The Word of God is our Spiritual Food
We need our Spiritual Food - The Word of God
"And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered. And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" (Luke 4:1-4 KJV).
This account is extremely imperative. Jesus was tempted of the devil for forty days without food. We call this fasting. This type of fast has to be done under the guidance and direction of the Holy Ghost and we are taught that it was done that way.
We learn that Jesus ate nothing and was afterwards hungry when the devil approached Him, and began to question His identity. The word If is implying and inferring doubt and uncertainty; and questioning the Son of God challenging Him to a duel in the way of a provocation for Him to prove Himself, suggesting that Jesus command a stone to be bread. Of course we know that He could do that, He turned water into wine, but why should He do that? A stone is a stone and bread is bread. Jesus answered him, first letting him know that it is written, taking His stand upon the Scriptures that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. End of dialogue!
We too would have to be led by the Holy Ghost and empowered to accomplish such a great feat. To personalize this discipline we need to know our limitations and our need for the Spirit of God.
Man shall not live by bread alone. What does that mean? The natural body needs its bread, and the soul and spirit needs its bread, the unadulterated Word of God. Our spiritual food is just as important as our physical bread. We should not live to eat, but eat what is necessary to live. Verse 4b, lets us know we will not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
This introduces a brand new way of life for us, as we ask the Father to give us this day, our daily bread. After we realize and understand that the bread we request must include our spirit and soul bread as well.
The Word of God is referenced in various places as food to be eaten. We must be ready to taste and see that the Lord is good. There is a preparation necessary to be ready to eat. Naturally speaking when it is time to eat we prepare ourselves. We may have to be the one who prepares our meal or we may dine out, however the scenario of preparation plays out the goal is to eat our meals at the set intervals of the day and to enjoy the meal. Preparation is a major part of this operation. We also must wash our hands and hearts to give thanks and say our grace over our meals, in doing so we let God know that we are thankful for these provisions.
"Thy words were found, and I did eat them: and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts" (Jeremiah 15:16 KJV).
The prophet declared that he found food to eat and he did eat it and as a result he said the word was so good that it was the joy and rejoicing of his heart. There is nothing like good food! Can I get a witness? When you come to terms with the responsibility of obtaining and establishing your spiritual diet and making sure you are partaking of the words of God for the nourishment of your spirit, soul and body so that you can experience being maintained, you have come to the place of holistic health.
Think about it, we generally learn in reverse. We have learned how to feed our physical bodies when we are hungry, before we learned how to feed our spirits and souls. We must ascertain that we flow with the reversal of this process, and include prayer and fasting; and the Word of God in feeding our spirits and souls daily and thereby do we feed our bodies also. The spirit has to be first to acquire the orderly flow of wisdom. We need to feed our souls information of how to eat healthy naturally speaking. Divine order influences our natural order. This is a necessary shift to reposition us under the plan of God. As Jesus indicated, man shall not live by bread alone. We need spiritual food as well. Give us this day our daily bread, spiritual, soul and body, give us thy Word!
What's on God's Menu
In today's world we have many options of places that we can eat. Where will it be?
There is Fast food: - We eat it fast and there are time limits. The thing about fast food is that you may not know who prepared it and what that entails, all you know is that you are hungry and want something fast to satisfy your hunger. We are living in a more conscientious society which now wants to know, what is in the food they eat. How many calories and carbohydrates, does it have any protein and how much fat is there. These are all new questions to the fast food endeavor.
There is spiritual fast food too which involves not listening and hearing. Jesus challenges all of us with these words........he who has an ear let him hear. Hearing is a type of eating. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God. What happens when the Word of God comes and we are not hearing it. We are skipping meals, snacks are good, but there is nothing like a good meal, meals eaten too fast can be harmful.
There is Gourmet and Cuisine Food: - We all like sitting down in a restaurant and checking the menu for what appeals to our sense of satisfaction. We have the time and we can eat it slow. We can have bread, water and our choice of a beverage.
