How To Cast Out Demons
Mark 16:17 "And these signs (casting out) shall follow them that believe (Christians) in My name (JESUS) shall they "cast out 'devils'."
- Scripture about casting out demons....
4:23-24 All Galilee, Synagogues(vs.23)
8:14-17 Peter's house (vs. 14)
8:28-33 Seashore (vs. 32)
9:32-33 Outside (vs. 32)
10:7-8 Everywhere (vs. 7)
12:15,22 Great multitudes (vs. 15)
15:22-28 Coasts (vs. 22)
16:13-19 Coasts (vs. 13)
17:14-21 Multitude (vs. 14)
1:23-27 Synagogues (vs. 23)
1:32-34 Door-House of Simon and Andrew (vs. 33)
1:39-41 Synagogues, all Galilee (vs. 39)
3:9-15 Small ship (vs. 9)
5:2-20 Out of ship (vs. 2)
6:10-15 House (vs. 10)
7:24-30 House (vs. 24)
9:14-27 Multitude (vs. 14)
9:33,39 House (vs. 33)
4:33-36 Synagogue (vs. 33)
4:38-41 Simon's house (vs. 38)
6:17-19 Plain (vs. 17)
8:1-3 Every city and village (vs. 1)
8:26-39 Seashore (vs. 26)
9:37-42 Down from the hill (vs. 37)
11:14-22 Synagogue (vs. 15)
13:11-17 Synagogue (vs. 14)
Many people know about demons, spirits and ghost. While there are people you could call to help rid your home or your life of demons, it is over looked what the bible spoke of about demons. In the Holy Bible, it speaks of how we (believers and followers of Christ) should cast out demons from places, objects and even people. While other methods do work, they will not last forever and when that demon comes back, it will bring more with it to dwell in your home or your body!
When Jesus died on the cross, he not only died so that we may be forgiven of our sins, but also, so we may have the gifts that he used in the bible; one being, casting out demons.
You don't need holy water, or crosses, or ribbons. You don't need salt, or wires, or candles. All you need is to love for God and to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. He, after all, was given unto men as an example of how we all should live our lives.
To begin with, you must go throughout your home and check for anything that may be drawing demons into your life and home. This can range from art on the wall, to jewelry, to TV shows and even clothing. Ask God to show you the way. Once you gathered everything, THROW IT AWAY!! Or, if you prefer, you can burn it. I have done both. Also, once you have done this, make a point once a year to go through your home again and check. Things always seem to find their way back in.
Next, you have to bind whatever ails you, in Jesus' name. Say "In the name of Jesus Christ. I bind any demonic force over my ______ and cast it back to where it came from, seven fold, in Jesus' name, Amen!". Some demons may need this to be said daily, or several times a day as they are stubborn or you may have more then one effecting your life.You also bind and lift generational curses on you and your family in this same manner.
Finally, EVERY SINGLE DAY plead the blood of Jesus Christ over yourself. Say " I plead the blood of Jesus Christ from the top of my crown, to the soles of my feet, through my mind, body, soul, spirit and heart, AMEN!". Do this over yourself, your children, your spouse, and anyone your care about. I even do this on my pets.
Remember, you must love God and honor Him as well as following Christ's teachings with all your heart, or this may not work. This, the casting out of demons, is a gift given to one's who repent and accept salvation. You must believe in your heart and let no fear in while doing this.
There are scriptures on the side to give examples of demons being cast out.
It also helps to fill yourself and your home with scripture every day. You can play audio scripture on your stereo or even songs about God and Jesus that show love. You will see the energy of your home change and you will feel it! Anything about the blood of Christ is powerful, after all, it is by his blood we are made clean and new! :)