People Who Have Met Satan
How I really believe I met Satan? How Satan appeared to me? What was he like? How I know that he was Satan?
My Experience and Story
I just moved to Okeechobee at the time so I was trying to meet people and get out of the house for a while. I went to this place called Brusky’s which is a bar. I was by myself because I didn’t know anyone. After I sat at the bar for a while I began to talk to a lady and we talked for a while then she said she had to leave so I had no one to talk to so I ordered a beer.
I remember it felt so good to get out for a while so I really didn’t care if anyone wouldn’t talk to me. I wound up talking to several people that night and I was having fun.
Then this gentleman asked me very politely if he could sit down and I said sure. I got to talk to him he bought me a few beers. I started thinking to myself. This guy is perfect! He was well dressed but not overly dressed. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes and a nice tan.
Needless to say he was very attractive and just my type. He carried himself quite well. He seemed to be of a gentle heart soft spoken but looked like he could easily defend my honor.
I must admit he was appealing to me. Perfect! My kind of man!
The bartender called last call for alcohol so he orders us another beer. Then he asked me if I wanted to go up to the lake for a while. I said sure. After we finished our beer we left then stopped at the store. We both bought six packs of beer.
I followed his truck to the lake. He drove down this pathway right next to the water and followed it until we couldn’t drive any further. Here is when you should pay attention! Now we have the lake in front of us and on the side of us. The only way out is to back out. Remember I followed him that places my car behind his truck so he can’t leave unless I do.
Keep that in mind so we opened a beer sat there and talked for a little while. Then I realized I either I forgot his name or he never told me his name. So I get off the tailgate. I asked him if he needed another beer. I was embarrassed but I went ahead and asked him what his name? He replied Satan I said what? I thought I heard him wrong. He said his name again while I turned around to hand him his beer he was gone.
Both Satan and his truck were gone. I stood there for a minute and gather my thoughts and assessed the situation. I thought to myself with disbelief. How could he have left? There is no way out of here unless I move my car. I was parked directly behind him. How can this be?
Explain this I Can't
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