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Jesus and Judas Iscariot- The Truth Uncovered- Gospel of Judas...

Updated on April 25, 2010

Jesus and Judas

Maybe the kiss means something totally different.  Judas is actually one of the only ones Jesus could trust.
Maybe the kiss means something totally different. Judas is actually one of the only ones Jesus could trust.

The Disciples are Angry (34,18-35,21)- Gospel According to Judas

Jesus recognized that they did not [understand, and he said] to them, "Why has your conceren produced this hostility? Your god who is within you and [his powers] have become angry within your souls. [Let] any of you who is a [strong enough] person bring forward the perfect human being and stand before my face."

They all said, "We are strong."

But none of their spirits dared to stand before[him], except Judas Iscariot. He was able to stand before him, yet he could not look him in the eye, but he turned his face away.

Judas said to him, "I know who you are and from what place you have come. You have come from the immortal realm of Barbelo, and I am not worthy to pronounce the name of the one who has sent you.

Jesus understood that Judas was contemplating things that are lofty, and he said to him, "Move away from the others, and I shall explain to you the mysteries of the kingdom. You can attain it, but you will go through a great deal of grief. For somebody else will take your place, so that the twelve[disciples] ma be complete once again with their god." (Nag Hammadi Scriptures, Marvin Meyer, pg 761)

What does This Say about Judas and Jesus?

1) Judas seems to be very close to understanding Jesus' purpose.

2) Jesus knows before hand that Judas will have to something very difficult.

3) Jesus the son of god- knows all- and is not victim of anything- nor is sacrificed by his god- some other mystery is going on- something beyond what humans understand.

4) Jesus taught disciples that were advanced different things because their spiritual understanding was deeper than others.

The Gospel of Judas was found in 1945 right near the Nile River by an Egyptian peasant. "Iranaeus of Lyon(Against Heresies) denounced the Gospel of Judas around 180 as a text read by people he called Gnostics-Marvin Meyer, Nag Hammadi Scriptures, Pg754) So 180 years after the death of Christ this Gospel was not accepted as were many, The Gospel of Philip, and The Secret Book of John and the Revelation of Peter.

According to the Gospel of Judas the disciples respond to Jesus while they are having a celebrating feast. "The disciples said to him, "Master, you are...the son of our god?"

Jesus said to them, "How is it that you know me? I tell you the truth, no generation will know me amoung the people who are with you."

Jesus pretty much says no not the god they worship, not the First Testament God. Here is another interesting part where Jesus seems to predict the future, and why wouldn't he if he he could walk on water and heal.

 "Jesus said to them, "Why are you upset? I tell you the truth, all the priests who stand at the altar call upon my name. I tell you again, my name has been written on ....of the generations of the stars through the generations of people. They have planted trees in my name, without fruit, in a shameful way."

It is all very mysterious and complex. I think this is more of a real portrayal of what was going on with Jesus and the disciples. They had a different teaching than the masses.

 Lines 46 and 47 in the Gospel of Judas states this: "Jesus answered and said(to Judas),"You will be the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations, but eventually you will rule over them. In the last days they will.... up to the holy generation."

(This translation is unclear- many of these gospels are in coptic -a form of Egyptian language used during the Roman.) Researches think the original texts were written in Greek. As you read closely the Gospel of Judas it is clear tha Jeus knew exactly what was happening with Judas. It also appears that Judas was quite advanced as a disciple and received secret teachings from Jesus. You will have to decide for yourselves. Just remember that men, that may or may not have been holy, decided what texts were important to the movement. The Roman Empire, Popes and bishops decided what texts would become the present day Bible in 323. That means 323 after Christ's death- men decided what was important portrayal and what was not. Think of our forefathers in America and how they wrote the Constitution- how many amendments and interpretations their are- and we haven't hit 250 years yet. They were building a church/religion. So all scriptures that did not match their ideology were deemed heresy and the mayhem began. Remember there is Jesus and there is a religion with a book.


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