Have You Experienced Something You Have No Proof of and Nobody Believes You?
Different Experiences
A series of incidents you had experienced and nobody believes you. It happened one snowy winter day.
This individual is often driven to her friend’s place, but the blizzard on that day deviated from her plan to visit a friend.
She had to travel by bus back and forth. There weren’t many passengers due to the cold weather and snow isn’t everybody’s favorite in the winter season. Jane always preferred the seat next to the window.
The front seats are reserved for invalid passengers. One of the youngest passengers, a young man sat in the front seat. The ride was enjoyable quiet and not much said from the passengers until five shabbily dressed young men got in.
One of these shabbily dressed men sat next to Jane and the others found their seats next to other passengers.
The moment they got into the atmosphere changed to loud speaking and vulgar from these disrespectful beings. The smell of alcohol reeking from their heavy breathing next to us and their loud voices was abrupt.
Jane noticed one of the men had signalled to others to sit next to the only popular woman in the second row.
They glanced at her and Jane knew they were up to no good. She sat there and watched as these men bumped into her.
It was her stop next and Jane chose to follow behind as the five men got off at the same stop. She followed the woman with no idea of what to do next. In the meantime, her thoughts fired upon her.
As the woman walked away from the bus, she continued walking behind her to wave at the men. These men followed the lady and in the middle of it all decided to move on directly behind her until the woman reached her home.
In the meantime, the five shabbily dressed men quickened their pace as did Jane. These men expected to be alone in the alley to grab the woman’s bed, but when they saw Jane they had no choice but to run off.
Jane had an idea to pretend to have a weapon in hand to avoid the woman from getting attacked.
She had reacted this way before while at a friend's place. This time it was to save a stranger from getting robbed of her valuables or injured. It was an adrenaline rush for her when she tried to make the moment feel safe nobody believed her.
A good feeling was when Jane knew the woman had reached home safely. This time Jane was faced with a plan and knew that while on the bus this woman was in danger.
The whole time Jane tried to avoid getting involved in this matter, she ended up showing off her defence skills.
She felt brave and hoped these men would disappear. Crime is rife everywhere in the world, but when you are faced with such situations you need to get out of it.
There was an uncertainty felt, but her place of birth taught her to be that way.
This story is vital to all who need to be scared of such types. I am calm and tame, but if I am forced to face up to a robber I will try to defend myself or a loved one. Self-defence skills are important and must be practised.
Nobody believes Jane!
Have you been in a situation where you tried to be a Samaritan and nobody believed you?
Some stories sound far-fetched to convince you.
An Example:
- I knew someone who lived in a rural area.
- This happened on a deserted road when she moved there she often saw possums lying dead on the dirt road.
- One day she found a dead possum in her driveway.
- As she turned away to receive the post the possum got up and ran off.
This was unbelievable!
It lay there under false pretences, it appeared dead and before you knew it the possum had sprung up and ran off into hiding. Any incident you experience on your own, not many people would believe it, especially if it is something out of the ordinary.
Unbelievable stories!
Did you tell someone of an incident and they did not believe you?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Devika Primić