Gourmet Spiritual Cuisine is the best meals of all, when the chef knows what to do with the food to be served. We usually know the meal is masterfully made. We may not know what he does in the kitchen before the meal is served but if he is a gourmet chef, we can be sure everything on the menu is good. Prayer, Worship and Praise and the main course the Word of God fit for kings and queens.
There is Junk Food: Everything that is of no real nutritional value. I will let you define spiritual junk food for yourself!
Spiritual health and wholeness is dependent upon a good diet, what we eat and the timing of the meals we eat. Prayer is the precursor to partaking of meals both naturally and spiritually. The Holy Spirit assists us in the proper digestion of the Word of God on a daily basis. The Holy Spirit is how we digest our meals. We must be enabled to digest admonitions, warnings, chastisements, and exhortations so that these counsels can complete us.
Today there is a greater awareness of the contents of food. What's in this meal? Digestion and absorption of nutrients are essential to maintain our stamina.
Preparation of Food is an Imperative
Preparation of food is another imperative and, which aids us in appreciating good food. We all have our memories and favorites of those who have prepared and cooked us good meals. I am reminded of my mother, who by the way was to me the best cook in the world (smile), you may be able to identify with this regarding your own mother or someone else, who as we say in the old neighborhood, they could throw down! There are certain foods we can't eat raw, they must be prepared and cooked properly. Jesus, prophets, priests, and the apostles left us with a banquet and feast of good foods, cooked just right. Delighted!
I have a song I wrote during my quiet time, it goes like this:
Prepare me in my spirit, prepare me in my soul,
Prepare me Holy Spirit, Make me whole.
Let Your will be done, Let Your kingdom come,
In and through this life of mine.
In this chorus I am asking for all that is necessary to equip me in my spirit and soul; and that the Holy Spirit prepares and makes me whole for the purpose of God's will being done, and that His kingdom to come right through my life. The purpose of God for our lives is by divine decision and divine design. God's purpose is not about me or you, it is what He gives us to meet needs. To share meals with others, to dole our bread out to the hungry. It is amazing that there is always a spiritual and soul hunger in us for more. We don't want to become overweight by hoarding the food we are given. The five-fold ministry doesn't hoard spiritual food, they feed us the best they can. We must learn in the interim how to prepare ourselves a good meal too. Can you imagine always going out for every meal? Some meals I really enjoy preparing and cooking up for myself.
Preparation of the Word to feed others is no different, there are certain things which must be done in preparation to dole out this meal as well. One must read, study, and pray for spiritual insight and Rhema for all who will partake of the spiritual food, so that it can nourish their spirit and soul towards health and wholeness and it is digested properly.
There are preachers and teachers who affect us that way as well, they prepare the Word just like mother prepared her meals. Full of goodness, we approach this endeavor with anticipation and are ready, and it satisfies the soul to the desiring of more and more good spiritual food. God has blessed us with an innumerable count of those that make us hungry and thirsty for the good Word.
Before I moved from New York, to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, I was fortunately blessed to sit under the teaching of Pastor A.R. Bernard of Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, New York. He was a chief chef in preparing the Word for consumption. My spiritual appetite and spiritual digestive system was always blessed and satisfied, each and every service I was satisfied, thankful and grateful with what I was given to eat every Sunday and in all other services. Pastor Bernard cared that you understood the Word and practically applied it to every situation life offers.
This is a crucial place to be, you must acquire, and have an appetite for the Word of God. Without an appetite you won't appreciate any food no matter who the chef is. Having a good cook at home is the best thing one can ask for. I live in Harrisburg and the distance is around 4 hours driving time to New York. Yet distance is a minor factor today with the web and all the other mediums of communication. The sustaining quality of good food has a lasting impact. Good spiritual food will assist you in learning how to prepare yourself meals when you need to. One of the greatest things to witness today is men who now know how to prepare their own food and serve it. Men in times of old depended on women to prepare their meals, that role has reversed tremendously.
