A Personal Testimony - How I became Christian.
Flesh and blood.
Fact or Fiction?
My name is James, and I hope you enjoy stories because this is rather long, but... Have you ever heard a story that sounded too good to be true, too crazy to be real?
HubPages did not publish this after I had edited it, so I decided to make a video about my testimony, since this hub was rather lengthy and reading can sometimes get boring. It just so happens that I'm not much of a talker, but I decided I wanted this to be in a video, since text can't convey emotions too well. See it for yourself, not based on what I say, but on the premise that "the bible is true" -- And not just true, but what is real.
The bible is more than just a book of "fairy tales", it is a literal history of the world. So the views contained therein are rather deep when it comes to our origins, such as that of if we were really created, or if this all happened by chance?
Do we doubt what the bible says, because it may be too crazy to be true?
"Yea, hath God said?"
Seeds of doubt, brothers and sisters. Because if the bible is true, and this may sound disgusting, but it has a certain beauty to it... We're all related, literally. This means that we as believers in what the bible says is true, must then agree with it as absolute truth. God is no respecter of persons, and your title, background and skin color mean nothing. It is the absolute standard of truth, and it is comforting to know that we're all related, that we're "in this together" -- Which is the "Christian" mindset.
What is a "Christian" anyway? What makes us think we have the answers? And from where do the answers come from? The bible, correct? Which version? The KJV? ESV? Where are the "original texts", and where do they come from?
I have a lot question, and I think I have answers... But it isn't based on what I think is true, or rather, what I think I wanted to be true. No, if my answers are biblical, then they must agree with the text. Literally.
"But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear." - Matthew ch13 v16.
It is by faith that we see these things, that the bible is a true account of history to the world: A world in rebellion to God.
"Religion" will not save you. You can't hide behind "Well, my pastor says, blah blah blah". It doesn't work that way, it must agree with the text. Period. End of story.
But blessed are your eyes, for the see that it is true, when it says that every man is a liar. There is none righteous, no, not even one of us are righteous enough to enter the Kingdom of God on our own merits.
Great tribulation is coming, and there does not appear to be a rapture any time soon.
"When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him." - Deuteronomy ch18 v22.
There are a lot of false prophets in the world, and they don't represent me or what I believe is true. So if that version is the "real Christianity", and I'm believing a fake version of it, prove me wrong. But don't base your argument against me be based on something John Hagee, Harold Camping or the Roman Catholic Church did or said. They don't represent me, or my beliefs.
If you have questions, I may have answers, and you might not like them. Sorry, but the bible is brutally honest when it comes to these deep problems and things we see on TV going on around us, all over the world.
So why Jesus? Why the bible?
I would like to make more videos, and talk about God, but I don't think anyone wants to listen. I could be wrong, but I will consider making more videos if people have honest questions, and not "railing accusations" based on my faults or failings. Posts containing inappropriate material will be deleted, so fair warning now, all I am asking is for you "keep it clean". That isn't asking much, is it?
God bless.
My testimonial on YouTube.
Just me talking about how I came to believe that the bible is true.