In GOD's Eyes
In GOD’s Eyes
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers , the moon and the stars which you have ordained , what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you visit him. For you have made him a little lower than the angels and you have crowned him with glory and honor.”
Psalm 8 : 3 – 5
How vast is the universe ?
The sun around which the earth orbits is one of perhaps 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. There are perhaps about 40 billion galaxies in the still unfolding universe. Milky Way our galaxy is just one of them.
Thus the planet earth is just a dot in the whole universe. How much more what a man represents in the whole universe?
Considering the vastness of the universe, a certain man may be considered very insignificant. The existence of a man may be very negligible, but in the eyes of the powerful and loving God he is very valuable. Men are so precious in God’s eyes that He gave His only begotten Son to die for them, that they may inherit the gift of eternal life.
Man is much better than the “angels”. Fallen angels had not experienced God’s redemption , but fallen men are given grace to repent and return to God’s fold. Christ did not die for the angels but for men He did. It so awesome to experience God’s forgiveness and saving power. Thus we may say in God’s eyes man is the most valuable being in the universe.
In the Father’s heart , there is a very special place reserved for men. Knowing this if we truly love God we will also value our fellow men. We will also treat them with great consideration. We will also be merciful to them.
To the world, by its standard , we may find ourselves of very little worth considering its measurement of success. But we don’t have any reason to be downcast for in the Father’s eyes we worth far more than gold.
In God’s eyes, it does not matter whether we are an achiever or not, whether we are rich or poor , gorgeous or plain looking. We maybe nobody by the world’s standard , but a true believer whose walk is blameless is the apple of God’s eyes.
God loves us perfectly and unconditionally . We are loved even though we are not smart and successful . We are accepted for who we are we don’t have to strive to be somebody. God gave to us the best of heavens who is JesusChrist. He did not send an archangel, but His dearly loved Son. He could have send any other angel , but HE did not spare His very own Son for us. Christ calvary is the ultimate display of God’s love for us.
It does not matter anymore if the world will not give us recognition for all our contributions to human society, as long as we are living uprightly in the eyes of God , surely someday He will reward us. The most important then is not to be great by the world standard but to be considered worthy in God’s eyes.
Though the planet earth may appear very insignificant considering the vastness of the universe , but still it is the most beautiful of all the heavenly bodies for it houses God’s best masterpieces and also it is a showcase of God’s magnificent wisdom and lavish love.