Interpretations of the Hopi Prophecy
The substance of the more than 500 year old Hopi prophecies is pictured below
There are many ideas about the future and the Hopi have one of the most interesting prophecies
There has been plenty of speculation on prophecy, among them, the ones made by the Hopi Indians. If some of the indications are correct, they are not necessarily consecutive. However, in order for the change over from one “world” to another, all of them must be fulfilled. A similar observation can be made for Revelation. Sometimes, the prophecies unfold around the same time. What follows in the prophecies as transmitted to us to now.
“The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.” There is little doubt by now with global climate change and world wide economic politics that a great change is in the offing.
"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.” This was the beginning of the end according to this prophecy when Cortez and Pizarro started the genocide that was to end with the Indian Clearing Act of 1830 and ending in the “Trail of Tears” in 1870. First Nations have been clinging to life ever since. Of 500 treaties made over the same period of time in years, not one of them has been honoured. The thunder is a reference to European fire-arms. The initial rush to the “new world” was for gold, but that soon changed to “lebensraum”, growing space. We can date the first sign exactly to November of 1519, when Cortez brought down the mighty Aztec empire. By 1521, the Aztec empire had been scattered. Pizarro followed with the sacking of the Inca empire a few years later.
"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes, the white men bringing their families in waggons across the prairies." This is what the Indian Clearing Act was all about; clearing the land for settlers and ranchers. By the end of the 19th century, the lands were basically settled. Gold fever sped things up considerably as did wars for territory between the English, the Spanish and French.
"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes, the coming of the white men's cattle." Before the settlers came, ranchers set up in the same regions that bison once roamed in the hundreds of millions. Part of the Indian Clearing Act entailed the near extinction of the bison that were shot and left to rot, removing the main source of food and sheltering of the Plains Indians. Ranchers took over the land and even fought against agricultural settlers. This fact is depicted in many western movies.
"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron." The transcontinental steam railway was completed early in the 20th century and trains have been running ever since.
"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web." Telegraphy started the idea of wiring the nation which then progressed to power lines, telephone, cable and fibre optics. The new phenomenon is wireless technology pioneered by Tesla. Some see the next phase, “the web” as the internet that has criss-crossed the entire world.
"This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun." Rivers of stone are all the super highways. They are also heat traps and contribute to overall global warming. “Pictures in the sun” could be a reference to solar astronomy that observes solar changes like sunspots, coronal mass ejections (CME) and magnetic storms. It could also refer to global dimming as a result of all the pollution obscuring the sun. But the clincher lies in astrology when we consider what Jesus had to say. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:25 Thus, “pictures in the sun” are signs that presage and are concurrent with great changes on the earth and in human society.
"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it." There were oil spills and then there was the BP Gulf Oil Spill. At approximately 9:45 p.m. CDT on April 20, 2010, methane gas from the well under high pressure shot up and out of the drill column marine riser, expanded onto the platform, and then ignited and exploded. After this, everything went wrong. 11 people died and the oil rig eventually collapsed and broke the riser near the sea floor that started the most massive sea leak of oil in history, flowing at the rate of a million plus gallons a day. (1) Many smaller ones like the Exxon Valdes were precursors and warnings of things to come. The Gulf of Mexico had another leak a decade earlier close to the Mexican coast, but did not leak as much before it was stopped. Only one larger event exists so far and that is the 1991 Kuwait oil fires that were deliberately set, but these did not directly affect the oceans. The BP oil spill threatens the entire ecosystem of not only the Gulf of Mexico, but the entire Atlantic Ocean when it spills into the Gulf Stream. As of June 14th, 2010, some oil was seen off the east coast of Florida near Ft. Lauderdale. (2) Estimates about the spread to Europe based on June 14th, 2010, is for the beginning of the end by August 26th, 2010. If the oil was stopped now, the damage would take a century to recover. If not and it continues to leak, all the oceans would be ruined in a few years. This will totally eliminate all food sources from there and likely a huge loss of species both in the water and air. Oil will, as it has already, be lofted into the air to rain on the land and ruin things there too. According to Revelation 16:3, this is the 2nd vial being poured out into the sea during the apocalypse. If this is fulfilled to the letter, the extinction of life could exceed the Permian extinction event some 251.1 million years ago that was until now, the greatest single extinction of life on earth.
