Blasted out of Bed by an Angel Three Sundays in a Row - True Story
Scripture from the Holy Bible on Miracles
And God did unusual and extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul. Acts 19:11
Earnestly, remember the marvelous deeds which He has done. His miracles, and the judgments He uttered. 1 Chronicles 16:12
Blasted out of Bed Three Sundays in a Row
This is a true account of when we finally decided to join the church in the city in which we lived at the time. We had been away from church for a while.
The only real reason we had even started looking for a church to attend, was because our son, who was 15 at the time, cracked his spleen from a skateboarding accident, and two doctors told him he was going to have to have surgery, as his spleen was pretty much shattered. My son prayed and told us he was not going to have to have surgery, and he did not have surgery!
Of course, our son spent a couple of days in Intensive Care and several weeks of recovery at home. Our son’s faith, at the time, knowing the Lord would heal him had a great impact on my husband and I.
So, we began visiting churches around the city and just did not find the right one for us immediately.
Finally, after about having given up on the idea, we visited the church we eventually became members of then, and just knew in our hearts it was the church for us. We could feel the Holy Spirit’s presence there.
After the first Sunday we visited, we had already made up our minds we would attend that particular church. Yes, it was the perfect church for us, and we were so excited.
Well, sure enough, that very first Sunday, after we decided we would attend that particular church, my husband and I fell into that temptation of extra sleep, and we even told each other how tired we both were and how it would be okay for us to sleep in.
Isn't it funny how very sleepy one can be on Sunday mornings. The enemy loves to put those little thoughts in one's head such as, the Lord understands how tired you are, and it will be okay, as He knows how hard you have worked all week, and plus you need your rest.
God's Sense of Humor
So, as I previously stated, we did not even hit the snooze button. We turned the alarm off, and snuggled back down to a good sleep. Then, in just a few moments after we had time to get back into a comfortable sleep mode, the loudest, most ear-piercing, deafening blast of sound came from the front of the house.
We both leaped from the bed, covering our ears in pain, and running to the front of the house as fast as we could run. Our stereo system, at the time, with Bose speakers, was blasting music at the highest level it could blast. Let me tell you, after that, we were wide awake. The stereo knob was on full blast. The whole house was shaking, and we knew the neighbors three blocks away could hear it! That is how loud it was. That had never happened before that day, and we had that system for years and years and nothing like that had ever happened.
So, since we were wide awake, guess what? Yes, we went on to church. We just kind of dismissed it as a power surge of some sort, and really did not think about it too much, but just that it was strange, as we have had power surges before without the stereo blasting out in such a manner.
The very next Sunday, same thing happened again, at the precise time we turned off the alarm clock to go back to sleep, within the next few seconds of having turned the alarm off, we were, once again, blasted out of bed, holding our ears in pain and running to the front of the house to turn down the stereo. We thought how strange, and then went on to church.
The third Sunday in a row, at the precise time we turned off our alarms, yes, the Lord blasted us out of bed for the last time, as we got it then! We were kind of hard-headed, obviously. Well, we were just plain sorry, as they say in the South. We said out loud to the Lord, “Okay, Lord, we are on our way!” Driving to church that Sunday, we kept telling the Lord, “See Lord, we are on our way! “ From then on, we did not turn off our alarm, but got up and went to church. The stereo never blasted music like that ever again, not before that first Sunday, and not after that third Sunday.
We know without a doubt, the Lord wanted us to attend and eventually become a member of that particular church, which was such a blessing to us and we grew closer to the Lord and matured in Christ. We developed a more intimate relationship with Him because we had joined that particular church.
I can just picture the Lord sending an angel to turn the stereo up to the highest level of sound, all the while smiling joyfully. Although I refer to this as one of my funny “boasting in the Lord stories” and how He has a sense of humor; it is still a sweet story too. Thinking back on those three Sundays of being blasted out of bed by the Lord, my heart is overwhelmed of the extent of His great love for us and all that He wants for us in this life. He is sweet like that, you know.
© Copyright April 30, 2012 Faith Reaper (All rights reserved.)
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
— John 10:10