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Homosexuals And Transgenders

Updated on June 13, 2019
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Before his New Birth Elijah began his education that manifested itself after his rebirth which he shares with all who read his words.

Homosexuals And Religion

What do celibate man know about Homosexuals and Transgenders when they have denied themselves the right to engage in the reproduction act. For them to be educated enough to convey any information concerning the reproduction act they have to observe, participate and reason with the various outcomes for explaining causes, effects and consequences as educate demands revealers of truth to do. There are several prophecies suggesting the messiah had and/or will have off-springs, Isaiah is one, while Isaiah require everyone who is to be left upon the land has to follow the messiah’s example although we have Jesus the Christ saying some will become Eunuchs for the Spirit’s sake. So from a scriptural perspective how are we to believe man practicing celibacy have sufficient data to make such a supposition?

The Pope, who supposedly have lived celibate his whole life, rejects the idea people can change genders without presenting any scriptural or scientific support for his reasoning. Romans tells there is something in existence that reveals whether or not the potential does or doesn’t exist especially if we define dominion as – the ability to exceed earth and everything hereon – as revealed Genesis’ story of man’s creation who are known today as Aboriginals.

First of all Genesis tells us God are many by saying let us make man in our image… and both genders were made in God’s image. So even if we use the trinity concept it says God, The Son or Holy Spirit is a girl while those same man are called sons of God at the flood and makes Adam’s descendants daughters of men. By that understanding, we see sons as man woman and human are daughters with both of the latter meaning incomplete man.

The Question Of Celibacy ~~ early 1980s poem

Man make vows of celibacy before god and man,
boys and girls alike make the vow to take that stand.
The boy becomes a priest, the girl becomes a nun,
imposing laws on themselves no god requires of anyone.

Where is such a vow decreed and in which holy writ?
I've seen no sin for which celibacy is the penitence for it.
Whence comes the law disallowing the law of birth
to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth?
Still man make such vows in penitence to their god
though the path god commands man follow they dare not trod.

All lifes have a cycle in which to multiply their own,
pleasurable it must be or the desire would not be so strong,
but because we know not what that cycle in man be
they vow, in penitence for ignorance, a vow of celibacy.

The mating in man is to be once each moon, at ovulation,
when the egg comes down preparing for procreation.
Twelve years a child is to nurse, till prior to puberty,
and during that time mother's don't mate till set at liberty.
Thus, celibacy is from conception to the weaning of the child,
all other lifes in nature are celibate only for that while.


To my known knowledge there are no undomesticated species that will engage in homosexual activity because I know of no specie about which it’s said something was removed from one gender to produce the second gender except man. The Adam and Eve story is a metaphor saying that and there is a form of science supporting it, be it physical or spiritual, for us to find our answer.

By the metaphor’s reading Adam was not told of the operation but put to sleep. Deep sleep, as written, is when we usually dream so either Adam dreamt the animals and birds’ names or didn’t remember having ever dreamt. Either way, for him to wake up immediately to the presence of the first being like him it's easy to see why he said he would call her woman and we readers are told to forsake our parents, teachings included, – since Adam and evidently Eve had no memory of their parents – and cleave to our wives for the two to become one in our flesh. Thus we have the opposites attract law that can manifest as homo genders sexual attraction without ovulating casing it. What we are seeing in these finial days of civilization is we want to change our physically bodies into the gender we feel our bodies should be.

As for gender changing beings there are several species with gender changing capabilities which is enough to fulfill the scriptures’ the invisible things … are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made … so that they are without excuse. There is an African frog and several other species. Therefore what is happening via medical science is woman are attempting to do things man are able to do through spirit.

My mother’s deceased youngest child said as an eight year old that he wanted to invent something when he grew up that would allow boys to give birth. That was very strange to me coming from a boy-child until as we aged he began to show girly traits and became a homosexual at puberty.


Catholicism hides people born with a different sexual orientation than their birth genders’ which is counter to proclaiming truth since educate means to experience by objectively observing, participating to discover various outcomes and reasoning to be able to explain their findings. Therefore the Pope and many other of the Church’s leaders are not able to instructor in godliness.

My education, as Isaiah decreed, united with the Adam and Eve story suggests human and woman are incomplete because of being hewed and woven from man. It revealed a minimum of 150 characteristics are to be multiplied by each of the others and all conceivable combinations of them each life-force has to experience before we are qualified to become man. In other words, human and woman are to man what tadpoles are to frogs, the incomplete specie that require a morphing, new birth, to become the finial product we will know once we are man.

My education revealed the magnetic effect, opposites attracts and like things repels, as the cause of non-conceptual sexual desires. The Yang and Yin produces the magnetic effect in all woman because some boys and girls are born with various degrees of them not relative to their genders. Some of both boys and girls will have the same degrees of either Yang or Yin. But in man it’s a girl’s ovulation's pheromones that bring boys to a sexual desire.

Therefore, as stated concerning my mother’s youngest boy, a boy can be born with a girl’s mind and vise versa so, it only stands to reason there will be both across and same gender attractions from both genders of woman. In some cases the attraction becomes best friends and in other cases homosexuality.


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