Governing Authorities: Romans 13:1
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1
Timely and likely intentional, this one applies to election time. Is God a liberal, conservative, libertarian, socialist, absolutist or what?
Oddly, He seems to be an amalgamation of all.
He is absolute in that His statutes are entirely right, as per His definition of right. Thus, an absolutist of sorts to the second power; squared.
A conservative in that He is unchanging. Same now as He ever was.
Socialist? In the beginning, kind of, in Genesis. At the onset, everything was provided for people. Food was vegetarian, right there for the taking. Depending on interpretation within reason, perhaps the option to grow and tend the garden as provided. A type of work which would be considered rewarding and healthy. Physical exercise being a good and enjoyable thing. Perfect climate. No economy in the modern sense. No taxation or money. Everything belonged first to Him and He dished it out to and for us. A perfect kind of socialism I suppose.
At the same time a Libertarian, as the institution of free will offset any type of imposition. He gave us what was good but still left open the option to do as we chose.
That freedom of choice resulted, ultimately, in the mass confusion we see today; including the spectrum of political views. And who, if anybody, is even close to being right? Right, that is, according to the unchanging definition of right which He instituted?
Regardless, today’s verse set tells us those in power are there only because He has allowed it. No matter what happens on November 6th, it will happen according to His plan. It is said in scripture that He transcends time. Thus, what will happen has kind of already happened in His mind. “mind” being that which is on another level as compared to ours.
A lot of people are really anxious about what will happen. Our country, it could be said, is quite polarized right now. So a large % of people will be either elated, disappointed or neutral on November 7th.
However it turns out, He is in control.