How to build a peaceful world
How To Build A Peaceful World
I am so grateful that I have had the opportunities that I have had to study and learn from so many wonderful people. I also appreciate all the wonderful writers on Hub pages for sharing their thoughts and ideas with everyone. I start off with these lines of respect and appreciation because I see more respect and appreciation needed in the world.
The real topic of this writing is how to build a peaceful society. My scope is the planet that we share called Earth. Planet Earth has the potential to be a wonderful world despite what we see going on the planet now. The potential for a "Peaceful" world is real. The first thing that we must do as human civilization is accept that fact and cultivate the mode of peace in ourselves. I also see the whole human race as my family. I work on this everyday and I know it is not easy, but I have made great strides and I encourage all others to follow suit.
The first person that needs fixing is me, that is how this peaceful will get built. I will work on controlling my mind and engaging in peaceful thoughts. I will see and remember that all living beings are unique and special and have the right to live in peace no matter where they are from or their beliefs. I will remember that as I need to breath, eat, drink, maintain my health and be happy, the other person must have these same basic needs, and I have no right to take a need away from another person. I will try to be helpful as long as I will not harm myself or others in the process and encourage others to do the same.
A peaceful civilization needs to be fostered by the influential people who others see as "role models". When we see our leaders fighting, violence glorified and sensationalized this creates a chellenge to creating a peaceful culture. The politicians of the world have to really step up and lead the way by ther actions. "What great men do the common man will follow" is what Krsna stated 5,200 year ago, and nothing has changed.
The foods that we eat also contribute to the level of peacefulness that the society will be able to enjoy. It take a hard person to kill animals in slaughter houses and then cook them up for dinner. The pain and suffering that the animal endures leaves an impression on the society as a whole if it is condoned. I find it hard to imagine that the owner of a slaughterhouse would be a very peaceful person by nature. I could be wrong. The mentality behind meat eating is detrimental to a peaceful society. The results will show in ailment that people who eat meat will endure. According to some scientists the human digestive system is not properly designed for eating meat.
The abuse of mind altering products should be reevaluated, this includes alcohol and other illegal paraphernalia. To be responsible a person should not be intoxicated or "high", because now there is the excuse that they were under the influence of a foreign body substance. The society should not allow this excuse at all. People should be responsible for their actions and intoxication should not be any bail out for any thing that they do that harms another.
Then there is the mentality that people have where they want a lot for a little. This mentality is that of gamblers and cheats. This mentality encourage unecessary risk taking. The risk that people take may put other in harms way therefore to have a peaceful society of humans, gambling and risk taking should not be accepted.
Then there should be training on how to control the senses. Lust is such a terrible enemy of the mind. There is lust for people and lust for objects. The bottom line is lust that is not fulfilled leads to anger and eventually to violence if it is not checked. The goal would be to encourage people to desire only what they need, and want only those things that will benefit their life and the lives of others. This will reduce the hoarding that goes on in this world. Where there is one set of people throwing aways food on a daily basis while others are starving.
To build a peaceful world all 7,000,000,000 would need their basic needs met and believe in the above written. I wish I could say that I was the originator of these ideas. The truth is they could be found in the Bhagavad-Gita an ancient Vedic (Knowledge) text which was written 5200 years ago.
The goal should be the happiness of all living beings.
Note: It is the peaceful spirit that must first arrive before there is a chance for world peace. I hope it comes soon. Caring for family and friends is important, but the way of true knowledge would inspire us to believe that we are all family and friends as long as we are human beings. This is my advice on how the Nirvana, Shamballa, Heaven, Paradise or just "Happy World" could be built right here on this planet.
Best wishes to all