~Is "Giving" is a part of our Survival Instinct?~
Givers vs Takers?
This article taken from Born to Be Rich
The "Mystical Force" can be interpreted to mean "instincts given to us by God."
Let's list the basic laws of Nature we've touched upon so far:
1. Givers earn more than they consume (otherwise they would have nothing to give--their resources would deplete).
2. Givers sacrifice something each time they give.
3. Whatever is radiated outward is attracted back to the giver (intangibles).
Let's look at it Backwards
Let's examine the first universal law of giving in reverse, which would be: "To consume more than you give is to take." The Mystical Force (God) dictates to every person that he will want to acquire wealth in order to assure that his primeval sense of survival is met (see chapter on Mystical Force).
This is accomplished by either of two methods. The first is to earn the wealth in any manner possible like most of us do. The other method is to infringe upon the rights of others by simply taking from them. Methods for doing this include: accepting handouts from charities, accepting handouts from the government that were not earned, accepting handouts from any source, conning others out of their money, living off the efforts of others (moving in with Mom and Dad) and stealing.
Some of these methods are quite acceptable in our society, but the result from any of these activities is exactly the same. The individual is consuming more than he earns. If an entire society behaved in this manner, the society would eventually extinguish itself and cease to exist for the lack of worthwhile activity.
It is obviously the givers who support these individuals in order to maintain a modern society. Those who desire much more than they deserve, and resort to stealing and con games, are placed apart from our society in our prisons.
Are "Takers" at the Mercy of "Givers?"
Those who only desire to consume a little bit more than their share are not considered to be such a burden and are allowed to consume a small amount. Of course, the living standard of any individual in this position is very low and so is the quality of life. The taker is at the mercy of the giver because he is in a begging position and is allowed to accept only that which is given.
Should the giver find him in dire straits one day, the takers whom he supports will suffer greatly, so that the survival of the takers may not be assured. Clearly then, being in the shoes of a taker, dependent upon the generosity of others, is a most precarious position.
The Mystical Force of a taker is not really working rationally. His survival is at stake, since his importance as a contributing member of society is nil. It would be similar to being aboard a life raft with a dying crew and limited rations. It would eventually be determined that one of the crew would be selected and ejected from the raft.
Further proof that being a taker is a precarious position to be in is that the low quality of life offered by this approach threatens the survival of the offspring. The quality of the food, shelter, clothing, and medical attention might be so low as to bring the ancestral line to its end.
Current Update : Economic hardships are imposed upon many individuals who are forced into being takers, who would rather be givers if they had the opportunity. We live in a time where those fortuneate enough to be "Givers" are appreciated more than ever before.
We can learn from History
History has shown that a society that is overcrowded with takers will eventually wither and die. The once-great Roman Empire ruled the world for hundreds of years but eventually succumbed to takers who were overcome with greed. The outlying conquered countries became the givers who contributed taxes for the support of Rome. The citizens had nothing to do but roam the streets in support of various politicians who gave the largest handouts. The once-great empire became totally helpless, and the first conqueror who came along—Hannibal, and others--put the Romans back to work.
It is when the givers give up their endeavors, that the society will succumb to the takers in the same manner as the Roman Empire.
The USA is filled with "Givers."
The USA is the most genereous nation on Earth. We give more to the unfortunate than the rest of the world combined.
This article taken from Born to be Rich
Give and Take
Have you ever found yourself in a position where you were forced to be a "Taker/"
Do you consider your self to be...?
Governments can be Takers too! Rj Sings Politick'n
We can learn from History
History has shown that a society that is overcrowded with takers will eventually wither and die. The once-great Roman Empire ruled the world for hundreds of years but eventually succumbed to takers who were overcome with greed. The outlying conquered countries became the givers who contributed taxes for the support of Rome. The citizens had nothing to do but roam the streets in support of various politicians who gave the largest handouts. The once-great empire became totally helpless, and the first conqueror who came along—Hannibal, and others--put the Romans back to work.
It is when the givers give up their endeavors, that the society will succumb to the takers in the same manner as the Roman Empire.
The USA is filled with "Givers."
The USA is the most genereous nation on Earth. We give more to the unfortunate than the rest of the world combined.