"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.” Hippies wore their hair long, but didn't last long, selling out to become yuppies in relatively short order. The genuine hippies lasted from 1960 (early) then in 1967 to 1971. Not very many joined the First Nations, adopting only native dress in some occasions and so thus was not a significant event in the given prophecy. Thus, the long hairs that join the natives are yet to come. With the destruction of the earth ongoing underworld imperialist capitalism, many people are now beginning to look at alternatives including a return to more traditional cultures closer to nature.
"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.” The International Space Station (ISS) will be abandoned, or perhaps struck and will fall to earth like a large impactor, It will likely disintegrate on re-entry. It is huge and weighs thousands of tons. Large pieces are likely to survive re-entry intact and cause cratering. There have been many space stations that have added to the confusion of this prophecy. However, it was not until the ISS, that this was conditioned to be fulfilled. The first of several space stations, the Skylab and the Soviet space stations have already fallen to earth. The Soviet Union launched the world’s first space station, the Salyut 1, on April 19, 1971. The world’s second space station, Salyut 2, launched in April of 1973. It had been in space less than two weeks when the engine suddenly exploded. This space station tumbled out of control and crashed to Earth in May of the same year. There were no cosmonauts on board at the time. The next space station was a secret military one called Cosmos 557. Its main job was to provide spy photos of the ground as it flew overhead. But before a crew got there, it too went out of control. It burned up in May of 1973. That same month, the United States launched its first space station. This was Skylab, an orbital workshop and science experimental facility for three people. To save money, NASA used leftover Saturn V Apollo boosters to launch their space station. The Saturn V’s were gigantic, so Skylab ended up three and a half times bigger than the Salyut. The United States abandoned Skylab in February 1974 and it fell to earth on July 11, 1979, burning up on re-entry and scattering over Australia. The Soviets launched Salyut 3in June of 1974, Salyut 4 in December 1974, and Salyut 5in June of 1976. Russians tried to break the American’s record of time in space, but technical problems kept them from it until Salyut 6. Salyut 7, launched in 1982, had lots of problems. They solved most of them, but, there was one problem they could not solve. The sun was in a cycle of increased activity and this caused the Earth’s atmosphere to get hotter and expanded. The upper atmosphere reached up far enough that it caused sufficient drag on Salyut 7cause it to slow and start to fall. The Soviets boosted it to a higher orbit with a large amount of fuel. After operating far longer than any previous station, it was abandoned in 1986. It fell to Earth over Argentina in 1991. The next space station was called Mir which translated, means ‘peace’ from the Russian. This space station was launched in February 1986. Unlike the previous Salyuts, it was designed for expansion. New modules were docked and moved to ports using a robot arm. Two modules were added to the Mir core before 1990, and four more by 1996. Improved engines were able to keep this biggest-ever station from being dragged down like the Salyuts. This capability plus continued use of supply ships allowed Mir cosmonauts to become the first humans ever to spend more than a year in orbit. (3) After this, the International Space Station (ISS) began to be assembled in 1998. The first two modules of the International Space Station were launched and joined together in orbit. Other modules soon followed and the first crew arrived in 2000 and it continues to this day (2010) taking on board, a wide variety of international astronauts. This is the one that then fulfils the conditions for the prediction.
"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro (earthquake storms). The white man will battle against other people in other lands with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying.” This is a pan-time prophecy summing up the period ending in the near genocide of the First Nations with disease and massive die off. The bison was nearly driven to extinction in a bid to genocide the First Nations. Little wonder that eugenics was developed to a science in North America, the theory of which was developed by Sir Francis Galton in Britian in 1883. Wars have already long been underway that fulfil this all over the world.