Hope for hopeless
Hope for Hopeless

Hope for hopeless.
One day Jesus was walking down to the city called Nain and many of His
disciples were with Him and a big crowd. As he approached the town
gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother,
and she was a widow. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her
and he said, "Don't cry."
Look at this woman. She started her life with full of hope. She had
many expectations when she found her husband. She was looking ahead
for a bright future. Full of happiness, joy and peace. When they
blessed with a beautiful child, their joy doubled.
But suddenly the destiny turned against her. One fine day she lost
her beautiful husband. Now she had to earn her bread and to take care
of her child. She wanted to give her child a new life. She was a
unselfish and giving women. So, instead of getting married again, she
devoted her time to take care of her child.
He was the only child of this widowed mother and the bread winner of her family. May be she was in the hope that when this child of her grow up, he would take care of her in her old age. She may be seeing a better future with her child and his family. She may be dreaming for a better life with her grand children. A happy old age life.
But the destiny turned against her once again. Now her dreams are
shattered just like a glass house. What
this mother would do without her only son? There is no meaning for her
life now. She is now completely desperate and devastated. She did not
know where to turn, but only to cry.
When Jesus looked at her, He could see beyond her face, a face of
devastation and a face of desperation. She desperately needed her son
back. Jesus know it when he looked at her. He could see the emptiness
of her heart. Bible says in Luk 7:14-15, "Then he went up and touched
the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, "Young man, I
say to you, get up!" The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus
gave him back to his mother."
By presenting this young man to his mother, Jesus gave hope for a
hopeless mother. What about you? Have you lost your hope today? The
same Jesus is alive today. He is able to give you hope in your hopeless
situation. He is ready to bring your hopes alive if you just look to
You may be living with some shattered dreams. Pick up that broken
pieces of your dream and come to the feet of Jesus. He will rebuild
your dreams.
You may be hopeless and your future looks bleak. Don't be afraid.
Take courage! Come to the feet of Jesus. He will turn your
hopelessness to hopefulness. Turn the bleak future to a bright
future. He will take hold of your hand and lead you to a new path. A
path, where there is joy and peace.
Jesus went through the loneliness and desperate situation when He was
in the Garden of Gethsemane. He cried out and said "My soul is
exceedingly sorrowful unto death." Jesus experienced this loneliness
and desperate situation, so he can understand the people who go through
the same situation. Yes, His life was poured out to redeem us from
hopelessness and helplessness. He gave His precious life to redeem us
from our sins
and sufferings. But it was not the end of the story. He rose again
defeating the power of death and destruction to give us hope for a
better future.
My friend, you may be going through many problems today. You might have
lost your hope but the resurrected Jesus can fill your heart with great
hope. Just come to Him and accept Him in your life. There is a blessed
hope in Jesus.