God Is My Co-Pilot
Quite an unusual hub from someone who has written about so many things in the past 2 1/2 years. Tonight however I have came to realize that throughout all of my trials and tribulations that I have experienced, when I have thought that God has given up, I found myself realizing that God has always been my co-pilot. He lets us wander around, turn our back, make mistakes, scream at him, get angry at him and ignore him but in the end he listens to every need that we have. When we feel like we should give up and he is ignoring us he really has been there the entire time. There are many Christians on hub-pages who can quote the Bible but are they really living it? We should not condemn those who do not believe but embrace them and guide them, why are we not listening to God? He would give the desires of our heart if we would just listen instead of thinking we can do it ourselves. All of us know we cannot do any of it alone without a higher power and so begins my story and my experience with why I believe that God has been right by my side the entire time.
January 7,2009 was a day that will not be forgotten and will forever be etched in my memory that day right after New Year's was the day our home foreclosed. My husband had a heart attack earlier in the year, we were struggling financially and had a 30 year fixed with a 3 year-arm which appeared to keep adjusting and ended up spiraling out of control. The economy was plummeting and foreclosures were on the rise, we watched our neighbors lose their homes but did not believe that we would end up losing ours. I was angry at God and did not know if I could ever get through the painstaking heartache of losing a home that we poured so much heart into. If it couldn't get any worse I ended up with a stalker and then my husband in May was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. We ended up staying with friends until we could get back on our feet and our household went from two incomes to one income. No matter what we tried Satan was on our tail feeling like Job, and losing faith I was becoming bitter and angry, "how could God have done this to us?" I asked myself. " What did we do to deserve all of this?" We were giving people always helping at the food banks, taking care of the homeless and certainly not forgetting what we were blessed with, or did we? We started to painstakingly pick up the pieces but I still found myself angry with God. It was complicated for us to even read the Bible and even more complicated to read hubs that pertained to God. I found myself ignoring God's word and listening to him was not what I wished to do. We felt we could do it all by ourselves, we felt lost. Had we lost our faith? It appeared that way but as the months progressed we found ourselves praying for strength, praying for miracles, praying for something good to happen in our lives. It was then that I realized that God was my co-pilot and the only thing he was asking was to come back to him. " Seek and you shall find," "ask and you shall recieve." Those are complicated words when you have lost everything and your husband is ill but without God we would not have made it this far. We used to be able to quote scripture by memory, but quoting it and living it are two different things. We cannot be true Christians unless we are not only understanding it but living it to. We should not be judging others unless we are walking side-by-side, we should listen if we do not understand and should not lash out at another believer or non-believer because we can learn from each other. Must65gt on hubpages has been a blessing not only is he true warrior of God, he is so over-filled with the Love of him he can place your life back into perspective. When our own Minister turned his back he listened, he is truly what a Minister Of God is supposed to be and for that God will continue to bless him abundantly for what he does. We know that no matter what we have done, what storms arise in our lives, no matter how many times we forsake him God will always be our co-pilot. If you feel that he has not been there, he has always been right by your side it is us who sometimes gives up on him.
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FootPrints In The Sand