How I Turned a Punishing God into One Madly in Love with Me (Guide to Healing Your Inner Child) - Book Review
Are You Mad at God or Do You Think God is Mad at You?
When I first met Daisy Ba-ad, the author of the book, “How I Turned a Punishing God into One Madly in Love with Me (Guide to Healing Your Inner Child)” I wouldn’t have known that this passionate and energetic woman had so much fear of God within her. It was no ordinary fear. It was the kind of fear that crippled her, made her rebellious; and bottom line, made her feel that she was unworthy of God’s love.
The book starts off with a gripping tale of her childhood years and how she acquired a set of belief systems that caused her to be extremely fearful of God.
“...whatever unpleasant, negative, ugly, and dreadful situation I would find myself in, I would believe it to be a punishment I rightly deserved. The sad, painful, hurtful, upsetting, and agonizing emotions I felt were part of “carrying the cross” to follow Him. The negative answers I would get from my novenas, and special intentions, were God’s way of telling me that the promises I offered in return for the favor I was asking Him, was not enough. Nothing I did was ever enough to get His approval.”
I can feel her confusion, the pain, the longing of things to be right again. But the more she tried, the harder it seemed. The harder she tried, the farther God seemed to be. She wrote, “I would hear myself cry out, “what else can I do to get you to love me again?”
How many of us feel the same way?
The Birth of a Loving God
After reading the first chapter, I breathe a sigh of relief. I was holding my breath the whole time, my heart and shoulders heavy with burden, teary eyed at the thought of this little one carrying around with her this enormous feeling of being unloved by God.
Perhaps it was this that made me reach out to her. For you see in Chapter Two, she recounted our friendship and how she marvelled at my relationship with God. I recalled our telephone conversations when she would ask me, “Tell me something about God today please.” And because no one in my entire life had ever asked me that question, I joyfully recounted all my little moments with God as a child to adulthood.
Ironically, I have never really thought how precious my relationship with God was not until she made me see how fearful she viewed God. I never knew there were people who feared God so much.
I recognized that it was little Daisy who was hurting and in pain because she had experience fear of God at a very young age due to sexual molestation. And so little Michelle reached out and took hold of little Daisy’s hand to show her that God was not to be feared but rather to be loved and be loved back by Him.
A Skeptic’s Move
Although Daisy already started to believe in a loving God, old belief systems still dominated her automatic responses. There was this constant inner battle within. This was a huge block to the path of healing. Her logical mind wanted to understand more and she understood that she needed to change and re-program her subconscious mind. As Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, PhD has said that our subconscious mind operates 95% of the time while our conscious mind only 5%.
The third chapter shares her search for help is answered by the Source / God / Divine when one after the other things was revealed to her. From Brainwave Entrainment, Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), Dr. Lloyd’s Healing Code, and Quantum Healing to learning and grasping the concept of the law of cause and effect, I was a witness to her excitement in learning something new. Whatsoever was the technique, the truth was the same. For healing to take place, she realized that the negative belief systems had to be replaced with new ones.
Learn what these things are and maybe it can help you too.
The 'Science' of God Madly In Love With Us
My belief in God has always been on a personal level but with Daisy she needed both the personal experience coupled with scientific and logical explanations. I watched with joy and amusement as she would relate to me her new found discoveries. Beautifully, I learned and benefited a lot in the process and in her sharing. Yes, this time I was now the student and she the teacher. The final chapter includes the scientific studies that helped her changed her perspective about God and life itself. Heart Zapz are included where she gives out certain things that the reader can also engage in.
As the book draws to a close, a triumphant and teary eyed Daisy celebrates the truth she has finally come to believe -- that she is treasured and loved by God; and that she has been able to banish the punishing God and replaced it with a loving one.
About the Author
Daisy Brillantes Ba-ad is a motivational speaker-trainer and playwright-director based in Cebu City, Philippines. She specializes in designing and conducting customized behavioral training programs and motivational talks for corporate groups, educational institutions, private and civic organizations.
Loving Abundance is the website she runs together with inspirational writer and co-trainer, Michelle Simtoco. She is known as dayzeebee on Hubpages where she began writing online.
One Last Note
This book will be truly helpful if you, like the author, have been longing to have a closer and personal relationship with God / Divine/ the Source of All That Is; and also if you want to heal your inner child but have struggled with feelings of ‘I don’t know how.’ Furthermore, If you also want to understand the “Science” of a Loving God, then this book is for you.
Daisy continues to walk with God as she regularly prays and meditates. She understands that healing is a lifelong process and she desires to continue her mission of sharing a loving God to the world.
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BY: Michelle Simtoco