I thought further on this topic as I prepared to make myself a chicken salad today. First I had to obtain all the ingredients. Wash all ingredients, then cook the chicken and add all the ingredients to make it a palatable delight. Main point being the time it takes to prepare this meal has to be a focal point. Before partaking of this salad, I give thanks and say grace. We must know how to prepare a spiritual meal for our selves when we are not at Church. Imagine only eating a physical meal but on Sunday only, and the rest of the week eating nothing. One would have to be on a fast and that is perfectly alright. Suppose you are not on a fast? Can you endure the rest of the week with no food at all? I'll leave that for you to answer. The premise being, we need to know how to prepare, pray and eat meals at home too. A healthy measure of the Word to feed yourself during the week is just as essential as striving to eat three meals a day.
As Christians, we have are to a large degree accountable for own food, we must eat and be responsible to eat all the right foods. We need the words of law and the prophets, we need the poetic books to sweeten our countenance and purify our hearts, we need the gospels to introduce and bring Jesus to life, we need Church foundation and history, we need the apostles words of encouragement, exhortation, admonition and all that they have left us to eat, in order not to experience spiritual or soul famine. We need our spiritual food!
Prayer Before Reading the Word is saying our Spiritual Grace
Honorable and Holy Father, I ask that Your sanctified Word be used for the good of my spirit, soul and body through the power of the Holy Spirit, that Your will be done and Your kingdom comes through me by Your Word. Amen
We should always be thankful and grateful for the Word of God every time we read it, just like we are thankful for our physical food and say our grace before we partake. We should be so very thankful for the Bible and the sacrifices that the holy men made to preserve it and leave us with their legacy and part in the big picture. Do you realize the lives that were taken for us to be able to open the Bible and read it.
The opening photo of this hub shows dust build up and the words read it inscribed in the dust. Jesus our Chief Chef fed us the unadulterated Word and gave His life for us and as a result we can study and read it. It is our food. Never forget those who gave their lives for us to be able to pick it up and read it any time. Be truly thankful for the Bible in your own heart. Pause now and give thanks to Honorable Father for the Word of God in its entity and give thanks for the Holy Spirit who brings it alive and helps us towards completion.
The Word of God gives our spirits and souls strength, but it is the substance in the Word which is actually being absorbed and is most beneficial to our spirits and souls, and what we fail to absorb (know how to use correctly and practically apply) and what we don't perceive and understand we can waste, as Jesus told us in the "parable of the sower" determining what type of hearing appetite we have will assist us in food choices, convincing and ensuring us that all of the food we choose to eat is GOD approved. Don't we investigate natural food whether it is USDA approved? Grace and prayer helps us to know and understand that the Word of God has His approval.
How do we implement a strategy not to waste food? Naturally speaking, putting too much on our plates can work against us because what we don't eat we generally allow to go to waste or we experience the condition of the digestion system having difficulty in absorption. We failed to allow the chosen food to benefit us. We need teachers to teach us how to use the Word of God, once we receive it, not to become a wayside, stony or thorny hearers, as well as eaters , but desire a solid and good appetite for the Word and be good ground and be nourished.
Would you eat a meal by the wayside or where there is all stone, or where nothing but thorns grow, or would you prefer to eat your meal in a good place where it can be enjoyed? The good place is a receptive heart. The way we hear is a type of preparation. Suppose you were about to eat a meal and the atmosphere was not inductive to partaking of a meal. The atmosphere may not be the place you eat it but the attitude you eat it with. Not being thankful and grateful for food, doesn't make it enjoyable to me. I appreciate it when I give God thanks for the meal I am about to receive and ask that He would sanctify it for the use of my body. Writing this article is helping me to identify why prayer is essential prior to reading the Word, I wouldn't desire nor would I want to partake of my natural food and not say grace over it. Spiritually, prayer before consuming the Word of God will help us to understand it to put it into practice.
