Ignostics of the World Unite!
Show Me The God!
First let me say I have complete respect for those who believe in a deity, nor do I deny the sincerity of their faith and its benefit to their daily lives. For me however, I have yet to be presented any evidence of a god or gods or any description of a deity which I could rationalize. Most attempts are very loose spiritual, ethereal concepts which theorize that none of "this" could exist without god. While those defenders of their faith offer to answer in the negative, I submit then, without your leap of faith, how do you know? Prove it... describe your god, tell me how and when and where god did all these things? And for that matter, where is this god that exists so we exist?
I have a far simpler explanation for all the philosophical arguments and theistic theories. Humans who believe in god do so because of fear. They fear the unknown so they create an all knowing, all encompassing "god" that provides the security of morals, ethics, and social conscience. Personally I think that from the days of the caveman, men grew and learned the concepts of morals, ethics, and social needs out of necessity and the same lessons are little different from the fundamental teachings of religious leaders today. This is not a bad thing. Most of the time it allows humanity to coexist albeit in different ways, depending on one's culture. However the world defines right and wrong, its better to have rules than total chaos, even if they are broken now and then.
So how did we get here? How was the earth and universe formed? What do we do now... what's our purpose? Nobody knows. In all the years of human existence no one has come forth with irrefutable proof of god, gods, superior beings, or any form of deity. It is said that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the simplest explanation is the answer. In the absence of any evidence at all, the simplest answer is that there is no god. As a gifted statesman once said, "You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts." We cannot discuss or argue characteristics of something which doesn't have any basis in fact without accepting the premise that it is possible for deities to exist.
You should be free to abide by any religious doctrine if it keeps you grounded, but its OK to feel the way I do as well. Ignostics are people too.
Worth Reading
- The Righteous Atheist
I see a lot of self-professed Christians here on hubpages announcing their righteousness, and proclaiming that they are putting on God's armour, in the fight against whomever it is their invisible...