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God and the Spontaneous Creation

Updated on April 6, 2019

The big bang at the beginning of our time

Scientist say that at the beginning of our current Era, our galaxy did not even exist, then there was this huge explosion and all the matter was thrown outward several times the speed of light. All this matter later settled down and formed our galaxy
Scientist say that at the beginning of our current Era, our galaxy did not even exist, then there was this huge explosion and all the matter was thrown outward several times the speed of light. All this matter later settled down and formed our galaxy

Let us start from the beginning of time

Welcome to our article (123) God spontaneous creation

Dear readers, I have been reading religious books and I have been writing several religious articles in Hub Pages. Today I am still trying to find the best and shortest way, how to explain what I have learned from life about religions, including God and all the spiritual life that exists including our souls, and how they are attached to God spiritual life force, from the beginning of times; to do that I am going to write how I imagine the spontaneous creation that happened at the beginning of times.

Anyhow, after reading about religious creations of different religions and the theory of evolution, I believe that both are not convincing enough for me. So, I have formed my own beliefs. My beliefs take in consideration the different religious beliefs of creation, plush the way that evolution works. By using this information, I have concluded that creation can be explained in a way that agrees with both. So, what is left to do for me here, is to imagine how to write it down.

So, let us start from the beginning of time, of this current Era. Let us start from the big bang theory, when there was this huge explosion and all the matter in our galaxy was thrown outward at an incredible speed, several times the speed of light, then slowly this matter formed our Milky Way Galaxy, our solar system and the planets. While all this was going on, it is hard to imagine that there was life. In facts, we believe that life and the spiritual existence of God and other spiritual forces formed after, when everything had partly settled down. Now let us imagine how life and the spiritual forces came into existence, using what was there within the universe.

Looking at what is known today, about life and the spiritual world, and all the other things that we talk about; I believe that we are missing something there. You see, we talk about God the creator, we talk about spontaneous creation and evolution, but we are not talking about how life started spontaneously, and how the spiritual God life forces of the universe formed, from the natural energies of the universe, and how this same life force helped to start life going.

So, let me be one of the sages, even knowing that I am not one, but I believe that I am a seer, since I can see these spiritual things, better than the average person would. Anyhow, let me talk about how I believe all these things happened, even knowing that it is only my imagination that makes me see the spiritual world my ways, so, let me tell you how I imagine life and God came into being, they have become important, and they are what they are today, they exist in our universe, and in my view, they started from this spontaneous creation.

After a long time, the big bang settled down.

After a very long time, the big bang started to settle down, so, the solar system and the planets formed. God life and everything else came about much later. You see, time in the universe is eternal, so, all our life is only a fraction of its time.
After a very long time, the big bang started to settle down, so, the solar system and the planets formed. God life and everything else came about much later. You see, time in the universe is eternal, so, all our life is only a fraction of its time.

The spontaneous life creation

In the beginning, after the big bang there was darkness and chaos, this is how most major religions begin to explain creation, then they go on explaining how creation happened, in different ways. Anyhow, they wrote what they believed happened then, using what was known at that time, and it was believable then and is still believable to a certain extend today.

But today lots of people wonder, if what is written in these old religious books, is right and the only way to explain the creation of life. Now, having these doubts myself, I would like to write my own version about God and the creation of life; you see, for me God and life is one and the same thing. Because I believe that God and life have created each other, you see, this is the only way that makes sense to me; and as life grew also God spiritual life force has grown, even though God as the energies of the universe, is the prime mover that started life, in the beginning.

Having said that, now I fear that I am going too far, not in the sense that my theory is not possible, since it is possible; but because I am a believer and I would like to set everything straight between me and God, before I write my theory down; I want to keep God friendly, so that God can still help me if I need help. You see, I believe that God, gods and the spiritual forces don’t like changes, they only like to be believed and adored, but what I want to do with my spontaneous creation theory, is going to change lot of things; therefore, I want to ask God forgiveness if they don’t like what I am going to say, or I get it wrong. Anyhow, I want to appeal to the highest God to be my judge, because my beliefs are pure, so, they must be treated as such. So, let me write a short prayer, asking God to accept my theory in Good faith.

