Inspirational, Uplifting and Encouraging Bible Verses: A Christmas Story, Mary with child
But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:30-33
Christmas time again, with associated and I think appropriate verses coming through. Just pasted the above in to start on this week’s devotional, as I listen to vintage Eagles: “I can’t tell you why” from back in the day. Drinking my apple cider vinegar + cayenne pepper fountain of youth concoction as well, having a great time. Yummy.
In today’s verse we see Mary being informed of her unique and singular role. She would conceive, outside of usual physical means, and give birth to a child; a child who would be called both the Son of God and His fleshly embodiment: one in the same yet separate from God Himself, God in human form, the second leg of the trinity. A claim which, 33 years later, would lead to a blasphemy charge and land Him on a cross. All that according to scripture, quite a story.
And why would God feel a need to orchestrate something like that? I will reference scripture again for the answer. Here is the arrow flow diagram leading to that end:
Genesis --> all things created perfect, including the potential for a perfect relationship --> complicating factor, a genuine relationship requires willing choice by two parties, in turn requiring free will --> free will, statistically speaking, would require, at some point, a choice to oppose parental authority --> perfection becomes corrupt, the first sin --> compensation offered by God Himself would ensue --> in order to execute, He takes on flesh and assumes accountability for all transgression on man’s behalf --> this allowing for future restoration of the original perfect state; bridge severed and then rebuilt.
Specifically, the Christmas story would entail that describing Christ’s entry into the world; how He got here physically. I believe it to be true. Outside of that consideration, I still think it a magical and awesome story. Likely, in part, to a particular feeling I have, one which concludes we grew up during a golden age in what could be the greatest nation ever, with Christmas time often being the highlight during each of those wonder years. Years that, at times, seem to have passed me by. I could not hold on to them, I could not freeze the clock; didn’t even know how badly I would miss them 40 years later. There has to be a chance to reclaim that happiness, the type which can only be appreciated once it has passed; and I believe there is, with what will ensue when Christ returns:
“The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
Jacob’s descendants, does that not rule me out? Again, according to scripture, not by any means. Any and all can be grafted in; the tree had to be planted somewhere. I want in, and He tells me that will suffice.
This year, for the first time in many, I am really excited about Christmas. It has been a pretty rough year, but we got through it. Soon will have a week off from work, be able to sleep in, go running in the light of day, listen to music ……. etc. Christmas with my family will feel like it used to when I was a kid, and will be so appreciated.
Glenn Frey is finishing his lead solo, perfect timing. But I’m just going to play it again and again while I type my boy’s essay for him. Daddy is tired and it will take the kid eight years to type it, then I will have to correct it. So I’m just going to do it. He did the chicken scratch manuscript, that’s good enough for me.
Praise God and hope everyone has a good week.