How God Created the World and Empowers You to Create Yours
World Creation
I believe that the world was created by the spoken Word. God created the world and all it contains by progressively speaking and shaping it into existence in six days. Genesis, the first book of the bible, describes how the earth started out as formless, empty, dark, and watery before God said “Let there be light,” calling the light Day and the darkness Night on the first day. On the second day, God spoke and made a firmament (an expanse; a wide space) to divide the waters; He called the firmament above the waters Heaven. On the third day, God gathered the waters beneath the firmament into seas and the appearing dry land He called Earth. At His word, the earth brought forth grass, seed yielding herbs, and fruit trees. On day four, God made the sun, moon and stars in the heavens to give light on the earth and to divide the light from the darkness.
Sea creatures and winged birds were created on the fifth day to fill the waters and multiply on the earth respectively. On the sixth day, God brought forth cattle, every creeping thing, and beasts of the earth, each according to its kind; and then He created male and female to be fruitful and multiply, fill and subdue the earth, and have dominion over every living thing that swims in the seas, and moves on and flies over the earth.
This is how I think the world was created as read, taught, and believed from the Holy Bible. I also believe that just as God spoke the World into existence, He has given us the power and authority to speak into our own lives and the lives of others to create the social and private worlds we live in.
Human Creation
We are spiritual beings living a human experience, and have been given dominion over the other created works of God, who created us in His image and taught us to speak those things that be not as if they did. I believe that if you don’t like what you see, change what you say!
When I was a child, there was a saying that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.” It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now. Words can HURT! There is power in words and words in the forms of rumors, slander, vengeance, and jealousy have been known to emotionally and physically (in some situations) scar, wound, and destroy individuals, families, and communities. Think of the children who are constantly put down, being told that they are no good and will never amount to anything. Some rise to the challenge and prove their critics wrong, but far too many live down to the negative low expectations spoken into their lives.
The bible describes the tongue as a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body, corrupting the whole person … a restless evil full of deadly poison (James 3: 6, 8). We have the ability to speak blessings or curses into our lives and the lives of others. Which does your world reflect? Has your life and surroundings taken on the beauty and fruitfulness of God’s spoken creation or does your soul feel dry and your neighboring gardens appear to be dying?
Words can also HEAL! Implement the following steps to progressively shape your world:
- Begin to speak positive affirmations and faith confessions to yourself daily and build up the people in your life.
- Learn to say what you mean and mean what you say in love.
- See yourself and others through the spiritual eyes of God and know that you are all fearfully and wonderfully made with a plan and a purpose to prosper, and have hope and a future.
- Align yourself with God’s will for your life, be obedient to His direction, speak what you desire to experience personally and professionally; and then expect God to do a new thing, exceedingly abundantly more than you can think or ask.
The power of life and death is in the tongue, choose to speak LIFE!
Be blessed,
Jo Anne Meekins
Inspired 4 U Publications
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2009 Jo Anne Meekins