I Am Somebody
10 reasons you are somebody
Never let anyone discourage you or make you believe that you aren't somebody. All throughout the bible God's Word reassures us that if we believe and have faith that He will carry us, walk along side of us through this journey we call life until we join Him in Heaven. Always remember you are accepted, secure, and significant to God. Here's a few Psalms, bible verses and saying to reassure us that we are somebody.....GOD BLESS
1. Whatever area in your life that you are lacking, God is taking care of it. just be patient and have faith.
2. Satan knows what I want but God knows what I need!
3. God is preparing me for better days.
4. God has taken my soul out of corruption, sin, sorrow, and has restored and revived me.
5. God will give me peace and happiness no matter what storm I may be facing.
6. During difficult times you may think you have no friends but always remember the Lord is your Shepard and will comfort you.
7. Worried and overwelmed, man will fail you but God will teach and direct you in your ways
8.Transition out of the world and into the Kingdom of God.
9. The Good Shepard gave His life for His sheep.
10. I have victory cause Jesus Christ died for me!
A few Bible Verses to remind you, you are somebody
I am God's child...John1:12
I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me...1John5:18
I am God's workmanship....Ephesians2:10
I cannot be separated from the love of God....Romans8:35
I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me...Philippians4:13