood. She loved being who she was. She wanted what she wanted, and if she was on the rebound, she had scanning eyes. This did not make her bad, but Eros has a way of picking the right characters for the proper tragedy. Players may only love you when their playing, but James lost his way, fooled around and fell in love.

Some would say it was a fitting conclusion, but when it comes to Eros, its hard for any of us to judge. The story is not over, but the chapter is. The "Profoundest Hell Controlled" -- James crawled his way to his next transition.

Workaholic #3 - Female or Male Exemplar - "Jody" or "Judy" Sexual Inclination or Taste

Not just cold, distantly frosty. Jody was a runner and a very comfortable successful accountant. He had a crew of young aspiring employees for his solid CPA LLC. Jody only stayed up late during tax season and Jody's vacations were trips to big cities to tour museums, or remote mountain settings to run and breathe in nature. Yes, of course, Jody / Judy was single. Success has a way of covering up gnawing weaknesses from the Self. Successful people are often extremely outwardly happy, because their "emptinessnesses" can be filled with self-reinforcing bunting and material acoutrements.

Gender or Sexual Interest still Rule.

Jody or Judy found a John and the story is a daily one. Romantic tales can be drawn, back and forth. We all know these stories can be serpentine and manifold. Gay or Lesbian, the stories are governed by the human drives for Passion and Security.

Handle With Care

What Cervantes understood was there is nothing that is like Eros. Sweet, dynamite, killing, transforming, exhausting, distracting, miraculous, stupefying, fulfilling, wondrous and life-changing.

Handle With Care

For the good, the bad and the in between. About the best recommendation you can get is "handle with care". Be conscious and care about yourself and your partner. Use your mind, while you are using your body. The study of couples and matchings is much of what astrology pretends to do. It is not exact. Psychology, therapy and plain old maturity all have much to offer. Eros causes so many individual tales that all the tales can't be told.

The Wonder of it All - "Getting Along" is Work And Its Worth It

No matter who we are, there is a way for Eros to work positively in your life. But there are no promises. That's what makes our paths so wonderfully human.

Sexual Interest, "Life Style", Religious Ties, Ethnicity and those things that make us unique ALL GO TOGETHER, to work it out with Cupid and Eros

"Eyes wide open" is a phrase that is meaningful. If you get on a roller coaster, the way to really cheat yourself is to close your eyes. Why even take the ride? Why pay the fare? Ultimately a fulfilling romantic life is a balm. It is a soporific. It is a dessert and a feast for the fullness of your life. It can be a wonder. And if its less than a wonder, its still better than skin-whitening, gut-wrenching emptiness. Eros can tell you that.

My Name Is Love

My name is Love, supreme my sway.

The greatest god and greatest pain,

Air, earth, and seas, my power obey,

And gods themselves must drag my chain.

In every heart my throne I keep,

Fear ne'er could daunt my daring soul;

I fire the bosom of the deep,

And the profoundest hell control.

(Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, Part II, Chapter XX).

Eros and Your Stars

© 2010 Christofer French


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