How Popes Change After They Become Pope.
Pope John Paul II
Benedict the XVI an administrator of transition.
I guess nobody knows what kind of pope the chosen one will be until years after he has been sitting in Peter's chair leading the church.But by now it seems safe to say Benedict the XVI has not been a transformative pope ,but one that will keep everything in order and in place until his successor arrives ,while in the mean time he and the hierarchy of the church work on the many challenges they must face and solve to make sure the catholic church remains the spiritual home it is and has been to a large portion of humanity on earth.
Two Popes I have seen in my adult life,Pope Paul II and Benedict XVI.
In my lifetime there have been five popes,John XXIII, Paul VI ,John Paul I , John Paul II , and the current Pope ,Benedict XVI .I have no recollection of pope John XXIII ,but for what I have read about him he was a pope who was particularly loved by the congregation worldwide.He was called "El Papa Bueno" or 'The Good Gentle Pope", which in an era of great turmoil and revolutions worldwide, as well as the height of the Cold War, seems to be a great accomplishment for someone who is the spiritual leader for hundreds of millions of people throughout the world.His successor Paul VI was the first pope I remember. As soon as he became pope he confirmed the continuation of the Second Vatican Council started by his predecessor to show respect for the work of John XXIII and the continuity of very important work towards bringing the church up to date with the times they were in.He worked tirelessly to achieve Ecumenism, ended the mutual excommunication that had divided the Eastern and Western Churches since 1054 along with Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople.Reached for and achieved better relations with the Anglican Church ,all protestant churches and even with members of the Jewish faith. John Paul I , who succeeded Paul VI was pope for a very short period of time, so we don't know what kind of Pope he would have been. But we do know he was a Pope that had great love for the poor, and expressed it publicly maybe more than any of his predecessors , he also engaged in fighting economic corruption within the church fearlessly which encouraged rumors of him being actually assassinated by sinister elements of the said corrupt power players.We will never know if there is any truth to such claims, but in any case he did manage in my humble opinion to contribute to the demise of such elements as the Propaganda 2 Masonic Lodge which was part owner of the Vatican Bank , and other nefarious financial dealing organizations that had infiltrated the Holy See .
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II came in as an ultra conservative,Polish ,anti communist Pope,and that's how he seemed to operate in his first few years as Pope, but as the years went by it is apparent how he gradually transformed even in his physical appearance and became a much more gentle , much more compassionate , and much more unifying Pope.Specially after he became "The Travelling Pope", visited many countries around the world, and several of them more than once.By the time he died he had become one of the most beloved popes in history .I was born in Uruguay ,South America which is a country made up of about 90 percent Catholics, but which also has been since it's independence one of the countries where the separation of church and state has been more radically protected in all walks of life.A huge Cross was installed in the place where Pope John Paul II spoke to one of the largest Crowds in the history of the country, almost one third of the country's population was present, the cross was to be removed after the Pope's visit , but in an unprecedented political decision , the cross stands to this day. And now we get to the current Pope,Pope Benedict XVI .He hasn't been Pope for very long. But what really strikes me is the amazing change in his facial features since he became Pope.This, as all or most of the hubs I write have no scientific value or any importance beyond the fact that I only present what I believe to be the truth, and I like to share it with the people who happen to stop by and read a John Q Public's point of view on any given subject. But if you look at a before and after photograph of Benedict XVI ,you will see how before he became Pope he had that sort of angry or almost evil look and now he looks like a loving grandfather , or a peaceful shepherd looking over his flock. At least ,that's how I see it.