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Do you know if you lived before?

Updated on February 21, 2011

Exploring past lives

Past lives

Did you ever meet a stranger, but felt you had met them before? Have you been to a new town or city, but knew what was around the corner? These experiences could be evidence that you have lived before. Some people find they have a fear of something, that they can't explain, was this fear brought over from a past life? There is a lot of documented evidence, that a lot of people have experienced past life phenomenon. A lady Once told me that her 3 year old kept talking about visiting his friend Tom. She didn't know of a friend by that name, but he was persistent. Later that year they went on holiday in Devon. While out one day the child got very excited and ran up to a front door and began knocking on it with gusto, shouting Tom lives here. The door was opened my a very elderly gentleman. the mother was so embarrassed and explained the situation to the gentleman. If that wasn't bad enough, the man told her that his name was Tom, and that as a child he had a friend with the same name as her child, but unfortunately his childhood friend had died of polio.

Walking down a corridor

Some clues to a previous life

So now you've heard the stories above are you curious? If so, there is a way you can get clues about your past life. This is just for fun and in no way to be taken seriously. It involves relaxing completely and going on an imaginary guided journey. Let me just say again this is only fun and to satisfy your curiosity. First find a place to lie down, somewhere where you will not be disturbed. Place a pad and a pen nearby, you will need these later. Then close your eyes and imagine that you are at the top of a staircase. The staircase can be any kind you like. It could be grand or the escalator in the tube station. When you decide, slowly go down the staircase. Feel yourself descend. Look around, are there portraits or posters on the walls? Take note of the style of dress or any landscape. Now you find that the stairs turn to the right. Turn and continue going down, slowly step by step. At last you have arrived at the end of a long corridor. There are doors down both sides, some are shut, some wide open, others ajar. These are your past lives. Walk down the corridor. Listen outside the doors can you hear any thing? Look into the open ones, what can you see? Continue down the corridor, pausing at the doors, looking at any pictures or objects on the walls.

What's at the end of the corridor?

At the end of the corridor

You've taken your time down the corridor and at last have reached the end. There is a passage running from left to right. You turn left and are in a small room with a 3 drawer filing cabinet. You quickly pull at the middle drawer. It's locked, feel the resistance. You pull at the top draw it opens smoothly. You quickly plunge your hand in and pull out some documents, look through them, what are they, are there names or addresses. Take note of anything you see. Rummage through them let your eyes pick out details. When you have some information, plunge your hand in again, this time you have a picture. Who is in the picture? What emotion are you feeling when you see this long forgotten face? Give yourself time to think and reflect on what you see.  Next put your hand into the drawer again, this time you feel an object. Feel it in your hand, feel the weight.  Is it smooth or rough?  Pull it out hold it up explore it with your eyes, feel it in your hands. Now close your eyes, look into the darkness.  Wait watch for shapes to form, do you see anything? Relax and watch for an image to form. When you have seen something, slowly open your eyes feel your body's weight and take a deep breath and sit up. Write down anything you saw, heard or felt. These are clues to your past lives.  Remember this is just for fun. If anything negative happens open your eyes straight away. If nothing else it's a good way to relax.  Have fun and enjoy


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