I Believe or Maybe Not
Frog in Water
Lies and untruths
Do you believe it is ok to lie?
The Frog in Water
The frog can be cooked alive and it will never know until the last moments in its life. If the temperature is slowly risen, the frog will just set there, thinking nothing is wrong. This is the part of life of the humans that is most dangerous.
The humans can be told anything about enemies, the economy, the currencies, people, governments, the earth, space, the oceans, the volcanoes, the precious jewels, gold, silver, politicians or anything and most likely, would be believed.
Children are taught to believe Santa Clause, with lies and dishonesty when they are young. They are also taught to be deceitful with the tooth fairy, ghosts and Halloween. Even though these teachings seem so innocent, children taught to lie, will grow up in the same manner, with lies and dishonesty.
Are the humans guided by the elites, being cooked alive?
Earth is a Globe, Round, Flat or a Firmament
Do you believe you are brainwashed or programmed?
The technology age is upon the citizens of the world and it is greatly changing our thinking, our mind set and the way we live our lives. The media bombards the TV, radio, billboards, our cell phones and now, are airwaves.
Only 10 percent can think for themselves... the rest have to be told what to think.
Weak minded and uneducated individuals are easily persuaded to buy, to think and to act according to the peers, media and the broadcasts. Hitler used radio, speeches and pamphlets to bring about his agenda and goals. He also used IBM and Bayer to track and infiltrate his enemies. Hitler also used fluoride in the drinking water of the Jews that were being held in concentration camps to make the people docile and compliant.
This technology age also brings about new and known methods of brainwashing. Frequency transmission can bring about happiness and sadness as well as changing the complete thought patterns. Voices and mind programming can be produced with different frequencies.
Frequencies in the Delta range can produce deep sleep and hypnosis, the Theta range can produce deep relaxation, the Alpha range can produce positive thinking, the Low Beta range increases focus, the Mid-range Beta can increase the mental ability, the High Range Beta can increase alertness and Gamma increases processing.
There have been programs produced by the governments of the world to make people see what is not there, hear things that are not there and create "sleepers" that "awaken" to certain sounds or events to carry out an assigned task.
Style and Luxurious Living Wanted
Mkultra Control the Masses
Believe or Not
Do you believe what you are told ?
War and Rumors of War
Enemies and Perceived Enemies
All through history, war, battles and conflicts have and will happen. It comes down to the elite to which enemies are worthy to defeat or to go into battle. If research and actual history would reveal itself, most of the wars are because of the greed, corruption and greed of those in power. Those in power have to convince the citizens, people and governments to back the war efforts. If the citizens are behind the war efforts, then more attention, resources and money can be put toward the effort. Those in charge have deceived the top military brass and the citizens to achieve their directives. Some governments throughout history have even included the directions from God and gods to have a following of the people.
When looked back on the events, reasons for wars include the quest for power, for gold, silver, prestige, wealth, protection, directions from elites and revenge. Who pays for the wars does not seem to matter but to deceive that all is right and just.
What do you believe causes the most wars?
Risk and Death
Risk and Death
When it comes down to death, persecution and harassment, people have to know what is the truth, lies and half-truths. People also have to have knowledge, information and direction to make sound, solid decisions. The Bible gives information, history and direction but when others lead with what the people want to hear, then this is when a frog gets cooked alive in water. Look at those preachers who lead their flock in the direction of wealth, money and fame. Who is to gain, except those in charge and the leaders.
Many preachers lead their flock with what is called, "rapture" of the Christians. In these teachings, the Christians will not have to go through the tribulation, but be "taken out" of harm's way. The word, "rapture", is not in the Bible, nor is it referred to in the Bible. The teaching of the rapture came from a dream that Margret McDonald had, then the priest saw interest in this dream and published it because people want to believe the good part.
Another part of the preachers teach is that when a person dies, that person goes straight to heaven or hell. This part is not Biblical ether. Jesus even said of the dead that they know nothing and they sleep. He also said that they would be raised at the end, at the resurrection. Jesus said that when he goes, he will prepare a place for Christians and when He did, HE would come again for the Christians. How can a person be at a place that is not prepared yet.
Preachers are also teaching that no Christians will go through the tribulation period. The Bible plainly states that Christ will come AFTER the tribulation, that all these things have to take place BEFORE He comes back. Christians will have to die DURING the tribulation. The Bible also commands that Christians not to take the mark of the beast, not to bow to the beast or worship the beast. If the Christians are not going to be here, why give warning?
If a person would tell another person not to go into the ocean at Myrtle Beach because there are sharks lurking in the waves, why tell information about the sharks, if that person was not going to Myrtle Beach?
Do you believe in a Higher Power, like God?
Have you ever read about the Rapture of Christians in the Bible?
Tribulation Period
Do you believe Christians will have to go through the Great Tribulation?
No Gun, No resistance
No gun, no resistance
There is an all powerful entity that wants to disarm the people, around the globe. Those in power wants to keep their power. No matter what happens, the elite can not control those who can oppose and rise up against the powerful foe.