My lord God, I pray you to forgive me, if what I am going to write in this spontaneous creation article, is not what you would like to hear, but then again it might be what you would like to hear, so, I am worried about nothing. Anyhow, help me to live my life per your will, and help me to write my theory. Father hear my prayer, amen.

Now that I have explained my position with God and the spiritual life force of the universe, I can write my theory.

Dear readers, in this article, we are going to start from the beginning of our current Era, in fact, we are going to start from how God and life came into being, after the big bang, and today they are what they are. I believe that life and God (god being the energiser and the spiritual force of the universe), have helped to create each other, and they are continuing to work together even today. There are reasons to believe that everything goes through a process and they keep changing and growing.

Now to explain what we believe has happened and will continue to happen, we need to assume that at the dawn of our current Era, all the life energies of God of the universe were there, but they were not crystallised as they are today; also all the ingredients that makes life possible were there, but they were still dormant. It was the energies of God of the universe that somehow started the first molecule of life; then they slowly multiplied and evolved until they became a living cell that could split and multiply, or something like that.

To make a long story short, from this first living cell that could split and multiply, with the passing of time, and with the help of God life-energies of the universe, they continued to multiply and diversify, until they became living things, like moss, seaweeds, grass and small insect. Anyhow, we could say that everything happened in a spontaneous way, so, it was a spontaneous creation, even though, God life force energies were there and helped to create life. Now, the creation of life brought about other changes, because life after being created, it created a link between the living things and the energies of the universe, so, they influenced each other. The outcome of this link is that: part of the energies of the universe crystallised in a spiritual way and became God of the universe, with his own free will, while the living things continued to evolve, and they have also their own free will, so, even today, God can influence life and the living things can influence God, it is a continuous exchange that we cannot see, but I believe it exists. Anyhow, God is part of our spiritual life, so, let us say something about it.


Two type of the tree of life from the Internet

This is supposed to be one of Darwin tree of life, what is missing in this picture is the very beginning of life, when life consisted of a single cell. We can also add the top of the tree of life which is us humans as we are today.
This is supposed to be one of Darwin tree of life, what is missing in this picture is the very beginning of life, when life consisted of a single cell. We can also add the top of the tree of life which is us humans as we are today. | Source
This tree of life is more complete than the one above, but because it covers a longer period of time, it is harder to understand at first sight; except for the fact that is has taken a very long time for all these things to happen.
This tree of life is more complete than the one above, but because it covers a longer period of time, it is harder to understand at first sight; except for the fact that is has taken a very long time for all these things to happen.

Gods are part of the spiritual life

Here we can say that God is part of life and life is part of God. In fact, I believe that God and life is one and the same thing, since one cannot exist without the other. Anyhow, now that part of the energies of the universe have crystallised into God of the universe; God has his own mind and can influence life within certain limits. Yes, I believe that even God must have limits; the limits are set from the existing life itself. You see, life cannot be destroyed; if life is destroyed God becomes a non-entity, because life is the spiritual force of God, so, life needs to do well for God to be more powerful, and thus we can say the following statements, so that you can see what we are talking about.

All gods exist, and any existing god is as important as the number of people that follow this God; therefore, the gods of the past exist somewhere, in the spiritual dimension, they represent the souls of people that have believed in them, and some people that still believes in them today. The gods that we believe in today, represents the people that believes in them today, about this issue we are going to write, in our next article, where we are going to discuss how important religions are today, including the following statement.

The gods of the future need to be all the same, they can be led and represented by a single Super-God that can connect to all other gods and all spiritual life together. The rules and the set-up must be simple. It must be stated in a few words, and yet the meaning of what needs to be done, must be clear; I believe that what Our Lord Jesus Christ said is all what we need to know; “love God and love thy neighbour as yourself”. I don’t know of a better or shorter way to say these things.

Anyhow, this article is becoming too long. So, see you in our next article, where we are going to state our views, about how we see the present situation, between us and God, and try to compare the important religions. See you soon.

May God bless us all.



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