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How to Become One of the Happiest People You Know - Be Thankful

Updated on September 7, 2012
Thankful for friendships
Thankful for friendships | Source
Thankful for daily meals
Thankful for daily meals | Source
Thankful for loving relationships
Thankful for loving relationships | Source

What are "you" Thankful for?

I`m feeling so thankful! We all have something to be thankful for, right? Thankfulness can be quite a motivator. It moves us to do good things for ourselves and for others, which leads us to experience real happiness in our lives. I know thanksgiving was a few weeks ago, but I like to practise thanksgiving all year round; well I try to :)

At different points in our lives, like holiday season or other major events, we begin to focus on how blessed we truely are. I feel such deep gratitude to God for who He is and what He has done- in me, and those around me. He has completely transformed my life from its dark past; of misery, anxiety and identity crisis. He is the reason I have my own family today. A dynamic hubby, wonderful children, treasured friendships, and utilising my creative gifts.

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul - Rabindranath Tagore.

Last two weeks, I`ve witnessed the touch of Gods love and transforming powers in the lives, of my loved ones, friends and neighbours. I celebrated my brithday this month. I feel overwhelmed with appreciation because I clearly am not the same women I was a couple of years ago; I`m less negative and have much more to offer. It really is more joy to give than recieve.

Be Grateful that there are still men & women, fighting & sacrificing their lives for others!!
Be Grateful that there are still men & women, fighting & sacrificing their lives for others!! | Source

How Can I Experience Real Hapiness?

Studies show that people who regularly engage in practicing gratitude are happier, less depressed, and have experienced life-changing moments.

Im my gratitude, I am moved in many ways. God has been so good to me, I know I`ve falling short. Nevertheless, I want to be good to someone else. For instance, because I was freed from the effects of a broken home and stolen childhood, I want to help young girls and women in similar circumstances.

If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy! - Proverb

I could never repay God for His goodness, and mighty works. But I certaintly can be a blessing to someone else as a way of thanking Him for it. Thankfulness can be quite a motivator. It moves us to do good for ourselves, and for others. It moves us to do good for others, simply because we`re thankful for God`s goodness to us.

Thankful for nature and fresh air
Thankful for nature and fresh air | Source
Giving to be a blessing
Giving to be a blessing | Source
Grateful when a work mate shouts you a cuppa
Grateful when a work mate shouts you a cuppa | Source
Thankful for our beautiful planet
Thankful for our beautiful planet | Source
Be thankful if you live in Freedom
Be thankful if you live in Freedom | Source
Be thankful, express your gratitude today, say thankyou where its due, you will be happy you did so!
Be thankful, express your gratitude today, say thankyou where its due, you will be happy you did so! | Source

How to Count Your Blessings!

Many of us, really do take our own life for granted. I`m guilty of this, and the last thing I wanted to hear "be happy, your life aint that bad!"

All this changed, once I started to count my blessings, and what better way than writing up a gratitude list. I`ve been doing this since my mid 20`s, and its proven results keeps me continuing this activity 2-3 times a year, including my night prayers consisting of thanksgiving.

Be content with what you have. Rejoice in the way things are. When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you - InspireWisdom

I know, I know, you may be thinking how to be grateful when your life seems to be going downhill? Many people do not give this excercise a chance, simply because they just can`t see how this will help them in any way, or pay their bills etc. etc. etc. The whole point of this excercise is to give you a fresh perception of your life. You will shift your focus away from what you don`t have, to the blessings you may already have.

Are You Taking Your Life for Granted?

So, here is a great opportuntity for me to express my gratitude. My list below is in no particular order:

  1. Im thankful for the sunshine. I love the warmth on my face, and the blazing light it brings into my home. It puts a smile on my face and draws me to relax with a book.
  2. Im thankful for the relationship I have with God. It helps me walk in love, forgiveness, and keeps me strong. The application of Gods life principles, is building my home in a healthy, loving manner.
  3. Im very thankful I can have an express hot chocolate, sip a nice cup of tea. It makes me feel warm, helps me relax, and I have the option when I like to have it, and how much of it.
  4. Grateful for the internet in our home. Its a great source for my over curious mind. Helps me stay in touch with my family and friends abroad. Including the joy of writing online.
  5. Im grateful for my strong health, and the health of my hubby and children. We continue to be well in health and spirit. I thank God for this, aswel as Switzerland. This country has beautiful nature, clean air, strong enconomy and peaceful for building a family life.

Of course.....the list could go on and on, I have many things to be thankful for....but I will keep it short for now, and hope it will help you get a general idea, how to create your own gratitude list. I encourage you to go ahead with this excerise at your earliest convience, and be thankful on purpose. It will really change the way you see your life. You may feel sick of your life, but I`m sure you may agree, that there are many worse off? No?...I don`t you nor your situation, but I`m here to encourage you to do your best to focus on the good - simple things in life that make you feel good. All the best! :)

I came across a great quote the other day that I really liked, I`ve posted it below.

"Stop looking to the sky for miracles. Open up your heart to God; true miracles occur in the heart." - Immaculée Ilibagiza.


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