A Recipe for Success
Early Morning Pondering (EMP) March 21, 2014 ... ... Beloved, been in the world of medical career, it's been proven over time that the food that is absorbed from the amount of food we eat, is what actually gives the body energy and strength. It is not the large amount of food we eat that gives the body strength, but the food substance which is actually absorbed is what is beneficial to the body and that which is not absorbed becomes waste product. This is a tip for weight loss therapy.
Now, in the same way, the WORD of GOD is Spiritual Food. Jeremiah said, 'Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.' (Jeremiah 15:16). When we give attendance to studying the WORD of GOD, we are eating Spiritual Food; When we ponder on the WORD,we are meditating upon the WORD of GOD. MEDITATION is the easiest way to digest the WORD of GOD. As we ponder on the WORD,the secret things in the WORD are absorbed and the substance that is absorbed, comes out to us as revelation.
The HOLY SPIRIT helps us to uncover the deep things of GOD in HIS WORD, and the heavenly secrets that will lead us to obtaining the Promise. Whatever we read or study is not beneficial or profitable to us, until it is digested. What we read or study only imparts our lives if we give room to pondering, through the process of MEDITATION. Just like the food we eat, it is only the food we digest that is absorbed and that which is absorbed is what is assimilated while the excess which is not absorbed, becomes waste product. As children of GOD, we need to give attendance to pondering, to meditating on upon the WORD, so that the energy or strength we derive from it which is the revelation in it can come out. Then and then only, can we have good success as described in Joshua 1:8.
Noteworthy, the HOLY SPIRIT has been given to us, to empower our mind for excellence. It is our responsibility to engage our redeemed mind, in other to escape from the troubles of life. Hence, Scripture says, 'Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine' (1 Timothy 4:13). 'Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all' (1 Timothy 4:15).
Jeremiah said, 'Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.' (Jeremiah 15:16). When we give attendance to studying the WORD of GOD, we are eating Spiritual Food; When we ponder on the WORD, we are meditating upon the WORD of GOD. MEDITATION is the easiest way to digest the WORD of GOD. As we ponder on the WORD, the secret things in the WORD are absorbed and the substance that is absorbed, comes out to us as revelation. The HOLY SPIRIT helps us to uncover the deep things of GOD in HIS WORD, and the heavenly secrets that will lead us to obtaining the Promise.
Whatever we read or study is not beneficial or profitable to us, until it is digested. What we read or study only imparts our lives if we give room to pondering, through the process of MEDITATION. Just like the food we eat, it is only the food we digest that is absorbed and that which is absorbed is what is assimilated while the excess which is not absorbed, becomes waste product. As children of GOD, we need to give attendance to pondering, to meditating on upon the WORD, so that the energy or strength we derive from it which is the revelation in it can come out. Then and then only, can we have good success as described in Joshua 1:8. Noteworthy, the HOLY SPIRIT has been given to us, to empower our mind for excellence. It is our responsibility to engage our redeemed mind, in other to escape from the troubles of life. Hence, Scripture says, 'Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine' (1 Timothy 4:13). 'Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all' (1 Timothy 4:15).
JoyAngel is her name, isn't that an unique name to go through life with? She is in the medical profession and has provided a contrast between the physical and spiritual components necessary is absorbing both; that over time that the food that we absorb from the measure of food we eat, is what actually gives our bodies energy and strength. It is not the large amount of food we eat that gives our bodies that strength, but the food substance which is actually absorbed, this is what is beneficial to the body and that which is not absorbed becomes waste product. This is a tip for weight loss therapy. Now, in the same way, the WORD of GOD is Spiritual Food.
Eat the Whole Roll towards Fullness
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, and who also will do it" (! Thessalonians 5:23-24 KJV).
There is maximum attention being given to exercise programs that build our bodies and that is a good thing, to get the exercise necessary our bodies need to properly offset carbohydrates and calories, proteins etc. Moreover not at the expense of spiritual malnutrition. To maintain holistic health, meaning the health of our whole or entire beings; spirit, soul and body it is of vital importance.