Hitler was one who confiscated guns for the reason of ultimate control. Information means control and with this comes power. To keep the power to the people, the United States formed the Constitution of the UNITED STATES which contained certain statements that would keep the citizens free. Freedom of Speech and Freedom to bear arms are two, but to be free, the people must be able to rise up and overthrow an evil and destructive government. Without guns, arms and ammunition, it would almost be impossible. To protect the rights of the citizens, the governments MUST not be able to infringe on any part of the Constitution of the United States, otherwise, people like Hitler and other dictators would rise again to conquer, kill, destroy and overtake.
Guns and personal protection
Do you believe that people have to have guns and arms to protect themselves?
Ruby Ridge
Ruby Ridge, WACO, OKC and the Twin Towers
Some things that take place in this world are false flags and some events take place to scare the citizens or to cover up other events. Ruby Ridge was one of those events. Most of Randy's family was slaughtered by federal agents on Ruby ridge. Randy was under investigation of having a sawed off shotgun, on which the federal agent set him up. Randy came to town each Friday to get his mail, but the federal agents descended on his property and killed his dog, his best friend then his son before Randy even knew anything was happening.
In Waco, the truth has never surfaced and maybe never will. When the government is supposed to protect the children and the citizens, but injects CS gas into the building and sets it on fire makes people wonder what really had to be covered up or maybe this was to put fear into the citizens' hearts. Plain and simple, place fear into the people, so that no one would dare cross the line.
The Oklahoma City bombing was supposed to be an assault from Tim McVeigh, who was supposed to have driven an U-haul truck filled with FGAN (farm grade ammonium nitrate) and fuel oil in front of the OKC federal building and ignited it. There are numerous problems with this. The RAW Feed from those reporting on the site reported that the VIN number from the vehicle came from a passenger van, not a truck, that there were 55 gallon drums of ammonium nitrate / fuel oil mixture which could not do much damage to the buildings, that federal agents did not report to work that day but was seen in the early morning hours with their FED agent jackets on, that the federal agents kept their children out of day care at the OKC building that day, that the federal agents stopped rescue efforts to remove bombs from the stairwells, that rescue efforts were stopped to remove top secret files, that reinforced concrete columns in the underground parking deck were blown apart, that the water and gas were cut off before the explosions, that two Mexican men pictures were plastered on TV after the explosions as being perpetrators and that cars right across the road from the explosions were still in the parking places and not moved. The whole front of the building was blown off and columns were exploded. What and who planted the explosives under the stairwells? What happened to McVeigh? Was his death fake? What kind of files were so important as to destroy the OKC and kill people?
The Twin Towers in New York came down and also building number 7. The truth will never come out totally. How did planes hit the buildings and make the buildings collapse? The pictures and videos that were taken at the time of the New York and the Pentagon show missing wings and tails of the planes. Reports surface that indicate there were no plane debris at the Pentagon, but a gaping hole that a missile would have made. The plane that went down in Pennsylvania had many questions also. People were supposed to have called with their cell phones to their love ones. Cell phones are just that, cell phones, which connect through cell towers. When 9/11 happened, there were very few cell towers from Pittsburgh to Scranton, Pa. so communication via cell tower would be virtually impossible. The place where the United Airlines Flight 93 9/11 was supposed to have gone down presented no airline debris, no wreckage and no bodies. The Pittsburgh Newspaper reported that the plane went down at "site R" at Raven Rock Mountain, which is a secret underground bunker and President Bush kept saying that Chaney was ok, that he was in an underground bunker.
Mass influence
No Wreckage, No bodies, No plane debris
Site "R"
- The story behind the gigantic, not-so-secret Pennsylvania bunker 'where nuclear war in the U
If President Trump were to unleash "fire and fury" on North Korea, he'd likely operated out of the Raven Rock Mountain Complex.
Ear Worms
Ear Worms
Do you have an "Ear Worm?. You might believe you do not, but maybe you do and do not know that you do. This is one of the brainwashing techniques that has been used to promote merchandise, make people remember and to dig deeper into people's minds.
The Ear Worm is a slogan or jingle that people can not seem to forget or to get out of their minds. The jingle or slogan repeats itself over and over, even after years, the ear worm keeps on ticking. Once you recognize what an ear worm is, you will realize that you are brainwashed and programmed.
Some of the ear worms from the past include:
"Just a dab will do you"
"Good to the last drop"
"Plop Plop Fizz Fizz"
"Where's the beef"
Some songs are along the same line of thought pattern. A song can be a person's mind and the song is remembered for years to come.
Music ear worms
- Stop the music! The science of 'earworms' and the 9 'stickiest' songs
There's a science-and-math reason why that Lady Gaga song won't get out of your head.
Ear Worms association with music
- Why Do Songs Get Stuck In Your Head, And How Can You Get Them Out? The Science Behind Earworms, Expl
Ever got a song stuck in your head, driving you mad for days or even weeks on end? I feel your frustration — and you're absolutely not alone. One survey revealed that 92 percent of us suffer from getting songs stuck in our heads, and it's an area of…