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How The Complacent christian is Destroyed

Updated on February 24, 2018

How The Complacent christian is Destroyed

Please Read this Before we Begin. Scripture requires each individual to “Do not be Deceived”. So I caution you to remember not to believe what I or any Other man try to teach you until and unless it has been confirmed to you PERSONALLY by scripture and the Holy Spirit of God as TRUTH.

This article may seem harsh to some of you but it is scripturally correct. We are close to the end and now is the time to be sure you are ready. I love the brethren and the lost enough that I do not care that man may hate me for speaking uncomfortable truths because those that are snatched out of the lake of fire where they are headed will become my brother in the process and then they must love me. Those that reject the truths of God have already rejected Him and are solely in His hands, I have no responsibility to them.
This will be an unusual article from me because there are no scriptures included with it, it is time for all to wake up and find for themselves what is and is not true. So many read until they find something they disagree with and then attack without reading and checking out what scripture has to say as we are taught to do in scripture.. If you can prove me wrong than show me in scripture where I am wrong but DO NOT reference any thing but scripture, correctly translated and in context and as confirmed by the Holy Spirit of God, as it is the only source of ALL TRUTH. Any other method is a fruitless act of futility. That is how scripture expects us to do it. I care not what any man has to say, if it is something I have never heard and fully checked out previously so that I already understand then I check it out by going to scripture with the aid of the Holy Spirit that will show me all truth and see if it be of God or not.
Because the church system in the world today is not found in scripture and has surrendered to the ways of man and is not of God, They teach a false god, a false holy spirit and a false christ that scripture tells to beware of and they are leading those professing to be of Christ away from the protection of God that Jesus Christ, the son of God, came to provide for His people. Scripture warns us all that there are false christs and false holy spirit that will lead us astray. But few seem to believe it even though scripture tells us it is so, believe it it is true.
The church system teaches their doctrines and each of them( currently over 43000 different ones) have doctrines that are not of God. Many leave out essential doctrines of Christ and most add doctrines that are not of Christ. ONLY the doctrines of CHRIST apply to His disciples, only His and ALL of them. Man made doctrines are nothing but garbage and belong in the garbage can,
Any professing Christ that includes doctrines not found in Scripture or that does not include all of the doctrine of Christ is NOT OF GOD, but from the mind of apostate man or their father satan.. ( an apostate man is any man that has not the Spirit of God. And any man that teaches a partial or adds extra doctrines that are not of Christ IS AN APOSTATE.) No one under the influence of the real Holy Spirit can teach anything contrary to scripture. The Holy Spirit is the very SPIRIT of God and all that are of Christ (which makes them sons of God) must possess that same Spirit which makes them of one accord.
Scripture is clear GOD HATES DIVISION AND SCHISMS in HIS NAME. He says there are to be NO DIVISION IN HIS CHURCH. That statement makes it clear that the church system in the world today is not of God Because EVERY DIVISION IN THE CHURCH SYSTEM IS FOUNDED ON AN UN-GODLY DIVISION. AND THEY ARE PROUD THAT THEY HAVE MANY DIFFERENT DIVISIONS, EACH CLAIMING HIS IS BEST. BUT not even one of them is correct, because they are all led by men that scripture describes in detail when we look at the scriptures telling us “DO NOT BE DECEIVED”. IF YOU READ THE DETAILS YOU FIND WHO WILL DECEIVE YOU and it very accurately describes the deceivers that will come in the name of Jesus. And they are HERE NOW AND ARE VERY ACTIVE, LEADING THOSE SEEKING CHRIST away from Him and into the clutches of man and satan.
Why do people follow man instead of Christ. They must never read their bibles or maybe just that they are not filled with the Spirit of God? Even though all bibles are translations of scripture and are not scripture but contain errors placed there by the beliefs of the translators, those that are filled with the Spirit of God are shown the truth if they listen to the Spirit. Since the majority follow man and are filled with a false spirit they do not understand the things of God and readily accept the doctrines of their apostate leaders. Only a real disciple of Christ can make disciples of Christ. Any one following another spirit makes disciples of the spirit he follows. Christ charges all who would be His to come to Him and it is a personal charge, come to Christ the ONLY man that can give eternal life. In this age of Christ as Lord He is the head of all man. No other man can be “over another man”. Yet thousands of man claim that they are God's representative. And people believe them and then claim to be of Christ while following man and rejecting the words of Jesus Christ. Is it because They have read that following Christ will be difficult, that they must put Him before all else in their life? Because these men that say they