How God Sees Us
How God Sees Us
According to: Psalm 138:8—Philippians 1:6—Jeremiah 29:11—Psalm 37:23
God has a plan for your life and He will fulfill His purpose for you.
He thinks thoughts of peace towards you, not of evil.
He wants to give you a future and a hope.
He orders your steps and delights in how you walk.
His mercy endures forever.
For you are His workmanship and He will not forsake the work of His hands.
You can be confident that God will complete the good work that He began in you
Because He will continue working in you until Jesus returns.
"So man, why do you fret and run to and fro
Frantically searching for which way to go
Staying up late, planning your life
Worrying about money, living in strife.
Thinking you’re unworthy, filled with doubt
Feeling boxed in and seeing no way out
Holding onto the past with its burdens and pain
Letting go of hope that you’ll ever smile again.
All you need do when things are looking so dim
Is to read His word and trust in Him.
He has a plan all worked out for you,
And there’s nothing better that you could do.
So why not just seek His purpose and plan
Let Him order your steps as only He can
And enjoy living a life of hope and peace
Confident His work in you will never cease."
--Original poem by: Leona J. Atkinson 2008