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Why Does the Dark Side Enamor People?

Updated on July 16, 2020
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Gary Hill has a PhD. from Bible University and is passionate about the Bible..studying it and the history of it. He will gladly share it too

Mark Twain Said the Darnedest Things!


We live In a World of Deceit

To put it bluntly, we live in an age of deceit at all levels of education, the government, and the industry. Those that are without the moral restraints of any kind and complete lack of knowledge when it comes to the Christian worldview living lives of what is right in their own eyes.

You see this in unprovoked attacks by cowards covering their faces. Pornography everywhere, the entertainment conglomerate always showing real Christianity in a negative light, and the Humanist Manifesto promoting a world without God. Prove me wrong on these points?

People enamored by the spiritual realm of the dark side coming back to life, especially evident with a stream of dead coming to life terrorizing people year after year in forms of media, games, and especially movies and cable. The same is true with pornography.

I believe if that time was spent learning about the One that died and come back to life after death, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ people could truly be born again. They are unaware of idolizing everything paranormal. Unfortunately, the list goes on with many other examples of paranormal activity that continue to infect the world.

However, the current emphasis on the dark side of the spiritual world has its consequences and is controlled by the god of the age, Satan, and his demons. Satan is not omnipotent and can only be in one place at one time. But he has a legion of demons at his command that can and do roam the planet.

It is the Spirit world that modern science and so-called humanist deny. My articles are Biblical based and therefore to many, not sensational. The Bible still has thousands of nuggets of gold for the one willing to dig it out.

Let me say up front that I sincerely believe that death is not the final frontier, making what we do in life all that much more important. This life is just a test ground. Both those saved by Jesus Christ and the unsaved inherit eternal life. Eternal life inherited by the mere fact they live.

Where it is spent is the key. Your choice of whether you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will determine where you spend eternity.

Where are U going to spend eternity?


Where Are You Going to Spend Eternity?

The question that should be on everyone's mind is where are you going to spend eternity? The decision hinges on the acceptance of an undeniable fact. Are you born again through the yielding of your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ? (John 14.6)

He is the only way to eternal life with God. If one does not accept the gift from the Lord he/she will spend eternal life with Satan and his demons forever. This subject is covered thoroughly as part of the study of Biblical Theology relegated to those that are in religious higher education for the most part.

That is a shame because the study of Systematic Theology is busting open with nuggets of truth which are timelines for today with the truth of God’s Word found in the Bible.

Many people are fascinated by the dead coming alive while their personal lives seem dead and in need of real Spiritual revival. At the bare minimum, it takes away from time that would be better spent doing something a bit more enlightening and positive, as is the study of the Word of God the Bible.

Each person who is alive and ever lived shares one thing in common.

You Have a Living Soul!


You Have a Living Soul That is Eternal

A God-breathed living soul. (re. Genesis 2.7) The book of Job, probably written before Genesis, has many nuggets to examine. The terms “life” and “spirit” seem to be interchangeable in some references. (re. Job 27.3; cf. Job 33.18)

Likewise are the words “soul” and “spirit” which seem to be interchangeable as well. (Study Genesis 41.8; Psalms 42.6; Matthew 27.50; John 12.27, 13.21; 1st Thessalonians 5.23; Hebrews 12.23)

For example, Paul states in 1 Thessalonians 5.23 from the Aramaic translation, “But The God of peace shall make all of you perfectly holy and shall keep your whole spirit, soul, and body without fault for the arrival of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah.”

Here it is conclusive. According to Paul, man is a trichotomy being. The earthly body is temporal upon death, but the spirit and soul are eternal. One can count on the Holy Spirit within to help us discern what is true and what is not.

In Paul’s gospel of Romans,

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by [which] we cry out, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit [itself] bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together” (Romans 8.14-17).

Paul used the example of children in Judaism where the Father covers sin not attributed to the child. So it is with Christ who is our Heavenly Father covering all our sins before God.

Above in Paul's statement of our inherited sonship are the ones who love the Lord God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength and love their brothers and sisters in Christ as they love themselves.

They are born-again, no longer selfish by nature, they are loving, kind and forgiving. Paul states in Hebrews 4.12, "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

Another clear indication of the trichotomies nature of mankind. Jesus clearly walked the earth after the resurrection in an eternal body. We will see His eternal body again soon and inherit one of our own as well.

Madawaska, Maine

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Freedom to give thanks to the giver, God.

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© 2015 Gary E Hill


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