The first shall be last, and the last shall be first. The part of our human nature which has been proven to be visibly susceptible to sin here on earth and the first to be plagued and labeled the sinner. The flesh learned how to operate in this world under the auspices of sin, and would have to take the rap for our sinful state under the aw of sin and death. When it comes to acknowledgement of the sinful state, the flesh was the leader of the crowd. I never heard of the human spirit until being born again. The soul however was introduced by soul music. In reversal of this operation the spirit is the first to be resurrected to new life from above, with the soul following in second place. Yet the flesh is the last aspect in the redemption equation. Have you ever heard the expression, the last one home is a rotten egg. this adage holds a great percent of truth. The last part to experientially be resurrected and experience redemption is the flesh, the rotten egg, the sinner.
Yet under redemptions' plan the spirit is always first. Verily, verily I say unto thee, ye must be born again. That which is born of the spirit is spirit, and that which is born of the flesh is flesh. The wind blows were it does and you can hear the sounds the wind make, but you can not tell where it came from, nor where it goes, so is everyone born of the spirit. Quickly and immediately does salvation take place, just like the wind we never see coming. With being born again there also comes a new spirit and soul diet. We were in the world and of it and relied upon it to teach us as sin dictated what we could be taught as mere sinners. Sin said jump and we replied how high by our actions and conduct, we just couldn't see nor understand that we were jumping from a low place. If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, we are not of the world any longer and the world doesn't inform or influence our lifestyles and behavior any more. We need our nutrients which can only be found in the Word (the principles, promises, counsels) and all the substance we can receive from it.
Our entire and complete selves need the nourishment the Word of God provides. There is sustenance in the Word, the principles we embrace which build us up and strengthen us to stand, so that we can obtain and maintain our souls and our bodies. This begins with first our spiritual awakening, we must be born again to establish a hunger that lunges us into the Word of God to eat and feast. We are awakened to God and the pronouncement He has spoken to us through Jesus Christ, prophets, priests and kings, and through disciples and apostles who have left us food to feast on. There is no famine when you are a partaker of the Word, there can be a hunger and even an unquenchable thirst, if we ignore and neglect to eat the bread of heaven. There are covenants, and promises which give us the blessed assurance that if we are hungry and we feed ourselves, as well as being fed by Pastors and all the five-fold ministry gifts and each other, we will become strong and healthy. We live to eat the Word of God, yet this principle can't work as regarding our physical bodies, we can not spend every waking hour looking and desiring food to eat, so we can't live to eat physical bread, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Just like the Honorable Lord Jesus told us.
Feeding yourself is essential too. Pastors and all of our other means of obtaining spiritual food can't be present in the morning and evening and throughout each day, therefore we must know how to feed our selves because we are past the age of dependency upon others to feed us, we must mature to accomplish this, we must know how to fix our selves a good meal. Even that can be a challenge, do I want to prepare and cook myself a meal, or do I want fast food, or do I want to sit down at a restaurant and have some good ole cuisine, or do I just want to fill up on junk food. Whatever the decision is, it is ours to make. A good spiritual diet is something we must take responsibility to implement to sustain our spirits and souls. Our minds are being renewed every time we read God's Word. The Word of God alongside the Spirit of God assist us in getting a balanced meal when we allow them to be in charge.
Time has no significance without goals. Time and how we use it and redeem it is of major importance. Reading the Word of God is equal to eating, we need a daily routine to follow. We break a fast in the morning by partaking of food, we must break a spiritual fast from yesterday evening by reading the Word of God in the morning. Preparation for the Word or spiritual food for today is done by prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Yes, prayer is liken to saying your grace over your food and being thankful and appreciating what God serves you for your spiritual breakfast. When we do not eat the Word in the morning the fast that takes place because we slumbered can't be broken, so we will have to live off of yesterday food, prior to falling a sleep.
Beloved, please don't skip your spiritual meals, and eat your soul food and be prosperous! Grace and peace!
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