are christ ( they come in His name and claim to have His authority), but they are not and do not. Their message is much easier than His, they promise the same result. (and you will not find it is not true until too late if you follow them) Their god and christ are one sloppy pair, they look the other way at sin, saying god looks at your heart. Which He does, but they do not mention that He sees your heart and if it does not change to become like Christ, He judges you accordingly. They do not warn to not be deceived because if they do they expose themselves to be the deceivers. They do not tell you about the two gates and two paths and what is at the end of each cannot be changed when you arrive. Their god has an unconditional love but scripture says the God of Jesus has conditions. There is not one scripture that says or supports an unconditional love from God, there are conditions on being a son of God. ONLY sons of God will inherit the earth, all others will be destroyed in the lake of fire. If His love was unconditional no one would be destroyed, If His love is unconditional He is a liar because he destroyed all but 8 people in the flood. That is why scripture reminds us that the end of man will be as it was in the days of Noah. This shows the wrath of God is as real as His eternal life. If I thought my God was a liar I would not follow him yet millions follow these gods of man. My God does not lie, He tells us like it is IF WE LISTEN TO HIM BUT the only way to hear Him is to be baptized in and controlled by His Holy Spirit. Men claim to impart the holy spirit to you and they do but it is not the Holy Spirit of the Living God that they impart as ONLY CHRIST can do that. These men are so full of themselves that they think they are serving God even though they do not follow His doctrines, they disagree with scripture and reject the chastising of God so they have been sent a delusion so that they believe only what they want to. And they lead others into the same delusion.
They teach about a free gift without conditions but Scripture clearly shows there are conditions to receive it. THE GIFT IS FREE BUT ONLY TO THOSE THAT ARE WILLING TO MEET THE CONDITIONS will receive it. Only those that accept it are able to possess it.
God is a just and good father and as such He requires obedience and He chastises those that are disobedient. The world today is filled with nephilim as it was in the days of Noah, they are men that follow man's ways and have rejected God. There is a horrible lack of fathers in the world, many men make babies but today only an extremely small number become fathers. Even being in the home is not being a father, a father is a full time job on top of providing for the family, it requires work and spending time with the children to learn them and to teach and guide them. Many have sent their family off to “church” and yet have no idea what they are being taught, a father KNOW what is going on in the lives of his children and if he is led by the Spirit of God, the spirit will let him know there is a problem before it becomes uncorrectable. Remember you will be held accountable for how you father your children whether you do it or not. Scripture is clear the reason that the wrath of God destroyed all but Noah and his family was because ALL, except Noah, had followed the way of those apostate man and even the ones that claimed to follow God had married the daughters of the apostate men and had followed their wives into rejecting God and His way. Today we see the exact same thing in the world and it has taken over what professes to be the church of Christ but is in fact the church of Man (and their father satan). Those that profess to be of Christ marry women because of their looks or their perception of them, with no regard to their spiritual condition, rejecting the word of God that says if you marry the daughters of men they will bring you down, but they are (in their own eyes) smarter than God and ignore Him and fall from the grace of God as did Adam who brought death to us and curses on the ground because he followed his wife instead of God. As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun, men keep making the same mistakes. Except for the few that are baptized in the Holy Spirit and follow Christ exclusively. In the days of Noah fewer than .01% of the people were saved from the world, yes, scripture says what He means and He means what He says but apparently few believe it. Of course carnal man takes the easy way but that is the reason Christ has made it clear without the infilling Holy Spirit being allowed to rule and reign in your life you cannot and will not ever be a Spiritual person, you will remain a carnal person for as long as you live and when you face the judgment seat and God looks at Jesus' book of life, your name will not be in it, you will have no recourse, He will say to you, as to millions more, go away I never knew you, cast him into the lake of fire to be destroyed. It is yet not too late . Be sure you are baptized in the Holy Spirit of the living God, ask the Holy Spirit to led you into all of the truths of God, that is why it is given to us. If you have been deceived, so what, repent and change. get right with God, set your family right, and grow in God through Christ, He is waiting to receive you into His family, are you ready? He is waiting for YOU.

Charles LaFoe

copyright 2/23/2018

May be freely shared without changes


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