Everything Happens for a Reason
Believe it or Not
Growing up my mom always told me that everything happens for a reason. I never believed her more until now. There are many things in life that make you question why it happened, what the reason was behind putting you through all of that; if you look hard and really analyze the events leading to where you are today you may see the answer to that question, though not always apparent right away but days, months, years down the road you should be able to look back and say that you understand why.
I want to share something personal that made this concept more apparent to me than ever before. I was dating someone who I know now was all wrong for me. All the while my parents marriage was falling apart. You could see how much it hurt my mom to go through what she was going through and I was powerless to help her. Eventually my parents divorced and mom was torn to pieces, she fell into depression. Years later I got pregnant and though she was happy she was still hurting, divorced, on her own alone and laid off she was doing all she could to hold it together. At the time I couldn't understand why this was all happening. Almost two years later I left the man I was with because it had become unbearable and after the heartbreaking incident that happened to my daughter I said enough. I very shortly later found my now husband by sheer happenstance. During this time little did I know my mom was falling further from me. The more time I spend with this new man the worse mom seemed to get. She hid it well but I knew something was not quite right. 6-months and several scares later she passed by her own accord. I of course was completely devastated and could not grasp why on earth she would be taken from me. Remembering the words that she always told me; "everything happens for a reason", I was able to reflect and see that had she continued to stay on this earth it would have hurt the little tiny memory that my daughter had of her and the image I had of her. It would have severely strained the relationship I had just started and caused undue stress on everyone. The universe decided it was her time and though I miss her so darn much if things were to continue I would not have these same feelings toward her. I would harbor resentment, anger and sadness having to deal with all the attempts and hospital visits and explanations. I would not have been driven to go back to school, to change my way of life and who I was. I would not be where I am had I not had to endure that tragedy and the ones that followed. My point being I was compelled to meet this man I now call my husband and because of that urge, that need to get online and seek him out my life was forever changed. Her death was inevitable but my path was not with my daughters father and I needed a push to get on the right path because my life was about to change and I didn't even know it yet.
My husband and I have been through so much and have endured it all together proving that we are right where we aught to be. The reason for our losses and struggles was to bring us to where we are today.
Spiritual vs. Religious
Being spiritual does not always mean you are religious. There is most definitely a difference. Spirituality concentrates on the good and less with making rules and forcing you to live a certain way whereas religion instills fear that if you do not live your life the way you are told there will be divine intervention (Khan, 2015). Spirituality allows you to discover truths where religion tells you what the truth is. Karma is part of spirituality, it is a you get what you give system; there is not a heaven or a hell with spirituality the concept with it is that you are reborn. Spirituality shows that there are no walls or certain paths and allows for self discovery and to create your own story. Spirituality is most likely a part of religion because even Jesus had a spiritual experience before going on his own path (Khan, 2015).
Being spiritual does not mean you do not believe in God, it allows you to find God and the light in you in your own time and your own way. The article; 'Religion vs. Spirituality What is the Difference?' is very good at listing the similarities and differences between religion and spirituality. The article shows how religion speaks of sin and fault whereas spirituality encourages one to live in the present and to not feel bad for what has happened in the past but to learn from it (Religion vs. Spirituality, 2010). Neither one is right or wrong it is all in our perception of the world. Both believe in God it is just a difference in how we believe in God, how we believe in life.
Right or Wrong
Inevitably there will be some one who will tell you that your way of believing is wrong, there is not a right or wrong way to believe. Being spiritual does not mean you don't believe and being religious does not mean you believe too much. Both are acceptable and just like people, both are unique to each. Some people believe in ghosts while others believe in reincarnation. Some will believe in a heaven and not a hell, some believe in witchcraft while others see it as an abomination. However you believe is your unique stamp on life.
How do you believe in a world so cold? You just do, you have to, it is one of the many ways that as humans we cope with everyday life, tragedy, sorrow, depression and the beauty that is our lives. It can be hard to see the positive sometimes, especially if you take things pretty hard. It is important to stop and literally take some deep breaths, Get some fresh air and take in the beauty around you. No matter how you believe, believe in yourself.
Khan, K. (2015, June 8). 6 fundamental differences between religion & spirituality. Retrieved October 20, 2016, from News, http://thespiritscience.net/2015/06/07/6-fundamental-differences-between-religion-spirituality/
Religion vs. Spirituality - what’s the difference? (2010, September 29). Retrieved October 20, 2016, from http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/mistic/mistic_10.htm